2012 ruck options

Discussion in 'AFL' started by Knucklebusters, Jan 29, 2012.

  1. stkildathunda

    stkildathunda Moderator

    Jan 3, 2016
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    McDonald & Magner cant be used, as people using the 1-3 strategy are still running those two. Plus you'd be using Redden as your potential cash cow. It all depends where you use the extra $500K (difference between Mummy & Cox). Ive used extra $$$ in backline & forward line. It turns 2 rookies into premiums.

    As for Mummy outscoring Giles. Yea i guess he did, so you are 8 points up on those that played Giles at R2 instead of him so far. Now I wonder if my premium back & premium forward will outscore you extra rookies in fwd/back line by more then 8 points this week.... I reckon they will, and by quite a dramatic amount.

    Also who says you have to downgrade a player in that position to upgrade in that position? JMac/Magner will still be used to downgrade and the $$$$ will be used in mids, rucks or wherever I deem it fit at the time.

    People are trying to hard to justify not starting 1-3, especially after Giles/Mummy on weekend.
  2. grav

    grav Guest

    Great debate guys.
    Thanks to all on this site for the fantastic advise and counter opinions.

    I am now poised on the fence, waiting on the winds of lady luck to blow me to my fate.
    The indecision will likely mean many a sleepless night til full lockout.

    Agree that there is a fair amount of folly in the 0-1-3, and I am essentially taking a punt on Kreuzer going premium.
    The points gained in other lines just seem too tasty to ignore to get a jump on the pack.

    Are 600,000+ coaches called a pack?

    Maybe we need a poll on the collective noun for a "pack" of coaches.
  3. PieRaider

    PieRaider New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    The main advantage in 2-0-2 is peace of mind on a traditionally difficult line, for me anyway.

    A couple of years ago rookie ruckmen were the definition of spuds and I was rarely confident of their ability to cover for injuries.

    After the changes to ruck scoring I can set and forget Cox, Kreuzer, Giles and Redden.

    Two injuries to my ruckmen isn't disastrous to a 2-0-2 but may be to a 1-0-1.

    Insurance usually costs something and it doesn't worry me that a 1-0-1 may outscore me by a few points. I don't want to be relying on a rookie ruckman.
  4. Lancepm

    Lancepm New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    @JPK, thanks for that analysis, its a valuable insight into the thinking of a staunch 2-0-2 supporter.

    FWIW, I have downgraded Lake/Dempsey at D5 to Clarke/Bower, and upgraded McIntosh to Ryder. Unless Lake really does go bang, I don't see much expected loss, whereas Ryder has much more chance to become prem than McIntosh.

    My 0-2-2 strategy is now Ryder-Kreuzer-Giles-Redden. I do get your logic on how the 2-0-2 strategy beats a 1-0-3 in terms of upgrade/sacrifice differences, but I am not convinced at this stage that it trumps a 0-2-2. I have three pre defenders plus I took the punt on Malceski (yes I'm nervous). Plus I have four prem mids with only one genine rookie and (if you count Hurley and JRiewoldt) five prem forwards.

    If Ryder and Kreuzer hold their value, Redden and Giles should go moo at good times to help subsidise either a ruck upgrade (should only cost 100-150K by then) or upgrades in defence. If Redden goes bang, I make 100-150K in a month and upgrade Malceski or jump on a cheapish bolter. I could be slightly ahead by round 4-6.

    If Ryder or Kreuzer can become premium this seaaon - both a fair chance - then our rucks will score fairly equally and I have another 300K floating around the rest of the team to make upgrades there easier (or I start with one more prem).

    As you say, time will tell. Had Sandilands been fuly fit at 600K, we would not be having this discussion...
  5. Scupper

    Scupper New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Big $ spent on rucks this year can be better spent elsewhere I've gone for Hale/Giles, hale will play alot fwd even if bailey gets back he'll play everywhere, Hawks have probs with height, Roughheads gone you just dont come back from an achillies, wouldn't be suprised to Franklin rucked abit,the only other is Jacobs because of Adelaides draw.
  6. Thunda if you think you can upgrade two rookies to premiums on any lines for $500k between them you're dreaming
  7. Das Phoenix

    Das Phoenix Guest

    If your lucky enough to still have the option, then IMHO, and for many reasons, if going 0-2-2 then Kreuzer and Zac Smith are the prime choice closely followed by Naitanui and McIntosh ( requires Giles and Redden to have been cashed in for 2 of Derickx, Rowe or Witts who on current form should be playing by then, or one/both upgraded if neccessary by R11).

    P.S. @Thunda is there not far more choice of quality Mid premiums (or the new superstar) than there are Ruck premiums, and nearly all mid premos are expected to drop in price some significantly, Ipso facto, more chance of finding better premium upgrades in the Mids....just a thought.
  8. mjcdons

    mjcdons New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Anyone taking a punt on Maric for R2? I'm tossing up between him, McIntosh and Hale.

    Concerned about Hale's consistency and McIntosh competing with Goldstein. Maric is 1st Ruck at Richmond, but will he score more than a fit McIntosh or in form Hale.

    Who's the best bet to make some cash for an upgrade?
  9. hellsangel

    hellsangel New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    saint thunda is right

    you spend your cash where you want -

    im thinking a 0 0 4 strategy at the moment but will probably crack and go 1 0 3 and im using the cash in defence and midfield.

    for those thinking 0 1 3 what about jolly?
  10. The_Swert

    The_Swert Active Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    That sounds like a whole lot of midpricers! Ryder, Kreuzer, Malceski, Hurley, J Reiwoldt...Good luck with that. How many do you think will be keepers?
  11. cj

    cj New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    After some advice:

    I currently have mummy as R1 and trying to work out R2.
    Option 1: Sandi and def rookie
    Option 2: kreuzer and lake

    I currently have 3 def prems and 5 def rookies.
    The only mid pricer I have is dangerfield.

  12. Tango

    Tango New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    @cj, Option 2 for me. Too many injury clouds over 211. We all know how well he can score, but he's the most likely of the elite ruckman to miss games this year and I think Ross Lyon will be a lot smarter with his management. Going into the season off a calf injury probably hasn't helped his cause either. I'm also big on Kreuzer as a potential break out candidate.

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