Hey all. with adel, freo and melb having the bye I'm looking at munching 3 donuts this week in my FWD line. unless I trade, but I dont think I'Ii...
this week I'II be: out: selwood, swallow in: boyd, mitchell this week my mids look like: Ablett, Goddard (MPP switch), S Thompson(ADE),...
probably doing a double trade to bring in marc murphy
lower>talia darling>ROK
I was going to d swallow>murphy this week but have changed my mind and will do the upgrade in the FWD Darling>ROK. ROK is really due to shoot...
I'm gonna go d swallow > marc murphy this week I think, I like his style. gonna do a downgrade in the forward line to get the cash....was gonna...
I got 2456 this week which is my best score ever...couldve had over 2500 if I'd put the C on cox. couldve, wouldve, shouldve. supercoach is...
yeah i have j tip/petrie and z smith, sandi and cox. I was doing my trading plan, need 2 do 2 mid upgrades and 1 fwd...and I have plenty of...
I am still thinking about trading out Sandi for the cash and probably bringing him back in later. extra trade I know. just had a look at the...
<blockquote>im still having trouble with this, it says all the players as 'INS' for round 8 anything you can do about this walesy?</blockquote>...
matera > someone (already have mzungu), libba > gablett
how do you find out the tids??
i checked out one of my league opponents this week... in the ruck they have - sandi (inj) - Warnock (inj) - Hille (bye) - J Tippet (with no...
scott thompson vs brisbane....
sainterz....i reckon if you have enough cash I'd go harris > ablett. libbas price should rise quicker than harris would over the next few.
I think I'II Tapscott > mzungu this will get me a bit of cash and allow me to move fyfe into the fwd line
thats a smart plan Higgsy. nice one!!!
Next week I am planning on trading petrie. I currently have j. tippet so I can do the ruck/fwd swap. Anyway. I was wondering whether it...
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