Discussion in 'Blog' started by stripey, Jul 15, 2019.

By stripey on Jul 15, 2019 at 9:32 AM
  1. stripey

    stripey Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Broken cogs arent good... but a broken Coniglio was even worse for 42,341 coaches who had him in their team on the weekend...

    How did you fare? Personally I thought I'd gone ok but a mediocre 2,384 saw me drop 550 spots to 1,647 overall - Heeney, Sicily, Hurn, Oliver all combined to bring my score down... Clarke provided good cover this week for Jelly, hopefully Hately comes back in if Coniglio is out for a while...

    Oh and one last thing.... I'll leave you with this image, the new messiah.
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Discussion in 'Blog' started by stripey, Jul 15, 2019.

    1. stripey
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    2. stripey
    3. stripey
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    4. Penske file
      Penske file
      Carnage all around, is it possible to apply for more trades due to unforseen circumstances??
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    5. stripey

      Saints guaranteed to beat Bulldogs this weekend...
    6. TheTassieHawk
    7. TheTassieHawk
    8. ike2112
      Thankfully I managed to dodge too much angst as my only out was Duursma who I obviously knew about in advance. In a rush of blood I got sick of Jezza Cameron and switched him for Gaff, ignoring the other issues... gave up hope of getting ROB to Gawn too.

      Time to get creative - I'm a game off finals in one of my leagues. Duursma and Logue to a $102,400 DEF/MID nobody (Tobe Watson?) will allow me to bring in Hurn - or the streaking Newman, Crisp, Byrne-Jones. Gives me defender on the bench again in Answerth and an upgrade on field. I could bring in Eggmollesse-Smith but lose the DPP of Answerth being on DEF bench and I trust his JS a lot more. I could also hold onto this idea for a week and see if Whitfield misses his BE enough to come into range (would need to drop $12,000, BE of 156) but it means playing Answerth on field (or Duursma if he returns).
      Still tons of doubt on Sicily/Ryan/Smith for D4-6, but what can you do its been one of those years for defenders. I even started the year with Newman and traded him out in round 7 or 8 thinking he'd topped out already.
      Go big or go home, right?

      Last edited: Jul 17, 2019
    9. TheTassieHawk
      With 3 trades and no cash I reckon that there are 2 possible strategies
      - 1 down, 1 up and leave the final trade for injury/suspension cover
      - treat the team as complete as it is and leave 3 trades for cover

      The 1 down, 1 up option doesn't have to be completed in the same week. For example you could cash in Logue or Hately this week and sit on the cash until the upgrade trade is needed in either Round 19 or Round 20 (finals week 1). Or you could cash in Logue or Hately in Round 19 and do the upgrade in Round 20.

      Good luck.
    10. stripey
      Personally I'd be hoping Logue and Hately come back.... I have 4 trades now with $100k and I'm prob going to sit and save those for cover - unless a rookie scoring 100's appears - I also have Bont, Jelly, Fyfe so might be forced into a trade if Bont or Fyfe dont get up (Lyon siad this morning Fyfe was fine, Bont has been in a moon boot all week)
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    11. ike2112
      Yeah I think because I need a win this week to get up into finals position I'm going to have to roll the dice on 2 trades this week - I need to maximise scoring. I might not even pick the best overall player for the upgrade, could be I have to look at matchups for this week. This team was only ever to try win league, not for overall; my TG team is doing a lot better in the overall.
    12. IPOD
      Carnage Fyfe out it’s a never ending revolving door or mids out every week Kelly Cogs Cripps now Fyfe and Bont not a certain starter gonna have to rely on the likes of Duursma Clarke Hind to get us out of trouble and field 22.
      Was going to go Duursma- Hill then up Brayshaw - Sloane but may need Duursma to fill a whole in the mids
    13. ike2112
      I can manage to TU/TD and bring in Seb Ross, Jack Steele, Tom Phillips, Joel Selwood or Trent Cotchin to be mid 8.
      Ian Hill would be the TD, opening up the DPP bench of Setterfield and giving me better cover options.

      OR I could select a random $102,400 M/F and would let me afford Christian Petracca, Jaeger O'Meara, or Marc Murphy who has gone on-ball last 2-3 weeks and scored much higher.

      Means giving up on Hately - sick of him being in and out the team, him and Caldwell have to be prime trade targets for other clubs.

      TU = Hill + Ross / Steele / Phillips / Selwood / Cotch
      TD = Samuel Wicks + Murphy / Petracca / JOM

      I'm leaning towards Cotch as the most dependable, but Saints with a new coach and a run of easier games I think Ross could get back to last year's average in the run-in.
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    14. anthak
      Anyone know how long Fyfe will be out for?
    15. stripey
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    16. choppers
      infected elbow....should only miss one week hopefully...
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    17. anthak
      thanks guys.
      Lets hope so. I think Im gonna hold my trades this week.
    18. IPOD
      Logue back this week helps keeping Answerth purely as cover on the bench. Was going to go Duursma - Hill then up Brayshaw - Sloane but with fyfe injured i am going to have to play both Duursma and Clarke on the field with Hind on the bench as cover. Might just sit this week
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    19. IPOD
      Only thing i can do is move Clarke to Hill and Duursma to any mid under 530k Merrett, Duncan, Taranto, Gaff, Matt or Brad Crouch. That will then have me playing Hind or Hill on field.
      TU - hold your fire
      TD - roll the dice (this will leave 5 trades and minimum $$$)
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