@choppers - I think you're only allowed 4 emergencies. If you want 1 for the i/c, you need to drop 1 off another line.
When I save my team the I/C emergency get relegated to the bench anyway. I only posted it that way cause other players were doing it. I shall edit the post.
Sleep. Revive. Stay alive. Isn't that one of the TAC ads? and also, cause I'm reviving the thread Anyway, I reckon Matt Thomas has pretty much packed his bags to Cow Bay. I'd love it if he hasn't, but I doubt he will slip
modified order in the other thread to swap Monarchs and 'Dillos as we traded picks prior to the season commencing.... massive change of a whole 1 position in my favour due to recent form slump.
Tomster wrote: Sleep. Revive. Stay alive. Isn't that one of the TAC ads? and also, cause I'm reviving the thread Anyway, I reckon Matt Thomas has pretty much packed his bags to Cow Bay. I'd love it if he hasn't, but I doubt he will slip He might have packed his bags but there's no guarantee he's getting a plane ticket to Cow Bay. Just noticed a small adjustment is needed to the MSD draft order. As part of the trade with Goondi I traded out my 3rd round pick for PUK's 1st rounder
fresh wrote: Tomster wrote: Sleep. Revive. Stay alive. Isn't that one of the TAC ads? and also, cause I'm reviving the thread Anyway, I reckon Matt Thomas has pretty much packed his bags to Cow Bay. I'd love it if he hasn't, but I doubt he will slip He might have packed his bags but there's no guarantee he's getting a plane ticket to Cow Bay. Just noticed a small adjustment is needed to the MSD draft order. As part of the trade with Goondi I traded out my 3rd round pick for PUK's 1st rounder changed as per above. Ladder/order is correct - was posted in another thread prior to it mysteriously disappearing
I know this is meant for draft banter but I need to say this: you had ONE JOB, Malceski! Rest up during the bye weeks and keep out of trouble! One run-in with a field umpire later and you're out for 3-4 weeks >-( (Fair enough though, it's up to players to avoid such collisions) Okay rant over, continue the draft banter... Also, I am doing a Lucky Find for MSD too. 10 rounds for players to prove themselves.
Hey Coaches, did King Island get missed in the draft order (I.e. Before Ararat) or do I need a more up-to-date order of picks for the MSD.
I don't understand your point. King Is. had his pick in the 1st round, why would he get 2. <table id='tblPostBody67731' width='100%' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0' align='left' border='0' style='color: #444444; margin-bottom: 10px;] <td align='left' valign='top' style='padding: 0px; border: 0px; text-align: left; width: 100%;] <div id='spBody' class='Forum_Normal] <p style='margin-bottom: 10px;]MID SEASON DRAFT! <p style='margin-bottom: 10px;] <p style='margin-bottom: 10px;]Starts 12 noon Saturday 17 May. 1 day time limit for now, we should be able to get through every pick in the next week. <p style='margin-bottom: 10px;] <p style='margin-bottom: 10px;]Please only post picks in this thread, use the old draft banter thread for banter <p style='margin-bottom: 10px;] <table style='margin-bottom: 10px;] Pick Team Player 1. Cow Bay Jackson Merret 2. Gisborne Matt Thomas 3. Korumburra Billy Hartung 4. Manangutan Pass 5. Cow Bay Marco Paparone 6. Eden Jackson Trengove 7. Pearcedale Farren Ray 8. Banchang Jordan Murdoch 9. Groote Eylandt Jamie Cripps 10. Southern Cross Charlie Cameron 11. Ararat Brad Sheppard 12. ]King Island Rhys Stanley 13. Blanchetown 14. Serengeti 15. Staghorn Flat 16. Cow Bay 17. Coolgardie 18. Pakenham
Sorry guys, my list order a little different. Would love to be fishing, out at a Lego exhibition with my son.
Fresh youre on the clock mate. you have until 22.29 aest to pick (assuming ive done those calculations correct).
insider wrote: Fresh youre on the clock mate. you have until 22.29 aest to pick (assuming ive done those calculations correct). Been in 2.5 hours of last minute organised meetings this morning so will post my pick in the next 15 mins. Opening up my spready now.