2017 PSD Discussion

Discussion in 'ORFFF' started by James84, Feb 25, 2017.

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  1. Dale Duivesteyn

    Dale Duivesteyn Well-Known Member

    Sep 24, 2016
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    he looked good, im just hoping lady luck keeps him fit.
    If he's fit, he'll play.
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  2. That KI Guy

    That KI Guy Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Don't think this needed editing @ViQBoZ
    We're not adverse to hurting people's feelings here.
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  3. Dale Duivesteyn

    Dale Duivesteyn Well-Known Member

    Sep 24, 2016
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    he'll be great!.. :p

    unless he wont be. :/
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  4. leematty1

    leematty1 Well-Known Member

    Jan 10, 2016
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    Not much movement today. Might get to watch this rounds games before we get to pick 30. :)
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  5. anthak

    anthak Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    We've gone past the 18 hours.
    Isnt this the 2nd time we've gone past 18 hours for @MrsBear this draft? Surely its auto pick time?
    We had a reason given in advance last time, but not this time...
  6. MrsBear

    MrsBear Active Member

    Jan 10, 2016
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    Well sorry for the inconvenience - it was also inconvenient for me that the 2 picks before mine were taken an hour after I went to bed.
    FYI, Bear and I have been out since 6.30 this morning due to the fact that we were part of the team that welcomed the passangers from the cruise ship that came in port today and we have had a full on day and only got home half hour ago.
    But if that inconveniences you all we are both ready to take a hike - there is still plenty of time left in the pre-season to finish the draft and have a trade period.
    And I am saying this kindly because Bear was ready to get on and have a real go at you.
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  7. leematty1

    leematty1 Well-Known Member

    Jan 10, 2016
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    @tyze1 there goes my hope he would last till the thirties.

    I was almost going to take him as pick three if I didn't have Trengove. Would have been perfect cover for Martin.
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  8. TheTassieHawk

    TheTassieHawk SC fanatic Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    @MrsBear and @Bearfly

    As valued members of the TS and ORFFF community, I sincerely hope that you both continue.

    Again - big picture - 8 picks per day will have us finished on the 10th, which is heaps of time. Unless we fall well behind the asking rate I think we should just go with the flow and leave the board to manage things unless someone exceeds 24 hours and has had a history of disinterest, which is certainly not the case.

    Cheers TTH
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  9. anthak

    anthak Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Dont get shitty, just take your pick when its your time ;)
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  10. Bearfly

    Bearfly Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Don't talk to my wife like that!!!
    If you're going to be like that then stuff you Ant and stuff ORFFF!!!!!!!!!!!
    We were both absolutely stuffed and dead on our feet after being on the go since 6:30 this morning doing something POSITIVE for our community - and Nicky even got on and took her pick before she sat down to eat FFS!!!
    But you want to nit-pick so to hell with you - we'll just walk away!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    The rest of the league can thank Ant for it!!!!!!!!!
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  11. anthak

    anthak Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Hey, no hard feelings! I'm surprised you've taken my comments so harshly, I didn't mean for you to take it to heart, this is just fantasy footy.
    I obviously dont want to cause problems. Its just that 18 hours is a long time to have to pick a player and thats the the rules we came up with collectively.
    This is supposed to be fun, and we've come up with some rules together to help us along the way.

    Should we change the rules? Or should you just accept that we have these rules and abide by them?
  12. James84

    James84 Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    He was supposedly my next pick at 25 too! :rolleyes: I was sure one of Archie, English or Naismith would last till then! More fool me I suppose!
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  13. stowie

    stowie Moderator

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I figured they were more "guidelines" than actual rules
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  14. anthak

    anthak Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Yeah i agree, but that doesnt mean anyone should just blatantly disregard them. Im not saying thats necessarily happening, but it does seem that way sometimes
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  15. anthak

    anthak Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    @MrsBear , @Bearfly

    I was just in the middle of writing a private message to you both to apologise for last nights messages. Ive decided instead to make it public. The messages were, so the apology should be.

    I really didnt mean for any of it to be offensive, i put a wink face thingee hoping that would show that it was light hearted.

    I am genuinely sorry about what i wrote and that it was hurtful to you both. I shouldve been more careful with my words.

    I actually dont really care so much about the bloody draft. I originally asked the question about auto pick because we hadnt heard from you, and it had been 21 hours.

    I totally understand about competing priorities, my personal life is taking precedence at the moment (as it should) and ive got a lot going on at the moment too. Thats why it took me a few hours to take pick 8, when in previous years i wouldve known my top 8 before the draft even started and been able to take the pick immediately.

    I probably shouldve written it yesterday, but it sounded great what you were doing yesterday, good on you both for taking time to contribute to your community like that.

    You both are a big part of this ORFFF community too and contribute a lot to the group, and i hope you dont leave.
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  16. tyze1

    tyze1 Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Sorry gents hahah -Fugitives are a bit thin in the ruck stocks - in Ryder - out Ceglar now Roughead has gone down. Hopefully Archie gets a run at it. TBH can't believe he went pick 4 in two other drafts - pick 4 is a valuable commodity!
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  17. anthak

    anthak Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I was surprised he got picked so high in those deafts too, but he's a great option, especially if a team needs a ruck of course. Should be a ripper
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  18. Len

    Len Cockburn Knightrider Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    So are ruckmen if you don't have any ;)
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  19. Bearfly

    Bearfly Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Nobody has been blatantly disregarding time limits - I gave fair warning about us entertaining on Sunday and Monday being our anniversary and not to expect us to be on until late Monday (Sunday was always going to be impossible for us to get on due to the fact we were busy preparing food and our entertaining area ready for our guests).
    I apologise for not giving fair warning about yesterday, but Nicky did wait up until 11pm to take her pick but TTH hadn't made his 2 picks by the time she wanted to go to bed - she knew we were going to be up early in the morning yesterday, and with her epilepsy she actually needs to get a good sleep to avoid any "triggers", so when it wasn't her turn by 11pm she couldn't wait any longer!!!
    And she did have the decency to actually get on and take her pick as soon as we got home (allowing for a few minutes to see who had been picked and also check her short list) - and she made this pick before worrying about eating or having a shower, which after such a long day most people would actually prioritise those 2 things before making a fantasy football draft selection!!!
  20. Bearfly

    Bearfly Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Let's just let bygones be bygones mate - everything came out in the heat of the moment because of extreme weariness - after a full on day on Sunday for us, then cleaning up at home on Monday (before enjoying some time out together for our anniversary), then another fairly busy day Tuesday followed by yesterday's marathon effort, I must admit we were both absolutely knackered by the time we got home and tiredness does tend to make one feel go off quicker than usual (I know I was feeling pretty narky well before we got home because of my exhaustion).
    Anyway, onwards we go and we can leave this in the past :thumbsu:
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