Draft Banter

Discussion in 'ORFFU' started by JPK, Dec 16, 2013.

  1. tyze1

    tyze1 Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    guys about to go out for dinner will sneak a peak of two whilst out hopefully wont hold it up was hoping to have had my next pick by now as big gap after that. apologies for any delays!
  2. Tylo

    Tylo Moderator

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Pretty safe to say Holky will be gone by now. I wouldn't hold your breath if you're below him in the order.
    Suns players seem to be the popular choice at this stage.
  3. insider

    insider Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Tylo wrote:
    Pretty safe to say Holky will be gone by now. I wouldn't hold your breath if you're below him in the order.
    Suns players seem to be the popular choice at this stage. Holky told me who he wants next
    <div class='Quote' style='font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; line-height: 18px;]TheTassieHawk wrote:
    Hey guys just dropping in to see how your draft is going

    For those off us following from afar and for you guys as well it might be worth adding another breakdown to the end of round summary in the main draft thread, that being the names and tally of players who have been taken from each AFL club, which will highlight which clubs are being plundered (6 or more after 4 rounds) and which are being avoided like the plague (2 or less after 4 rounds).

    I think in one Of the earlier comps inaugaral drafts there was 25 or 26 players from one AFL Club by about round 18, and at the same stage some clubs were still in The low to mid teens

    cheers TTH <p style='font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; line-height: 18px;] <div>
    What benefit is this mate? i dont understand why youd go to the trouble????? Just if youre bored waiting for your pick or something?
  4. eagle_eyed

    eagle_eyed Training the house down!

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Tylo wrote:
    Pretty safe to say Holky will be gone by now. I wouldn't hold your breath if you're below him in the order. Suns players seem to be the popular choice at this stage. Yep, I reckon all things going well, the furthest we can get today is to pick 85 (one prior to Holky's next selection). That's still 28 picks, not too shabby! We should get another date and time within the nxst week to smash some selections out again. With the time difference for Damo maybe we need to look at an 11am AEDST start so all could be involved. Edit: Spoke too soon.
  5. TigersTooTough

    TigersTooTough Administrator

    Jan 3, 2016
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    If Insider knows Holky's next pick, we can get through all of rd5 tonight and the start of rd6. Let's do this guys!
  6. martyg

    martyg Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Been here all day.... especially ready for the 4pm kick off... haven't made a single trade!
  7. eagle_eyed

    eagle_eyed Training the house down!

    Jan 3, 2016
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    TigersTooTough wrote:
    If Insider knows Holky's next pick, we can get through all of rd5 tonight and the start of rd6. Let's do this guys! Just need WrightBrendan and MartyG online and we're away again!
  8. JPK

    JPK Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    martyg wrote:
    Been here all day.... especially ready for the 4pm kick off... haven't made a single trade! I know how you feel mate - but you're more likely to draft today than I am!
  9. eagle_eyed

    eagle_eyed Training the house down!

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I've PM'd wrightbrendan, hopefully he has email on his phone and joins the session.
  10. Tylo

    Tylo Moderator

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I've got 2 picks ready to go, hopefully they're still available.
  11. JPK

    JPK Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    We're just coming to the end of round 4 of our draft, and we have a total of 26 rounds, so 22 more rounds to get through. 22 x 18 = 396 more picks to go.
    Today is 12 January, the season starts on 14 March, so there's still 60 days to go. We don't want to leave things to the last minute, I would have thought finishing a week early would be ideal so that we can all focus on our SC, DT, and other fantasy teams. I will ignore this however and state that:
    396 players / 60 days = 6.5 players per day. Realistically we must average a minimum of 7 selections per day, but probably closer to ten.
    On behalf of everyone - can we all try our best to be available as much as possible, and inform the 'FU coaches of any major events that will cause anyone to not be available. If for whatever reason anyone can't get regular updates, I would recommend sending some contact details (phone number) to another coach, so that you can be contacted if you're holding the draft up.
    I'd hate for us to get to the start of the season and not have complete teams. More-over, I'd hate for people to lose interest because of this, and to focus on their other fantasy teams!
  12. insider

    insider Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    yep ive already gone from one million percent keen and interested to about an 80%... not everyone is showing their 'too seriousness' so its losing a bit of appeal with what seems like casual check ins. Bloody choppers lives a million miles away and still gets on here more than most!! As i think EE or JPK said a few posts ago, the draft is supposed to be the most fun bit out of the whole creation of the league!! i just dont get it...
  13. TigersTooTough

    TigersTooTough Administrator

    Jan 3, 2016
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    insider wrote:
    yep ive already gone from one million percent keen and interested to about an 80%... not everyone is showing their 'too seriousness' so its losing a bit of appeal with what seems like casual check ins. Bloody choppers lives a million miles away and still gets on here more than most!! As i think EE or JPK said a few posts ago, the draft is supposed to be the most fun bit out of the whole creation of the league!! i just dont get it... It feels a bit like this. We all need to be committed. We need to be clearer with times we want to really get stuck into this. Everyone, check back as often as possible. If you can't check for a day or two, send one of us a list. Damo sent me one and I'm happy to do the same for others. I'm sure the regulars are the same. We want this to work out and the only way is if everyone is committed. If we are all on the same page, we can complete this relatively quickly. The longer we stretch it out, the less interested people will be. Come on guys. Check as much as possible this week and tell people if you can't check. We can all help.
  14. Tomster

    Tomster Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I agree 100% with the above. Should we try to do this again next week except with more clearer times? e.g. 4-9pm? And if you aren't around you must send through a list. Sad to see that this arvo is ruined by one person not being active
  15. choppers

    choppers Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Tomster wrote:
    I agree 100% with the above. Should we try to do this again next week except with more clearer times? e.g. 4-9pm? And if you aren't around you must send through a list. Sad to see that this arvo is ruined by one person not being active I've sat here all day since about 11am (Melb. time) which is no problem for me as I've got nothing to do and all day to do it, but I won't be available next Sunday between 4-9pm.
  16. martyg

    martyg Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Yeah agree with all comments here today.... I check every 15mins just in case there has been a flurry of draft picks. My picks change all the time thanks to everyone taking my (what I'd hope) sneaky picks... It's still fun but the sheen is waning due to the slow turnover.... I am hoping to spend a couple of weeks during the NAB trading with everyone and swapping picks etc.
  17. fresh

    fresh Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I'll def be checking in multiple times a day. Agree with insider, I was super keen but a few things have meant I started to forget abt planning for this draft and even checking in. Glad today's session got organised though. I'm out on a farm that has no internet, my mobile is flat and have stolen the wife's one to check in every now and then. I think that unless it's an extreme situation, there's always a way to check in here a few times a day, if u really can't then pm a few picks to a coach with a pick after yours. I'm keen for all of us to have a complete team drafted asap
  18. ddsaints

    ddsaints Guest

    Maybe the people that are slow or have busy schedules, could nominate a time for a session ASAP and we can move on. Who are the slow pickers? Hopefully they can get something organized to help the active out ;-)
  19. YAD69

    YAD69 Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    It's called 'Too Serious' for a reason. We need commitment as this first stage of funis drag at the moment. The banter also at the moment is just moaning & groaning. The other thing isthe other leagues (ORFFL & OEFFA) are looking on to see if we are in fact too serious. Don't want to be known as the third leg pissing in the wind. The next stage is player & team profile on your club thread and some light hearted banter through the NAB cup when say Suckling goes down in the first 2 seconds of his come back or the that young gun who is due for a breakout season really does come out flying and he's at your club. Tomster set a date and time now, send in your list to someone or the commissioner if you can't make it and lets rock n' roll ladies.
  20. ddsaints

    ddsaints Guest

    Goondiwindi must have a good pension program for the veterans to be able to draw those names to the club

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