Out : J Newnes In : J Ceglar Bastow FC
Thanks Len, clearing the team seems to have fixed it. Much appreciated.
When i try and enter my team i have 2 emergency spots in my mids so can't enter a full team. @walesy can you please check this for me before this...
Had this guy on my list a couple of years ago, welcome back Cam Ellis-Yolmen (mid) Ade @Bearfly up next
Ben Jacobs NTH Melb
Jackrabbits also delist Daniel Wells So, Smith and Wells
Jackrabbits delist Josh Smith (Def) Coll
OK found it. OUT : M Murphy, H Hartlett, D Prestia, B Ellis IN : J Redden, A Brayshaw, C Ellis-Yolmen, J Ziebell
Where is the list of free agents ? Thanks
Have made a mess of my 2nd ruck this year, started with Kreuzer and dropped him after his round 1 injury. In came Goldstein and his up and down,...
1 lousy, stinking point in the TS cash league. Was just waiting for the scores to be adjusted in my favour but it never happened.
Pick 28 Robbie Tarrant - Def - Kangaroos @HOLKY
Paid my $50 Team name Zach A Ree FC 18
Pick 16 Jack Newnes - Mid - StK @HOLKY
Pick 4 Sam Menegola M/F Geelong @HOLKY
Bastow delist Liam Picken and Cyril Rioli Apologies for lateness
Rules the Jackrabbits out :p
Thanks for the detailed reply, looks like the Hawks picked up a couple of decent guys late in the draft with Moore and Worpel whom other teams...
Thanks Len, i appreciate the link to that website. I go into these drafts rather blindly (which explains my position on the ladder) and the...
I don't follow the draft as much as others but wonder where you get your information from on guys yet to play even a JLT game, are chosen 67 in...
Separate names with a comma.