This is from my email........ <table height='100%' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='3' width='100%' border='0' style='color: #222222; background-color: #ffffff;] <td align='left' style='background-color: #e9e9e9; text-align: left; height: 20px;]by ddsaints <td align='right' style='background-color: #e9e9e9; text-align: left; height: 20px;]On 28/02/2014 7:52:24 PM
And that time has arrived so I believe Hawks gets Levi and the draft can resume. Hoping we get through more picks today than yesterday.
Wishful thinking there, Tyze............ and to think I stayed home today thinking there'd be plenty of action in the draft.
Sorry guys, I'm away and havent been updatingvmy run rates. Basically from here I think we need nearly 1 round per day to be done by 7 March (7 days and about 80 picks I think, so 12 per day). I think we need a super draft day next weekend!!!
A whole 7 picks today. 2 selections in the last 2 days have taken the full 8hrs. If we continue to get one of these a day or even every 2nd day we will not complete the draft in time for Fresh to get his sheet done or for odds and banter. I agree with JPK we need a super draft day or people need to pull their fingers out. I understand we all have lives, I'm trying to juggle 3 kids under 5 as well as 50 hours of work a week, however a little bit of preparation when you know your pick is coming makes all the difference. Surely we all have lists of who we want, let's be ready for our selections so there's no last minute rush.
I'm with E-E here. I'm getting the sh*ts big time. Yes, real life comes first, always has and always will. No argument from me on that. but this is a keeper league and if you're not prepared to organise yourself around the obstacles in your life that prevent you from participating in this League when you need to, then you shouldn't be in this league. It's real easy to look up the website, check the draft thread, see if your pick is coming up. work out if 'real life' will mean you're not available when needed. and GET SOMEONE TO MAKE YOUR SELECTION FOR YOU....................plenty of people have done that if you can't be bothered to do that, then you should not have signed up in the first place. Now if this RANT offends some, then so be it. But I've had a bellyfull. Either shape up or ship out...........and if you want me to ship out, then say so, cause right now, 'real life' is looking pretty good, without the crap that's going on here. Fresh and the Commish need time to organise our League and, because of our poor response to this draft, it looks like they're going to have precious little time to do it, unless WE ALL LIFT OUR GAME. That's it..... rant over...........
choppers wrote: I'm with E-E here. I'm getting the sh*ts big time. Yes, real life comes first, always has and always will. No argument from me on that. but this is a keeper league and if you're not prepared to organise yourself around the obstacles in your life that prevent you from participating in this League when you need to, then you shouldn't be in this league. It's real easy to look up the website, check the draft thread, see if your pick is coming up. work out if 'real life' will mean you're not available when needed. and GET SOMEONE TO MAKE YOUR SELECTION FOR YOU....................plenty of people have done that if you can't be bothered to do that, then you should not have signed up in the first place. Now if this RANT offends some, then so be it. But I've had a bellyfull. Either ship up or ship out...........and if you want me to ship out, then say so, cause right now, 'real life' is looking pretty good, without the crap that's going on here. Fresh and the Commish need time to organise our League and, because of our poor response to this draft, it looks like they're going to have precious little time to do it, unless WE ALL LIFT OUR GAME. That's it..... rant over........... Breath of fresh air. Thanks choppers Super draft day next weekend. Saturday or Sunday, whichever suits the most people.
agree with recent posts the delays are increasingly frustrating,but lets remain cool calm and collected. No reason if everyone has a crack over the next 7 daysthat we can be done prior to a draft day. I for one have caused next to zero delay and unfortunately id have to supply a list for a proposed draft day as I'll be in Melbourne sat - mon for a wedding. There are less than 80 picks to go so lets just do it. There are some bloody good players left to draft ppl should be itching to get them on board!
After Manangutan have taken their pick, the time limit window will be only 6 hours. The 12-8 no pick time will still be in place. Hurry up everyone!!!!! We are going even slower than we were last draft!!!
I got 11:57am that Hawks have until to make their pick. Tomster who's next on the chopping block as the default pick?
YAD69 wrote: I got 11:57am that Hawks have until to make their pick. Tomster who's next on the chopping block as the default pick? I got the email at 6:57pm so i think it could be 10:57am the auto pick goes through? I have it as Lenny Hayes for the next highest 2013 average
Definitely, watching hours pass with little progress is waymore fun on TwitchPlaysPokemon (pardon the plug).