2016 RMT Mega - thread

Discussion in 'RMT' started by walesy, Jan 11, 2016.

  1. walesy

    walesy Administrator Staff Member

    Nov 30, 2015
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    So, had a little time up my sleeve today and decided to put together my very first, terribly un-refined first draft.

    Alex Rance, Rory Laird, Kade Kolodjashnij, James Aish, Ciaran Byrne, Joshua Wagner
    Mitch W. Brown, Michael Hartley

    Rance, Laird and KK I expect to be at the pointy end next year, Aish should do well as a mid-pricer, while the 4 rookies are place holders as much as anything.

    Scott Pendlebury, Dan Hannebery, Dayne Beams, Rory Sloane, Andrew Gaff, Tom Rockliff, Darcy Parish, Jack Trengove
    Jake Barrett, Nathan Freeman, Dean Gore

    Pendles, Hanners, Beamers, Sloaners, Gaffers and Rocky...ers. Big money, big prizes. I love it.

    I reckon the lack of Fyfe and Ablett though will be the biggest Pod in that line up.

    Parish, cause he's the token high-priced mid, Trengove is well injured, but priced right for a place holder, while Jake "scored a million points in the magoo's last year" Barrett, Nathan "Mah leg" Freeman and Dean "that guy in the Dangerfield trade" Gore are holding place.

    Todd Goldstein, Mark Blicavs
    Luke Lowden

    Goldie! Wooo!. Blicavs- I'm not sure on- will he benefit from the lack of rotations next year?

    Lowden is a cheap F/R holder (who can still be made cheaper if I want to free up the $20k)

    Chad Wingard, Toby Greene, Matthew Leuenberger, Jed Anderson, Wayne Milera, Sam Kerridge
    Paul Ahern, Christian Petracca

    Not much spent in the forward line this year, but that'll likely change depending on the Midfield rooks. An extra one presents, and suddenly Beams down makes Leuen and Anderson are at the pointy end.

    Still, I reckon those two pose a bit of value. Wingard I like, Greene not so much, but he was last picked with the $$ (and time) available. :D

    So- who's on your list this early in the piece?
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  2. walesy

    walesy Administrator Staff Member

    Nov 30, 2015
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    Mental note: Get Libba in there.
  3. Len

    Len Cockburn Knightrider Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    That seems a good plan..
    I'm not convinced on Green for SC, and I usually don't take a lot of convincing on Giants, I think he is fully priced.
  4. Len

    Len Cockburn Knightrider Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    This is mine at the moment, has lasted almost 2 days.

    TEAM NAME: GnR Misfits
    DEF: T. McDonald, R. Laird, D. Rich, Z. Williams, C. Byrne, S. Durdin (H. Wigg, B. Rice)
    MID: G. Ablett jnr, A. Treloar, C. Ward, T. Mitchell, T. Rockliff, T. Liberatore, C. Ellis, S. Kerridge (C. Petracca, B. Keays, L. Partington)
    RUC: S. Mumford, M. Blicavs (S. Naismith)
    FWD: L. Montagna, D. Zorko, L. Dahlhaus, J. Anderson, J. Lamb, P. Ahern (M. Brown, S. Yarran)
    CASH LEFT: $6,600

    Gambles on Lamb who could become Rose or a cheaper rookie if they become apparent and on Mummy playing the first dozen or so games at least, if I can free up cash Simpson would become an ideal foil but at 256k he is horribly priced so probably better to plan for the trade
    I think Williams is very likely to go bang this year.

    Never sold on starting with GAJ but if ever there is a year to pay the full price it feels like this one
    Rookies are who I like this far out, though the on and off field setup is the planner not me

    A big issue is no cash, relying on the rookie gods there, or a change in the mids from Ablett to Sloane whom I'd like to have in.
  5. walesy

    walesy Administrator Staff Member

    Nov 30, 2015
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    What happened to Greene this year? He seems to have a ridiculous Std Deviation.

    in 2012, Greene averaged 28 touches. (94SC)
    In 2013, he averaged 22 touches. (73SC)
    In 2014, he averaged 28 touches. (102SC)
    In 2015, he averaged 22 touches. (82SC)

    Now, I'm no rocket surgeon, but I know a pattern when I see it! :D
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  6. walesy

    walesy Administrator Staff Member

    Nov 30, 2015
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    GaJ is going to be a big point this year. Think I might need the missus to put in a "with Gaz" team. :D

    Mummy is a definite risk- I think I've rolled the dice with him the last two years running- and probably would have been better off avoiding.
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  7. Len

    Len Cockburn Knightrider Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    He spent a lot of time fwd, thus the drop in possessions, his DE didn't improve so his effective possessions dropped about 18%.
    He didn't improve his tackle rate, managed less than a goal per game.
    His clanger count remained virtually unchanged and his game time dropped by around 5%.

    I don't see him taking Treloar's role, I think he will play a similar role again this year, but under more pressure to keep his spot, we have Ahern and Pickett who need and will get game time.
    Whilst he is clearly still an important player I see Steele, Barrett, Hopper & Kennedy pushing him out of the inside mid group.

    Of course, he could average 130, but pre NAB that's my thinking
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  8. princeofmugs

    princeofmugs Moderator

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I like the look of the Misfits. Blicavs is an interesting one, I had him for 80% of last year and he was pretty bloody solid. Not going that way this year tho.. Greene I am also taking the plunge on this year, I feel like there's too much potential there to overlook, just hope he doesn't get drunk in a carpark again.

    OK, this is my 3rd or 4th draft team so far and obv won't be the last revision, but I'm feeling ok about the structure - which is MIDPRICE BARGAINS GALORE - when did that ever burn anyone before, right? Rookies are placeholders as much as anything until NAB.

    D: Yeo, Rich, B Smith, C Yarran, N Malceski, E Mackenzi (Brown, Adams)
    M: Ablett, Sloane, Rocky, Libba, Wines, O'Meara, B Crouch, J Trengrove (Petrecca, Freeman, Keays)
    R: Mummy, Martin (Cox or other R/F)
    F: Dahlhaus, Greene, A Walker, D Menzel, Leuey, C Curnow (Kerridge, S Yarran)

    So, is Yarran too dodgy, is Yeo a one hit wonder, is Walker too old,....?
  9. princeofmugs

    princeofmugs Moderator

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I think I've already changed my mind about Yarran.
  10. Len

    Len Cockburn Knightrider Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    You're not risk averse, no wonder you like my motley attempt :)

    I think the big issue for me is the strat tbh, let's say every mid-pricer is a 50% chance to go boom and you have 8/10 depending on how you read them, the mathmatical chance of you getting 5 of them right is just over 3%, that feels optimistic, even for me..
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  11. bmutton

    bmutton New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    My first post, so I thought that I'd throw in my first draft for comment. Players in brackets are mostly just names at the moment!

    Def: Rance, Docherty, Yeo, Suckling, Lever, [Hartley, Wagner & Bonner].
    Mids: Gaz, Treloar, Rocky, Wines, Libba, O'Meara, [Parish, Gresham, Gore, Cuningham, Beech].
    Rucks: Jacobs, Luenberger, [Wyatt]
    Fwd: Lids, Montagna, Higgins, Hogan, Thomas, [Petracca, Eades, Gallucci]

    $60k in the bank!
    Go your hardest!
  12. Len

    Len Cockburn Knightrider Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Mids look good, rucks look good.
    Fwd, Higgins is an intersting pick, not one I've seen in many teams and Thomas is bleh for me
    Def is almost a line of PODs if they all come off you're a genius :)
  13. walesy

    walesy Administrator Staff Member

    Nov 30, 2015
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    Man, I sat down to tweak my squad today, but all I kept getting stuck on was the Bombers.

    I spose the top-enders and breakout contenders wont necessarily change, but there is going to be so much value in that team, you'll need to structure your squad around it.
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