Hi Folks, I will delist: - Ben Paton - Harley Bennell - Shane Savage - Darcy Cameron - Orazio Fantasia - Liam Jones - Robbie Fox - Chris Mayne
I am in 10th and need to win to make finals. However, with 6 teams having a bye this week - it seems rather pointless playing. I would go with...
OK great, thanks
Is there a view on when teams will be unlocked for the new round starting tonight / results will be available for last round?
Looks like it's fixed @Len? Thanks @walesy I assume :)
Are my Carlton & Freo players meant to be locked?
Pick 77 - Matthew Kennedy (CAR)
Pick 59 - Robbie Fox
Pick 41 - David Astbury
Pick 23 - Ben Paton
Aidan Corr for Woy Pick #5
Woy Delist: Tom Scully Tim Obrien Lewis Taylor Zach Smith Jimmy Webster
So to get the ball rolling - can someone confirm the status of Nick Coffield? On the spreadsheet as a Free Agent but assigned to the Milikapati Snakes
Thanks for organising. We have had issues in the past relying on the TS Leagues ORFFL Free Agents list. Is this still the best source? Has...
Good to see I'm not the only team being unfairly handicapped :D
Chief, I've lost Harley Bennell again - where's he gone? :)
Thanks Chief
Is there a problem with emergencies again? Can only select 3 and I remember something similar previously
Chief, Harley Bennell appears to have disappeared from my ORFFL team - do you know why?
Separate names with a comma.