Thanks for the writeup, I'm going with Pendles VC. Although I'm tipping a bombers landslide so Watson could improve on that record I think....
I know I'm going to regret this... but apart from Bartel, I've missed last weeks and this weeks carnage. I'm worried.
Boekhurst, Durmont playing this week- could be more downgrade options than Krak coming up. I'd hold wells for now and downgrade
Lonie was cleared of any knee damage and is fit and available this week
What's the opposite of touching wood? Because I'd like to do that when it comes to Port getting a LTI. :)
Geary is worth a look at too- he'll play midfield just about all year
I havent looked at judd but I presume he and priddis are around the same price hence the question. All you need to do is ask yourself how did they...
Just musing over a couple of non-decisions i've made this year that i've been happy with. (anything to distract from another lamentable overall...
If he starts playing as a fulltime onballer he will be comfortably knocking out tons every week. Wins it inside and outside = SC gold. I'd be...
I've had this issue this week too. I've had the Looney Burger riding the pine since he went down... and playing that magnificent bastard Giles....
im in the same boat, but have no hesitation. Buddy out, Boomer Harvey in. Just last year he had his rear end handed to him by Clint Jones and...
hey jack, yep i sure did tank with the above inclusions and omissions. Week off this week and not interested in overall. Its all about sticking...
No, not a junkie- it's a dirty big TANK! So i've decided that in an attempt to lull my Supercoach PF opponent next week into a false sense of...
Separate names with a comma.