2016 TS Masters Series Grand Final

Discussion in 'Blog' started by TheTassieHawk, Jul 20, 2016.

By TheTassieHawk on Jul 20, 2016 at 1:45 PM
  1. TheTassieHawk

    TheTassieHawk SC fanatic Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    draw for week 4 - 2016 TS Masters Series Grand Final (Round 22)

    Match 15 - SF Bulls (@tyze1 – ranked 836) vs TrigaGotzNoHeartFC (@Mick – ranked 2027)

    2 of the ORFFU crew face off in the Masters Series Grand Final, if I recall correctly this is Tyze1’s 2nd time in the decider after a runners up effort in 2013. Good luck fellas !!


    In 2013 we started the TS Masters Series as a midseason knockout competition

    In 2014 we also held the TS Challenge, TS Shield and TS Plate and changed the Masters Series to the best 32 teams on the site towards the end of the year.

    In 2015 @TopHeavy took out the 2015 TS Shield while @BlueSteele took out the 2015 TS Masters Series (run on a 24 team 5 week knockout format).

    In 2016 the Masters Series is back !! Unfortunately due to time constraints we won't hold the TS Shield this year.

    If we get 24 teams nominated of a sufficient standard (approximately top 5k or better, a higher cutoff should be achievable) we will run the comp as a knockout comp during rounds 19-23, if not we will look to hold a 16 team comp (Rds 19-22 or 20-23)
    Please note Trading Games teams are eligible – they have 10 sides in the top 5k

    What you have to do by the 12 noon Thursday 28th July cutoff

    1 – join the TS Group (if you didn’t do this at the start of the year)

    Simply click the following link and LOGIN:

    (Once logged in, simply confirm your invitation and you'll be automatically added. Private Groups are a separate feature to the TEN head-to head leagues, which you may continue to participate in as usual).

    2 – nominate in the comments below, listing
    – SC Team Name
    – Coach Name as per the SC website (ie John, Steven, Mary etc, for checking purposes if for some reason we can’t find you in the group)
    – Current ranking (as of Round 17 or Round 18)

    Please feel free to post a link to this thread in any of your TS leagues psyche out boxes as the more top coaches that enter this comp the better. Please comment below or pm me if you have any questions or difficulties.


Discussion in 'Blog' started by TheTassieHawk, Jul 20, 2016.

    1. TheTassieHawk
      draw for week 2 - 2016 TS Masters Series (Quarter Finals, Round 19)

      Match 9 - TradieMcTradeFace (@walesy – ranked 2267) vs DizzleKicks (@Samwell – ranked 671)
      Match 10* -SF Bulls (@tyze1 – ranked 991) vs Kardiac Kids (@Megalomaniac – ranked 2368)
      * with both teams competing in the TS Playing 4 Keeps league they will be able to follow each others progress scores throughout the clash if so desired.

      Match 11 - TrigaGotzNoHeartFC (@Mick – ranked 2871) vsThe Skips (@Jason – ranked 596)
      Match 12 -BLUEBAGGERS (@DannyG – ranked 1253) vs GreenMansHooligans (@benny01 – ranked 102)

      team links for the 8 remaning teams
      The Skips
      SF Bulls
      Kardiac Kids
      • Like Like x 3
    2. Grizzles
      Nice work TTH. Shame it started last week as I played with 2 donuts (Boyd and Suckling) haha
    3. TheTassieHawk
      Full 2016 TS Masters Series Quarter Finals Results (Rd20)

      Match 9 - TradieMcTradeFace (@walesy) 2286 defeated by DizzleKicks (@Samwell) 2406
      Match 10 -SF Bulls (@tyze1) 2412 defeated Kardiac Kids (@Megalomaniac) 2301

      Match 11 -TrigaGotzNoHeartFC (@Mick) 2430 defeated The Skips (@Jason) 2379
      Match 12 - BLUEBAGGERS (@DannyG) 2324defeated by GreenMansHooligans (@benny01) 2373

      draw for week 3 - 2016 TS Masters Series (Semi Finals, Round 21)

      Match 13 - SF Bulls (@tyze1 – ranked 910) vs DizzleKicks (@Samwell – ranked 634)
      Match 14 - TrigaGotzNoHeartFC (@Mick – ranked 2447) vs GreenMansHooligans (@benny01 – ranked 120)

      team links for the 4 remaining teams
      SF Bulls
      • Like Like x 3
    4. TheTassieHawk
      2016 TS Masters Series Semi Finals Results (Rd21)

      Match 13 - DizzleKicks (@Samwell) 2420 defeated by SF Bulls (@tyze1) 2460

      Match 14 -TrigaGotzNoHeartFC (@Mick) 2500 defeated GreenMansHooligans (@benny01) 2374

      draw for week 4 - 2016 TS Masters Series Grand Final (Round 22)

      Match 15 - SF Bulls (@tyze1 – ranked 836) vs TrigaGotzNoHeartFC (@Mick – ranked 2027)

      2 of the ORFFU crew face off in the Masters Series Final, if I recall correctly this is Tyze1’s 2nd time in the Grand Final after a runners up effort in 2013. Good luck fellas !!
      Last edited: Aug 16, 2016
      • Like Like x 4
    5. Mick
      Game on @tyze1 - Let's do this! Haha

      Cheers @TheTassieHawk for the time and effort you've put into organizing this comp. Legend
      • Like Like x 1
    6. Penske file
      Penske file
      Thanks to TassieHawk for all your for your good work in this series. Congrats to winners. Good luck to 2 finalists.
    7. TheTassieHawk
      2016 TS Masters Series Grand Final (Match 15) - SF Bulls 2335 (@tyze1) defeated by TrigaGotzNoHeartFC 2364 (@Mick)

      Mick's side have proven to be the best of the best on TS in a nailbiting finale to this year's comp. Congrats mate.

      Commiseration's to the Bulls.
      • Like Like x 3
    8. tyze1
      Congrats @Mick - A hard fought final... Bloody Lance Franklin!
      Another runners up in this great competition only spurs the SF Bulls to go again next year
      Thanks TTh for your efforts again
      • Like Like x 2
    9. Mick
      Haha. I'm wrapt my crew managed to fall over the line after a long, tough season.

      I'll see your Buddy Franklin and raise you a Brodie Smith! @tyze1 At least Bud has had a strong season leading up to the big dance. I made the mistake of hanging on to Brodie for the Crows soft run home haha. He's been a shocker all season - definitely one for the never again list!

      Luckily the depth was there - just! Good game mate.

      Thanks again @TheTassieHawk
    10. Mick
      • Like Like x 2
    11. tyze1
      Brodie Smith - had that buggar too!
      • Like Like x 1

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