I'll mid Wagga Wagga's 2nd round MSD.
Thanks mate but I'll pass.
Thanks mate. I don't think those picks make up for it though. I'll pass on that.
Not a bad offer either. But I guess it is going to be very hard to pass the reserve. It's certainly a good bid but just not blowing me away.
**Taking offers on Defenders** If anyone is in a need of defenders...taking offers on anyone and everyone, and in response I'd like forwards...
Can trading continue throughout the PSD or does it pause?
I don't mind this bid mate, they fit my quest for forwards but for me there's too many question marks over their scoring capabilities, and Martin...
Reseve not met. Very solid offers from Bandit and CR, Ant a bit off the mark. Wanting someone to knock my socks off.
Sure :thumbsu:
7th March 11:59pm, edited into original post.
For Auction: Clayton Oliver Auction ends: 7th March, 12:00pmAEDT. I don't think he needs much of an introduction. I will not set a reserve, as I...
Well he’s clearly not propelling the wombats to the finals, so happy to take all offers!
History of Wagga Wagga: Founded : 2013 2013 season: Ladder Position: 8th Best and Fairest: Brendon Goddard Finals: Eliminated first round 2014...
2018 Review: Ladder Position: 12th B&F Winner: Clayton Oliver Runner-up: James Sicily
Congratulations @Len very well deserved developing that team from a bunch of GWS youngsters to a premiership winning side, and commiserations...
I must have forgot to mention...that one was auctioned off for a cheap couple of million. I knew with the right desire I'd give myself a chance to...
All the best @Bandit on the massive game this week, the Zac Dawson cup would have to be my most treasured possession should it find its way into...
Thanks for the response Len. I guess I’ve always been one to think since it’s our own team, we surely can trade whichever way we see fit to...
Good job Len! Just in relation to 7.1; why do vetos exist then? I assume it is to stop coaches from potentially trading without the eye to benefit...
Separate names with a comma.