They are also shown on the 2023 players tab of the imbeded draft book
If you go to the stats page here it shows last years avg
Pick one - Dragons select the "most complete draftee ever in the history of draftees" or something similar. Will Ashcroft @TerryinBangkok @JoshyC...
I think the 6am start has thrown him, given he posted at 7.54.. I'll pick for him if his time expires, it's not a difficult choice
Done, I'll sort out the inactive picks tonight
I think we let him delist it when he comes on mate, no-one he delists will be wanted in the first round unless someone is sucking the wrong sauce...
I've got Les' so he is sorted, just need port's and Josh's
Thanks mate, for any who had being eying the FA pool and noted Witherden there, I did also. But on a thorough search could see no means by which...
Avengers send Tom De Koning to the Power in exchange for Finn Callaghan and Luke Pedlar @MrsBear
Sorted, thanks
Higgins was deleted already mate, I cull all non-players at changeover, so you just added one
I'd hope we are passed that by then mate, if you have a good idea of whom you want with that first pick maybe give a name or two to Mike jic?
So by my count we need 7 from @Bearfly 2 from @walesy 7 from @Doobs 9 from @Lucas 3 from @thokash 1 from @portleschenault 1 from @Iain 8 from @JoshyC
It appears I've missed reading several memos, I like the late start though, and am taking it a step or two further in addicts :)
No worries mate, the sheets are updated and will be ready as delists are completed, we will probably have to have someone manage pl's team for...
I am reading the dates as giving us 4 days or so for the whole draft? [ATTACH] And trading through till round 2. Not sure on the time
Just need one more from Dunsborough, the Uglies will get there's in today also. Nice work folks :) And be honest @snoz only Ginnivan hurt :p
Separate names with a comma.