Pass the pineapple SKT, you're not alone. Hopefully our pain is out of the way early. Ah, what could have been if he had started in the square??
Hey guys, i copped the Parker going down. Just wondering what peoples thoughts are on his job security? I thought he was there in ROK position. When he returns, do you think Parker would be sub and cunningham not get a game? Or is Parker def in their best 22? Cheers.
Congratulations STK. First disaster story of the season and only one game down. Hope things get better for you for the rest of the round. If not, I'll have a little chuckle and hope karma isn't watching.
Parker injury is now re-categorized to test. Maybe not this week but who knows. Hopefully seems a fast healer and plays sooner rather than later. Tough cookie.
Yes with Parker and Old Mac now on the bench and my M6 as Ledger, things look a bit risky. Can you do some magic SKT and get Ledger on the ground this week. You could sure use him against the dangerous Suns.