2015 ORFFA Rising Star

Discussion in 'ORFFA' started by dmandrews, Apr 3, 2015.

  1. Len

    Len Cockburn Knightrider Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Fixed :)
  2. dmandrews

    dmandrews Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Les, it looks as though most of your Rising Star questions have been answered by the other ORFFA coaches, however I have listed the rising star methodology below in case anything was missed

    The eligibility for the ORFFA Rising Star award is the same as the AFL rules, a player must be: a) Under 21 years of age at January 1 of that year and b) Played less than 10 AFL games at the start of that season.

    The Rising Star votes were given on the basis of how players eligible for the ORFFA Rising Star award performed for their ORFFA club throughout the season. In the ORFFA Rising Star thread a spreadsheet was posted each round providing the following information for each player eligible for the Rising Star that played for their ORFFA club that round:

    *ORFFA score
    • TOG%

    • Score/TOG%

      For each player the following additional information was also listed:

      ORFFA club

      Supercoach position

      AFL club

      If a player was played out of position this was also noted in the spreadsheet. If a player was played out of position their score was half their supercoach score as it is in the ORFFA games.
    After the season ends a spreadsheet is sent providing the following stats for each player eligible for the ORFFA Rising Star that played at least one ORFFA game for the season.

    • ORFFA games played

    • Average score in ORFFA

    • Total points scored in ORFFA

    • Average TOG%

    • Score/TOG%

    We didn’t have a nomination process, any eligible player that was on an ORFFA list and played at least one game could receive a vote. There was a heavy weighting towards games played with the 2014 votes with most players having played at least nine games for their ORFFA club, Marcus Bontempelli was the exception with just six games played.

    At the conclusion of the season each ORFFA coach is asked to vote for the five best players eligible for the ORFFA Rising Star award on a 5,4,3,2,1 basis. A coach is unable to vote for a player from their ORFFA club. Voting is based on performances by Rising Stars for their ORFFA club. It was at each ORFFA coaches discretion how to award votes taking into consideration all the stats, playing position etc.

    Once we have got the ORFFA score and TOG% for each Rising Star eligible player each round it is easy to put it in a spreadsheet and do the rest.

    Let me know if you have got any questions.

    This weekend I will be able to complete the stats for the 2015 Rising Star Award, I will check these figures against what Les has in the leagues thread.
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  3. walesy

    walesy Administrator Staff Member

    Nov 30, 2015
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    Nice one mate, thank you. I'll look to get games played and tog into the printout then!
    • Like Like x 2
  4. dmandrews

    dmandrews Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I have included the 2015 Round 17 Rising Star scores in my spreadsheet and then compared my season totals to Les’ totals for the top 10 players on his leaderboard. To say there were mixed results in attempting to reconcile the figures would be an understatement.

    After seeing Les’ totals and trying to work back them I have been able to include several player scores that weren’t in my spreadsheet. The totals I have got for five of Les’ top 10 reconcile, another player is within four points, however there are still significant variances with four other players, I have got a theory on what may be causing these variances which I have told Les about.

    The 10th ranked player on Les’ leaderboard scored 440, I have got an additional four players that scored more than 440 that aren’t included on his leaderboard, another theory I have got would explain the absence of three of these players.

    Les and I have still got some work to do to get back to the same figures, hopefully we are able to achieve this and implement stats automation for the Rising Star Award in 2016.

    In order to continue having the Rising Star Award in 2016 and beyond I think we really need to get the stats automation working. I am going to be writing significantly more articles on sportsmen and sportswomen in 2016 than I did in 2015, so I know that I am not going to have the time to check each round what Rising Star scores are missing and then include the additional scores in a spreadsheet. Trying to get each coach to record their Rising Star scores each Round has not worked effectively and I don’t think it is practical to get one person to record the Rising Star scores for all 18 ORFFA clubs. I would like to see the Rising Star Award continue and if we are able to implement the stats automation I could continue doing some brief writing on the award each round and then an article on the Rising Star winner at the end of the season.

    I will continue doing some writing each round on the Les W Medal award in 2016, the stats automation has worked well for that award, resulting in only a couple of variances although one was significant which I need to look at. The results for the top three of the 2015 Les W Medal remains unchanged with Todd Goldstein winning on 47 votes from Dangerfield on 39 and Fyfe on 36.
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  5. anthak

    anthak Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    hey mate, good work on all of this.
    I thought that if coaches didn't post the scores of their rising stars that the missing scores wouldn't be considered for the award. It shouldn't have had to fall back onto you.

    Anyway, the automation would be great. And I hope we can get it sorted because I look forward to your reviews and vote coordination etc.
  6. Len

    Len Cockburn Knightrider Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Happy for you and Les to work out the kinks and get back to us on anything controversial..
  7. dmandrews

    dmandrews Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Stats for the 2015 ORFFA Rising Star award

    I have added the missing TOG% and after a massive wait the 2015 ORFFA Rising Star stats are now ready for your perusal to enable you to submit your votes for the 2015 Rising Star Award. Attached below is a spreadsheet with five tables of 2015 ORFFA Rising Star stats, the first table provides information for all 54 Rising Star eligible players that played at least one game in the ORFFA during 2016. The next four tables rank the ORFFA Rising stars by average score, total points, games played and average score/average TOG.

    Voting is the same as for the 2014 season - each coach votes on who they think were the five best ORFFA Rising Stars of the season, awarding five votes to the best player, down to one vote for the fifth best player. Coaches are unable to vote for players from their ORFFA club. Please send me a message with your votes by 28 May and I will tally them up, announce the winner and post an article in this thread on the player that wins the 2015 ORFFA Rising Star award.

    Fellow ORFFA coaches let me know if you have any questions.

    Attached Files:

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  8. Bandit

    Bandit Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Votes submitted mate, great job with this, well done
    • Like Like x 1
  9. snoz

    snoz Moderator

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Only 8 RS eligible players played in double digit games for ORFFA ?
  10. Len

    Len Cockburn Knightrider Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I totally read this as "don't you think Ross Lyon is a F'wit?"
    For the record, I nodded
    • Like Like x 2
  11. snoz

    snoz Moderator

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I totally read this as how the hell do I come up with 5 players to nominate if I cant use any Hoppers.
    • Like Like x 1
  12. dmandrews

    dmandrews Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    The number of Rising Star players that played 10 games or more for their ORFFA club has reduced from 11 in 2014 to 8 in 2015.

    Some Rising Star stats for 2014 and 2015 are below:

    2014 2015

    Total Games 291 251

    Total score 17,464 15,195

    Average 60.0 60.5

    Players 47 54

    Total RS points per round 1,027.3 949.7
    • Like Like x 1
  13. snoz

    snoz Moderator

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Thanks DM.......The Hoppers plan to concentrate only on RS players seeming to be a solo ORFFA effort if this trend continues.
    • Like Like x 1
  14. Len

    Len Cockburn Knightrider Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I blame Ross, I picked them, prick wouldn't play them
  15. dmandrews

    dmandrews Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Thanks to the ORFFA coaches who have submitted their votes for the 2015 ORFFA Rising Star award. The remaining coaches have until 11pm Saturday 2nd July to submit their votes. I will post the article on the winner in this thread on 3 July 2016. So far 10 Rising Stars have received votes and we have a run-away leader.

    I have re-posted the voting process below. Later this week I will send PM's to the coaches who haven't submitted their votes.

    Stats for the 2015 ORFFA Rising Star award

    I have added the missing TOG% and after a massive wait the 2015 ORFFA Rising Star stats are now ready for your perusal to enable you to submit your votes for the 2015 Rising Star Award. Attached below is a spreadsheet with five tables of 2015 ORFFA Rising Star stats, the first table provides information for all 54 Rising Star eligible players that played at least one game in the ORFFA during 2016. The next four tables rank the ORFFA Rising stars by average score, total points, games played and average score/average TOG.

    Voting is the same as for the 2014 season - each coach votes on who they think were the five best ORFFA Rising Stars of the season, awarding five votes to the best player, down to one vote for the fifth best player. Coaches are unable to vote for players from their ORFFA club. Please send me a message with your votes by 28 May and I will tally them up, announce the winner and post an article in this thread on the player that wins the 2015 ORFFA Rising Star award.

    Fellow ORFFA coaches let me know if you have any questions.

    Attached Files:

    Read more at http://tooserious.net/forum/threads/2015-orffa-rising-star.83772/page-9#TPzskv0ewBatrEoz.99
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  16. dmandrews

    dmandrews Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Thanks to all the ORFFA coaches who submitted their 5,4,3,2,1 votes for the 2015 ORFFA Rising Star award and thanks everyone for your patience in getting the 2015 award winners up to date. Below is the post celebrating Gundagai Grasshoppers Patrick Cripps winning the 2015 ORFFA Rising Star Award.

    Patrick Cripps – 2015 ORFFA Rising Star Award winner – Part 1

    Gundagai Grasshoppers midfielder Patrick Cripps has convincingly won the 2015 ORFFA Rising Star award, polling 57 votes to finish 23 votes ahead of runner-up – Lovely Banks Lilacs defender/midfielder Adam Saad, with Venus Bay Vultures key forward Jesse Hogan finishing in third place on 29 votes and fellow Hoppers midfielder Angus Brayshaw polling 27 votes to finish in fourth place. From the 13 coaches that submitted their 5,4,3,2,1 votes in the ORFFA Rising Star award Cripps received the five votes from 10 of a possible 12 coaches – ORFFA coaches were not permitted to vote for players from their own club. The maximum votes that Cripps was eligible to receive from the coaches that voted was 60 meaning that the superb inside midfielder’s achievement of polling 57 votes – equating to 95% of his maximum tally has set an extremely high ORFFA Rising Stars benchmark that is likely to stand for many seasons.

    Underlining just how dominant Cripps was amongst the 2015 ORFFA Rising Star class, he was ranked:

    - First for total points with 1,326 - 266 points ahead of the second ranked player, Grasshoppers team-mate Angus Brayshaw.

    - First for points per game (with at least five games played) with 94.7, 20.6% more than the second ranked player - Adam Saad with 78.6. Whitsunday Warriors defender Harris Andrews had an identical average to Cripps of 94.7 but only played three games in the ORFFA.

    - First for average score divided by time on ground% with a ratio of 1.2, 20% more than the second ranked player (with at least five games played) – Lovely Banks Lilacs midfielder Billy Hartung.

    - Second for games played with 14, behind Angus Brayshaw with 16

    Just over two thirds of the 10 players that received votes in the 2015 ORFFA Rising Star were from two clubs that were in a rebuilding phase and finished in the last two positions on the ladder – Lovely Banks Lilacs (17th place) with four players and the Gundagai Grasshoppers (18th place) with three players. Gundagai’s third vote recipient after Cripps and Brayshaw was tall forward Cameron McCarthy who polled three votes to finish ninth. Saad who received the five votes from two coaches was joined on the ORFFA Rising Stars leaderboard by two Lovely Banks team-mates – midfielder Billy Hartung in sixth place with nine votes, and midfielders Isaac Heeney and Darcy Lang with four and two votes respectively.

    The three vote-getters that weren’t from Gundagi or Lovely Banks were Venus Bay forward Hogan in third place and the top ranked forward, Charlie’s Opening defender Jackson Thurlow in fifth place with 19 votes and midfielder Martin Gleeson with seven votes to finish seventh. Gleeson had the distinction of playing for two different ORFFA clubs during 2015 – Waikikamoocow up until the mid-season break and Darraweit Guim after the mid-season break.

    Adam Saad played 11 games for Lovely Banks scoring a total of 860 points – ranked third, he averaged 86% game-time and 78.6 points per game. Jesse Hogan joined Cripps in being the only two players to receive a vote from every coach that was eligible to vote for them. Key forward Hogan received the 5 votes from one coach, played 10 games for the Vultures, scoring 734 points at 73.4 per game, he averaged 92% game-time. Angus Brayshaw became the second player in the two-year history of the Rising Star award to play every game for the season (joining Lewis Taylor), the Hoppers midfielder scored 1,060 points in his 16 games at 66.3 points per game and averaged 71% game-time. Jackson Thurlow received votes from 10 of the 12 coaches that were eligible to vote for him, receiving the 1 vote five times. Charlie’s Opening defender/midfielder Thurlow scored 783 points at 73.2 points per game in his 11 games, averaging 84% game-time.
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  17. dmandrews

    dmandrews Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Patrick Cripps – 2015 ORFFA Rising Star Award winner – Part 2

    Playing as an inside midfielder for Western Australia at the 2013 under 18 National Championships Cripps was rewarded for his superb performances with selection on the interchange of the under 18 All-Australian team. Cripps at 190 centimetres and 90 kilograms was the epitome of a big-bodied midfielder at the championships “ranking third of all players for clearances won per game and recorded a contested possession rate of 62.5% - the highest of any midfielder to play all five games.”1 Whilst Cripps had a size advantage over his fellow junior midfielders in 2013 it hadn’t always been the case as Patrick grew approximately 18 centimetres as a 16 year-old and didn’t represent Western Australia at junior level until he turned 18 in 2013.

    Cripps’ outstanding Under 18 National Championships in 2013 propelled him into draft calculations for the 2014 ORFFA pre-season draft and he was selected at pick 30 by the Larrikin Lagoon Lefties. A broken leg hampered his 2014 season, with the loss of match conditioning contributing to him being restricted to games for the Lefties state-league side

    The Grasshoppers recruiting staff worked into a frenzy during the 2015 pre-season with their trade activity targeting the best young talent to such an extent that Gundagai coach Simon commented “The rebuild went into Fitzy like overdrive. In fact, I may have taught the young pup a thing or two....” Patrick Cripps was one of the many arrivals at the Grasshoppers during this period, being acquired along with 2015 PSD picks 15 and 33 from the Larrikin Lagoon Lefties in exchange for Sam Mitchell, 2015 PSD pick 11 and the Lefties 2nd Round 2015 MSD pick. It proved to be a win-win trade with Cripps well and truly exceeding everyone’s expectations during his first season at the Grasshoppers to be a run-away winner of the 2015 ORFFA Rising Star Award whilst Sam Mitchell played a key role in Larrikin Lagoon rising from second last on the ladder in 2014 to premiers in 2015.

    Cripps played 14 of a possible 16 games in the ORFFA for the Hoppers in 2015, being a late withdrawal in Round 2 with a back injury and a late withdrawal in Round 7 with a calf injury. Patrick was the second inside midfielder to win the ORFFA Rising Star Award, joining Marble Bars’ Luke Dunstan who won the inaugural award in 2014.

    Cripps played his first game for the Grasshoppers in Round 1 2015 a fortnight after his 20th birthday on 18 March. By the time he made his Hoppers debut Cripps had grown to be 194 centimetres tall. In Round 4 Cripps scored a massive 172 points for Gundagai against Mount Beauty to be the catalyst for the Hoppers upset 52 point victory and earn a much deserved 5 Les W medal votes ahead of team-mate Jake Stringer and Mount Beauty’s Hamish Hartlett each with 128 points. Cripps smashed the record for the highest score by an ORFFA Rising Star in a single match, surpassing James Aish's 144 in Round 6 2014. In his match winning performance against Mount Beauty Cripps had eight kicks, 25 handballs, 11 tackles, four marks, eight clearances, 23 contested possessions, kicked a goal, and had a disposal efficiency of 66%.

    In his 14 games for the Gundagai Grasshoppers in 2015 Cripps averaged 7.7 kicks, 15.3 handballs, 3.1 marks, 0.3 goals, 4.6 tackles, 13.9 contested possessions and 94.7 supercoach points per game. For a 20 year-old with very little experience Cripps was remarkably consistent, only scoring below 65 points once – in the opening round with 53. Cripps scored more than 90 points seven times, including the last three games of the season.

    Cripps finished fourth in the Gundagai Grasshoppers 2015 best and fairest with 28 votes, behind midfielders Lachie Neale (43 votes) and Tom Rockliff (34) and ruckman Brodie Grundy (29). After Cripps was announced as the winner of the 2015 ORFFA Rising Star award his Gundagai Grasshoppers coach Simon commented that “He has probably never been as thrilled with a Carlscum player ever in his life. Mr Cripps - we salute you......time for his fellow Grasshoppers to step up to the lofty heights of young Patrick.”

    During 2014 both ORFFA Award winners – Les W medallist Callan Ward and Rising Star award winner Luke Dunstan played for the same club, the Marble Bar Misfits. The 2015 ORFFA award winners also have something in common – having joined new clubs in the pre-season before their award winning season. With 2015 Les W medallist Todd Goldstein having been traded from Iron Knob to the Larrikin Lagoon Lefties and 2015 ORFFA Rising Star winner Cripps was traded by the Lefties to the Gundagai Grasshoppers, with both Goldstein and Cripps relishing playing for their new clubs. There has been no comment made on whether Cripps being a right-footer was a contributing factor in the Lefties trading him.

    At the 2015 Les W medal Crips polled eight votes, receiving votes in three games, being best afield in Round 4, polling two votes in Round 15 and one vote in Round 17. With maturity and strength beyond his years Cripps ranked in the top 15 of the entire ORFFA for contested possessions and clearances during the 2015 home and away season.

    The comment in Cripps’ profile in the ORFFA* Prospectus 2016 highlighted just how impressive his breakout 2015 season had been, saying “As an inside midfielder, Cripps rated elite for contested possessions, clearances, and groundball-gets, with the third-highest contested possession rate of the top-100 midfielders he ranked fifth for hardball gets in the ORFFA*.”2 With his ability to read the play, win clearances and contested possessions and feed the ball out to team-mates with quick-hands and accurate handpassing Patrick Cripps is destined to play a critical role in the Gundagai Grasshoppers rise up the ORFFA ladder in the next few seasons and is a much deserved and convincing winner of the 2015 ORFFA Rising Star award.

    1 Champion Data, ORFFA* Prospectus – the essential number-cruncher for season 2014, 9th Edition, page 72

    2 Champion Data, ORFFA* Prospectus – the essential number-cruncher for season 2016, 11th Edition, page 73

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  18. dmandrews

    dmandrews Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    ORFFA 2015 Rising Star Award vote-getters

    Votes Name ORFFA Club Position

    57 Patrick Cripps Gundagai Grasshoppers M
    34 Adam Saad Lovely Banks Lilacs D/M
    29 Jesse Hogan Venus Bay Vultures F
    27 Angus Brayshaw Gundagai Grasshoppers M
    19 Jackson Thurlow Charlie's Opening D/M
    9 Billy Hartung Lovely Banks Lilacs M
    7 Martin Gleeson Waikikamoocow/Darraweit M
    4 Isaac Heeney Lovely Banks Lilacs M
    3 Cameron McCarthy Gundagai Grasshoppers F
    2 Darcy Lang Lovely Banks Lilacs M
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  19. Len

    Len Cockburn Knightrider Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Great stuff @dmandrews as always, was an in depth and interesting reminder of just how dominant he was last year!
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  20. anthak

    anthak Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Very deserving winner.
    I say that even though i was one of the only ones not giving him 5 votes. I think anyway...

    Great stuff Dean :) thanks for doing this, it was great to read
    • Like Like x 2

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