2017 Round Review: Round One

Discussion in 'Blog' started by walesy, Mar 26, 2017.

By walesy on Mar 26, 2017 at 8:19 PM
  1. walesy

    walesy Administrator Staff Member

    Nov 30, 2015
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    So, round one is nearly complete, and the cockles of my heart have been warmed but an upset victory over the Hawks.

    Slightly less warming though, was the 2000ish score that I'll be opening the season with. With a bit of luck though, I might crack 2100. Feels a little low, but I guess there have been a bunch of trash rookies and Hannebury stinking it up, so maybe that par? I dunno- can't seem to see anyone's scores anymore.

    To remedy that, hit us up with your scores in the comments below! :D
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Discussion in 'Blog' started by walesy, Mar 26, 2017.

    1. IPOD
      just wanted peoples thoughts on the following. Is it too early for trading out rookies that aren't either playing or not living up to the hype...? The two i look at are Wigg (not playing) and Taranto who scores a 40 and worth over 200k. Was looking and maybe Taranto for Butler and Wigg (move Parfitt to mids from fwds) and get Mitch Hannan. Love some feed back guys.
    2. That KI Guy
      That KI Guy
      I would probably hold fire for another week and reassess all rooks after a second game.
      Did you choose Wigg for a reason? Loop donut or expected games? I reckon he'll play at some stage but not sure of how good he is as a late playing loop.
      I would think that Hannan has unknown js given that Tyson, Garlett, Kent and Bugg are knocking on the door.
      If u don't have Smith or NRoo injuries to deal with then just hold this week. Trades are like gold.
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    3. stripey
      Personally I'll even be holding Smith this week so I can get a second look at the rookies... I know he's out long term but it does also give me a good loophole option this week.

      Also, Taranto in his first game and a team that got smashed will fare much better this week.... hold fire
    4. Crafty Yarni
      Crafty Yarni
      Look at this this way. Let's say the game we are playing is golf and your a scratch marker. It's not possible to always shoot par on a hole or for a whole round. You wake up feeling good but your driver is a little off and you make that odd stupid 3 putt.

      These rookies have played 1 game ( yep, 1 round). Some rookies hit the ball well while others hit it in the rough all day. You need to understand and appreciate that we are going to have a bad game.
      I can't even fathom why you would trade a rookie based on 1 game. For all you know, someone like butler will score 40-50 tonight and pickett kicks 3 and scores 70-100.
      Also if all rookies went well last week, the highest score of the round would of been mid 2500's and all those scores of 2000 - 2200 would have increased accordingly.

      So. ....sit back, relax and enjoy the free hit of no price fluctuations for another round.
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    5. dabombers
      Hey all.
      If we are silly enough to chase the rookie corrections from round 1.
      And we also plan 2-4 correction trades to go full premium.
      Do we trade this week??
      And if we do trade and our players are not part of thursdays game. Do we wait til Friday. When full teams are out??

      I dont need any tiger or pie corrections til next week and that is only if hoskin-elliot fires again. Gonna give Tarranto one more week.
      But think I could be up to 3 corrections and the math dont work.
      Last edited: Mar 30, 2017
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