Changes to trading.

Discussion in 'AFL' started by walesy, Oct 1, 2011.

  1. SuperCoachSuperStar

    SuperCoachSuperStar New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    How about having a partial lockout with emergencies?
  2. stkildathunda

    stkildathunda Moderator

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Found this on BF interesting.

    <blockquote>Originally Posted by Budgie63
    Going for the post above by Warnie, I think they will just be incorporating a feature of the FFGenie whereby you can do a "what-if" scenario. ie if you have &#36;X and trade Player A for Player B, which players can you then trade Player C to (ie saves you doing the sums when doing 2 trades in the same round).</blockquote>

    Then this from Warnie...

    <blockquote>Originally Posted by warnie
    Yep! Correct. </blockquote>

    Now the post from Warnie doesnt set the world on fire, but looking at their facebook page they seem to have spoken to the blokes at VapourMedia and im assuming have gotten some inside knowledge...
  3. SuperCoachSuperStar

    SuperCoachSuperStar New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Maybe there could just be a partial lockout and during the round you could sub players off and on but if they have played they are stuck where they are. It probably wouldn't work that well because if you have a rookie you put them as an emergency, if they go badly you leave them they but if they go well you put a non-playing player on the field.

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