Discussion in 'ORFFW' started by Chloe, Feb 1, 2022.

  1. Chloe

    Chloe Active Member

    Jan 22, 2021
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    Round Five is upon us and we’ve got 2 * top 4 clashes this week!!

    Kyoto Kruisers (2-2) vs Lagos Royals (1-3)
    ====> last time they met the Kruisers prevailed by 201
    The Kruisers have been up and down so far this season, and with the Royals on a losing streak both are looking to cement themselves as fierce competitors in the league.

    Lima Llamas (3-1) vs Vancouver Vixens (2-2)
    ===> last time they met Vancouver spanked the Llamas by 240
    After facing defeat for the first time this season the top team, Llamas, are hoping to show who’s top dog against the Vixens, who are also looking to finish their losing streak with a solid win.

    Las Vegas Legends (1-3) vs Korean Kickers (2-2)
    ===> last time they met Las Vegas won by 51
    After winning their first game last week, the blood of the Legends is pumping and they’re ready to take on the Kickers, who are aiming to extend their win streak to take on the top four.

    Stuttgart Storm (3-1) vs Canberra Conservatives (2-2)
    ===> last time they met Stuttgart won by 133
    The Storm are looking strong this season and will be aiming for the top position this week, but will the Conservatives be able to fix up their form and bring them down?

    @TheTassieHawk @CamCamMan88 @Peter W @dmandrews @hoschke118 @Pearcey47 @FreoDockers
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  2. TheTassieHawk

    TheTassieHawk SC fanatic Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    As per previous weeks we are providing an updated list of indicative AFLW alignments for coaches to draw upon in the event that a postponement is declared PRIOR TO 9pm FRIDAY NIGHT (Melb time), if that does not occur the alignment remains indicative only and no topups should be selected or named to play.

    Can all coaches please read this post and then like the post so that we know you have seen and undertstand the content.

    Where XX is the number of GWS players on a Premier League list impacted by a postponed game:-

    Llamas - @hoschke118 - Brisbane Free Agents Only (changed from NM in Round 2 and Rich in Round 3)


    The Llamas may select a maximum of XX Free Agents for a 4 day contract. The topups are free to be named anywhere onfield or on any of the emergency positions.

    Storm - TTH - Collingwood Free Agents only (WCE for Rounds 2 and 3, NM Round 4)

    The Storm may select a maximum of XX Free Agents for a 4 day contract. The topups are free to be named anywhere onfield or on any of the emergency positions.

    Kickers - @Chloe - Melbourne Free Agents only (unchanged from Round 3 and 4)


    The Kickers may select a maximum of XX Free Agents for a 4 day contract. The topups are free to be named anywhere onfield or on any of the emergency positions.

    Legends - @Pearcey47 - back to Suns Free Agents only (was Suns in Round 2, NM in Round 3 and Geel Round 4)


    The Legends side may select a maximum of XX Free Agents for a 4 day contract. The topups are free to be named anywhere onfield or on any of the emergency positions.

    Royals - @Peter W - Western Bulldogs Free Agents only (was Fremantle in Rounds 2 and 3 and WB in Round 4)


    The Royals side may select a maximum of XX Free Agents for a 4 day contract. The topups are free to be named anywhere onfield or on any of the emergency positions.

    Kruisers - @FreoDockers - RIC Free Agents only (GWS GWS from Rounds 2 to 4)


    The Kruisers may select a maximum of XX Free Agents for a 4 day contract. The topups are free to be named anywhere onfield or on any of the emergency positions.

    Vixens - @dmandrews - Carlton Free Agents only (StK Round 3, Carlton Round 4)


    The Vixens may select a maximum of XX Free Agents for a 4 day contract. The topups are free to be named anywhere onfield or on any of the emergency positions.

    Canberra - @CamCamMan88 - Adelaide Free Agents only (unchanged from Rounds 2 to 4)

    The Canberra* side may select a maximum of XX Free Agents for a 4 day contract. The topups are free to be named anywhere onfield or on any of the emergency positions.


    There no indicative topup alignments for the Friday night match - Geelong vs WCE, or the final Sunday match NM vs Freo

    The Storm switch from NM to COLL, while the Kruisers switch from GWS to RIchmond and the Legends from Geelong back to the Suns

    The Llamas, Kickers, Royals, Vixens, and Canberra have unchanged alignments.

    Please note that any AFLW postponements advised after 9pm on Friday night will not result in topups being accessed, this will be instead covered by "awarded scores" detailed later in the thread.

    Thanks TTH
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  3. TheTassieHawk

    TheTassieHawk SC fanatic Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    The Premier League topup process used in Rounds 3 and 4 continues.

    It remains a 1:1 replacement, for GWS players only, with only players ruled out for the 2022 season excluded from the calculation.

    Topup players can be selected from any postion and be named anywhere in the weekly squad of 18 that the coach prefers.

    If the postponed game is advised prior to Friday 9pm topups for that game apply, and if the postponed game involves 2 of the above Premier League aligned AFLW teams then the 2 Premier League teams involved must choose either North Melbourne or Fremantle as their updated AFLW alignment partner.

    If the postponed game is advised after Friday 9pm then topups for that game do not apply and instead an AWARDED SCORE will be allocated based on the players current 2022 average times a % scaling factor of 75%.

    Either 1 or 2 postponements in any given round will see the Premier League carry on for the week irrespective of when the postponements were advised, however if a 2nd postponement occurs please be sure to head to this thread and await further directions from either @FreoDockers or myself.

    If there are 3 postponements in any given round then the round will be cancelled and played in place of the currently scheduled Round 8 so that we maintain a full home and away round robin where very sides plays each other prior to the finals.

    As advised previously coaches are required to have familiarity with how the postponement topup system works and be more engaged throughout the early part of the weekend due to the potential COVID impacts as far as rolling team selections, HSP's and potential postponements at short notice than would otherwise be the case.

    Please ask questions as you need but most of all have FUN, enjoy the footy and DO NOT feel any pressure at all to prioritise the comp over real life which always comes first.

    At this stage I anticipate the Premier League topup system being pared back post expansion of lists to 23 players via the upcoming midseason draft on Tuesday 8th February, with a minimum of 3 "postponement" outs being required to trigger topups for rounds 6-10, and "postponement" topups not being 1:1.

    @FreoDockers and I will advise at the earliest possible time once final decisions are made about top processes for the post midseason draft period (ie Rounds 6 to 8) and Premier League Finals Series.
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  4. FreoDockers

    FreoDockers Administrator

    Jan 4, 2019
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    Prior to the commencement of Round 5 the Kruisers have made the decision to release INACTIVE player Kate Lutkins and wish her well in her ACL rehab. In her place we welcome Sarah Lampard, Melbourne.
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  5. TheTassieHawk

    TheTassieHawk SC fanatic Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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  6. hoschke118

    hoschke118 Active Member

    Jan 16, 2021
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    Can I ask, Is the tuesday game (WCE v STK) being included in this round? If so how do the WCE scores work given they're playing 2 games? Thanks!
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  7. TheTassieHawk

    TheTassieHawk SC fanatic Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    We will have 7 matches played this round, however (as with Round 4) no teams will be able to have a DGW.

    So Saint Kilda scores from Tuesday (their only match) will be counted but WCE scores from Tuesday (their 2nd match) will not.

    As such 13 clubs will play one Round 5 match, and GWS receives a bye. Topups for GWS players apply as per the posts above.

    Please note that the round locks out at 110pm on Sunday, so Tuesday teams will not be known at that time.
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  8. TheTassieHawk

    TheTassieHawk SC fanatic Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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  9. TheTassieHawk

    TheTassieHawk SC fanatic Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    The Storm have officially signed Collingwood duo Sarah Rowe and Aishling Sheridan on short term contracts, due to the absence of Alyce Parker and Georgia Garnett due to an AFLW postponement.
  10. hoschke118

    hoschke118 Active Member

    Jan 16, 2021
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    Lima Llamas
    DEF: Tarni White, Naomi Ferres, Eleanor Brown (Elle Bennetts)
    MID: Emily Bates, Emma Swanson, Jamie Stanton, Eliza McNamara (Jade Ellenger)
    RUC: Mim Strom (Vivien Saad)
    FOR: Kalinda Howarth, Gemma Houghton, Tahlia Hickie (Zimmorlei Farquharson)
    INT: Jasmine Garner, Sophie Conway( Chloe Scheer)

    Ellenger and Farquharson have been made temporary emergencies for the Lima Llamas.
    Last edited: Feb 5, 2022
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  11. TheTassieHawk

    TheTassieHawk SC fanatic Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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  12. TheTassieHawk

    TheTassieHawk SC fanatic Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    The Storm selection committee have named the side to take on the Conservatives @CamCamMan88 in our Round 5 matchup.

    There are 4 changes due to GWS receiving a Round 5 bye and return of players from HSP stints, and a left-fieldruck rotation
    • TLR replacing Watson
    • Sarah Rowe replaces the HSP stricken Alyce Parker
    • Brooke Lochland replaces fellow Brooke (Brown)
    • Gabby Newton replaces Anne Tighe
    Note that this team is subject to change, with Newton very proppy at Thursday night's training.

    Def = TLR, Sheriff, Koenen (Watson)
    Mid = Rowe, Lamb, Cann, Webster (T Brown)
    Fwd = Brooke Lochland, O’Dwyer, McEvoy (Sheridan)
    Ruck = Newton (L Pearce)
    IC = Riddell, Gavalas (Tighe)

    2nds - Egan, Georgostathis
    Injured/HSP - Parker

    postponed game topups -
    Sarah Rowe (Mid4), Aishling Sheridan (Fwd Emg)
  13. TheTassieHawk

    TheTassieHawk SC fanatic Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    At 3 Quarter time the visiting Canberra side have forged ahead by 123 points 10/655 to Stuttgart 9/532.

    @CamCamMan88 's side have SLT and E Jones playing right now with Lucy McEvoy battles solo for the Storm in a valiant attempt to keep her side in touch.

    The Storm then have Riddell and Gavalas against Aileen Gilroy in the Tassie Twilight match and will be looking to cut the lead and give Tilly Lucas Rodd a score she can try to chase down in the Tuesday night AFLW match to complete the round.
  14. TheTassieHawk

    TheTassieHawk SC fanatic Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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  15. FreoDockers

    FreoDockers Administrator

    Jan 4, 2019
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    The match between Lagos and Kyoto is drawing to a close and with one player from each team to take the field this afternoon it's going to be tight finish!

    Lagos has scored 646 so far with the Saints Cat Phillips to play. Mammoth score from Ebony Marinoff of 140 and a 101 from Lily Mithen has put the Royals within striking distance, however the Kruisers have moved to 684 with Hannah Priest to take the field this afternoon. Kruisers have been well supported by Maddy Prespakis 93 and Alison Drennan 90.

    Bring it on!
  16. walesy

    walesy Administrator Staff Member

    Nov 30, 2015
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    Roll over is done guys- I hope the afl don't keep it this interesting throughout the season :D
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  17. TheTassieHawk

    TheTassieHawk SC fanatic Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Winners this week were Lagos @Peter W by 1, Camberra @CamCamMan88 by 3, Las Vegas @Pearcey47 by 86 and Lima @hoschke118 by 89.

    Lima are now a game and Points Scored ahead on top, with Manildra and Canberra both 3-2 ahead of the 5 team chasing pack all at 2-3. Eight pointers galore are set to take place over the closing 3 weeks of the season, as the battle for the top 4 looks like going right to the wire.
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