Round 14 DEF: Ellis, Broad, Baker, Murphy (Gardner) MID: Amon, Acres, Pendles, Crisp (K-Mac) RUC: Briggs FWD: Williams, Close, Hill, KKP...
Round 13 Ararat vs Serengeti Jackson 64 vs Ballard 49 Blanchetown vs Eden O'Brien 107 vs Briggs 107 Cow Bay vs Coolgardie Williams 59 vs...
Round 13 DEF: Ellis, Broad, Baker, Williams (Gardner) MID: Amon, Acres, Pendles, Crisp (K-Mac) RUC: Briggs FWD: Dixon, Close, Hill, KKP (Cottrell)...
Out: Rich, Waterman, Henry, Byrne-Jones, Holman In: T. Atkins, G. Miers, N. Balta, B. Scott, L. Sholl
Actually, I see where the error is. Mason Cox got the 1. I was looking at the spreadsheet wrong :confused:
Thanks, edited now :)
Round 12 King Island vs Ararat Hickey 74 vs Jackson 30 Groote Eyelandt vs Korumburra Grundy 72 vs Goldstein 56 Carnamah vs Pakenham Darcy 125...
34 players, 6 rounds, 1 winner... Round 12: D. Williams (EW) 5 S. Mitchell (SOU) 4 N. Murphy (EW) 3 B. Fiorini (CIS) 2 M. Cox (SOU) 1 As much as...
Round 12 D. Wilmot (COW) 5 W. Ashcroft (CAR) 4 M. Wood (CAR) 3 J. Weddle (CAR) 2 R. Fox (CIS) 1 Fox DEF > Sheezel IC (FWD/DEF > MID > IC then low...
Duggan scores 116 Eden 1077 DEF: Ellis 57, L. Baker 50, Broad 118, D Williams 110 (Murray) MID: Amon 62, Acres 119, Pendles 75, Crisp 96 (Gardner)...
With just Duggan still to play, Eden lead Banchang 1077 to 1008. Can Duggan get 70?
Eden 9/698 Banchang 8/663
Eden 4/229 (Payne not having a very good debut) Banchang 1/26
Eden Whalers Round 12 team DEF: Ellis, L. Baker, Broad, D Williams (Murray) MID: Amon, Acres, Pendles, Crisp (Gardner) RUC: Briggs FWD: Dixon,...
DEF: Rich Mid: Short Ruck: Nankervis FWD: Daniher
Yeah, it just locked on me after putting in my team. I gotta move Cotrell off the bench as he's out this week
Eden Whalers Round 12 team DEF: Ellis, L. Baker, Broad, D Williams (Murray) MID: Amon, Acres, Pendles, Crisp (Cottrell) RUC: Briggs FWD: Dixon,...
Nathan Murphy @ron swanson
Oskar Baker @martyg
Oh wait, that's a C @ron swanson
Separate names with a comma.