Compensation Picks

Discussion in 'ORFFA' started by TerryinBangkok, May 29, 2013.

  1. TerryinBangkok

    TerryinBangkok Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    <div class='Forum_Normal' id='spBody] To summarize (to date): MSD compensation pick for LBL Yes (5) No (10) 3 abstentions MSD compensation pick for bottom teams Yes (0) No (15) 3 abstentions Footnote: I, for one, would not contemplate putting this issue on the agenda at the end of year, or any other time. Does not mean that others can't but my feeling is we have enough distractions as it is and should get on with enjoying ourselves, as Philosoraptor suggests, rather than digging up old bones and chewing them all over again. So, in my mind at least, it is we either agree to compensation picks now, or we bury it once and for all and move on to other issues.

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