2019 AFL Round 10: Review & Discussions

Discussion in 'Blog' started by stripey, May 27, 2019.

By stripey on May 27, 2019 at 1:36 PM
  1. stripey

    stripey Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Well, a massive 2648 was the highest score for the weekend (with Williams on the bench too)...

    2314 saw me go up 285 spots to 5,028 overall so I wasn't close but hopefully a few in the TS community were somewhere up there....

    Harley Bennell dominated with limited game time on the weekend... is he the one that's gonna change our fortunes??? Personally I'm hoping Hately after 36 disposals, 6 marks and 6 tackles finally returns to the seniors. Charlie Constable the big news from the VFL registering only 3 touches and a leg injury...

    How did you score, what trades are you planning, are you ready for the byes???

    Last edited: May 27, 2019
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Discussion in 'Blog' started by stripey, May 27, 2019.

    1. stripey
      I think I'll just have to hold them both... Moore returning covers Williams and hopefully Duursma pulls another one out of the bag! If Danger also out then I have real troubles!
    2. Penske file
      Penske file
      I'm pretty sure Danger is good to go.
    3. Jason
      They have already been added:

      Josh Deluca $154,700 MID
      Mitch Riordan $102,400 MID
      Kyle Dunkley $102,400 MID
      Michael Knoll $102,400 RUC
      Lachlan Hosie $102,400 FWD
      Ryan Gardner $102,400 FWD
      Will Snelling $117,300 MID
      Jack Mayo $102,400 FWD
      Cameron Sutcliffe $199,500 DEF
      Dillon O'Reilly $102,400 DEF/FWD
      Marlion Pickett $102,400 MID
      John Noble $102,400 MID
      Cody Hirst $102,400 MID

      Gardner should have been DEF/FWD, stupid decision to only have him as a FWD in my opinion. He has played 3 games as a FWD and 3 games as a DEF in the VFL this year, but the "experts" have decided that his previous role at Geelong (FWD) takes precedence.

      If you have access to the most up-to-date positional information, use it!
      • Like Like x 4
    4. Cpt Pugwash
      Cpt Pugwash
      Is it too early for a cheap as chips DPP swing man who plays mostly Sunday games?
    5. port_leschenault
      Yeah with Bines already in team and a host of rookies back in the magoos another loophole option is far down the list at this stage so I'm going to say no.
      • Like Like x 2
    6. stripey
      Not to mention Mouch and Williams... highly paid loophole options
      • Like Like x 3
    7. Senator96
      I got burnt by Matt crouch last year as well. He’s now made his way onto my never again list
    8. stowie
      Gardner has been updated to FWD / DEF!!!
      • Like Like x 2
    9. Jason
      Yay, common sense has prevailed!

      Now who should I talk to about claiming the credit for this...
    10. God Yeah
      God Yeah
      With Moore still questionable and potentially missing a 3rd week is it time to move him on? Or hold till after the first bye if an upgrade target you like (with his DPP) presents itself?
    11. Senator96
      Probably depends on your personal structure but I flicked him last week for Whitfield as I don't see him as a keeper and I cant see his price going up any further but I had Williams as well and one of them definitely needed to go. I see a lot more upside with Williams.

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