Gariwerd Cockatoos

Discussion in 'ORFFA' started by anthak, May 4, 2012.

  1. anthak

    anthak Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    We've got the big game to start the season fast approaching and Gariwerd is brimming with excitement. We're host Darraweit Guim for these two weeks for the Harold Holt round. Harold Holt was an interesting character with an interesting story.After Prime Minister Harold Holt took over power from Robert Menzies in 1966, he managed a great deal in his short time in power before his swimming shenanigans! Most notably, was the 1967 referendum. <img alt='' data-sz='f' name='bUwpT1O69XvjwM:' class='rg_i' style='width: 104px; height: 192px; margin-left: -1px; margin-top: 0px;' src='[/img] <h2>What was Australia's 1967 Referendum about? There are common misconceptions about what the 1967 Referendum actually changed. <div class='textbox <h3>What the referendum was about</h3> The 1967 Referendum proposed to include Aboriginal people in the census. The 1967 Referendum proposed to allow the Commonwealth government to make laws for Aboriginal people. <h3>What the 1967 Referendum was not about</h3> The 1967 Referendum <ul> <li>did not give Aboriginal people the right to vote. This right was already introduced in Now, onto selection news... Our VC Shannon Hurn will be taking on the captains duties for this round, as we feel it's important to have our captain lead the players out onto the ground and also be there to set the tone early for the rest of the team later in the game. At this stage, we are only selecting Shannon Hurn to fly the flag for the first part of the round, and we have named Masten and De Boer as emergencies in case we cant field enough players next week ;) And there are murmurings that Kurt Tippett has indicated he may be willing to start the season with us and is on his way back to Gariwerd to train with us for a week while we make an assessment on whether we include him in our final team.
  2. anthak

    anthak Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Kurt Tippett has arrived back in Gariwerd and has confirmed his intention to play in round 1 for us. If he was to play at all, we think it will be off the interchange bench - and Kurt is apparently unhappy about that. He is currently training the house down, trying to convince us that an onfield position in the team is more suitable.
  3. anthak

    anthak Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Gariwerd Cockatoos<br style='color: #444444; line-height: 17.98611068725586px; background-color: #fbfbfb;[/img] hosting Darraweit Guim.<br style='color: #444444; line-height: 17.98611068725586px; background-color: #fbfbfb;[/img] <br style='color: #444444; line-height: 17.98611068725586px; background-color: #fbfbfb;[/img] DEF: Hurn (C), Burgoyne (VC), JGibson, TMurphy (EM: Stratton)<br style='color: #444444; line-height: 17.98611068725586px; background-color: #fbfbfb;[/img] MID: Deledio, Lower, KStevens, Cooney (EM: Toumpas)<br style='color: #444444; line-height: 17.98611068725586px; background-color: #fbfbfb;[/img] RUCK: ZSmith<br style='color: #444444; line-height: 17.98611068725586px; background-color: #fbfbfb;[/img] FWD: Sylvia, Clark, Christenson, Blease; (EM: De Boer)<br style='color: #444444; line-height: 17.98611068725586px; background-color: #fbfbfb;[/img] INT: Wallis, Tippett; (EM: Masten)<br style='color: #444444; line-height: 17.98611068725586px; background-color: #fbfbfb;[/img] <br style='color: #444444; line-height: 17.98611068725586px; background-color: #fbfbfb;[/img] The big news is that Tippett has been selected after returning back to training just a week ago. We are amazed at the turnaround as, not that long ago, we were thinking that we would have a hard time convincing him to commit to the Cockatoos program.
  4. anthak

    anthak Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    anthak wrote:Gariwerd Cockatoos<br style='color: #444444; line-height: 17.98611068725586px; background-color: #fbfbfb;[/img] hosting Darraweit Guim.<br style='color: #444444; line-height: 17.98611068725586px; background-color: #fbfbfb;[/img] <br style='color: #444444; line-height: 17.98611068725586px; background-color: #fbfbfb;[/img] DEF: Hurn (C), Burgoyne (VC), JGibson, TMurphy (EM: Stratton)<br style='color: #444444; line-height: 17.98611068725586px; background-color: #fbfbfb;[/img] MID: Deledio, Lower, KStevens, Cooney (EM: Toumpas)<br style='color: #444444; line-height: 17.98611068725586px; background-color: #fbfbfb;[/img] RUCK: ZSmith<br style='color: #444444; line-height: 17.98611068725586px; background-color: #fbfbfb;[/img] FWD: Sylvia, Clark, Christenson, Blease; (EM: De Boer)<br style='color: #444444; line-height: 17.98611068725586px; background-color: #fbfbfb;[/img] INT: Wallis, Tippett; (EM: Masten)<br style='color: #444444; line-height: 17.98611068725586px; background-color: #fbfbfb;[/img] <br style='color: #444444; line-height: 17.98611068725586px; background-color: #fbfbfb;[/img] The big news is that Tippett has been selected after returning back to training just a week ago. We are amazed at the turnaround as, not that long ago, we were thinking that we would have a hard time convincing him to commit to the Cockatoos program. Well, the big game to start the season is underway, and it hasn't gone without drama. There were a few problems before we even could start this weekend.
    First of all, Kurt Tippett spat the dummy again! He was insulted by being selected to start on the interchange and has flown the coop/nest. Once again, he is refusing to play for us and asking to be delisted midseason. At this stage, it is premature to make any statements of the clubs position on that. We can only say that we have, once again, granted Kurt a leave of absence to return home (we still don't know where that is - Sydney?, QLD?) and we will be in touch with him and his management closer to the deadline to announce midseason delistments. Luckily Chris Masten was ready to step into his role on the bench.
    Now, the other controversy occured when Darraweit Guim tried making a late change, bringing Ty Vickory in for Rohan Bewick. It was unbeknown to Darraweit coach, Chris88, that Vickory is not welcome in Gariwerd and we could not let it happen and put a stop to it. We initially hoped the ORFFA Commission would step in, but the Commissioner ruled that we had to handle it, so we had no option but to... send Setanta and the boys out to physically remove him: [​IMG] [​IMG][span style='font-size: 14.666666984558105px; [​IMG][span style='font-size: 14.666666984558105px;

    The game has been going great since then :)
  5. anthak

    anthak Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Just moving this to the new page, cause its a bit of a pain where it was... anthak wrote:Now that we have our squad finalised for 2013, we cant wait to kick things off. Heres our team (*denotes MPP): Defenders: Shannon Hurn West Coast Josh Gibson Hawthorn Benjamin Stratton Hawthorn Brodie Smith Adelaide Jasper Pittard Port Adelaide Tom Murphy Gold Coast Shaun Burgoyne Hawthorn *Mid Midfielders: Brett Deledio Richmond Chris Masten West Coast James Magner Melbourne Adam Cooney Western Bulldogs Mitchell Wallis Western Bulldogs Jared Polec Brisbane Nick Lower Western Bulldogs Koby Stevens Western Bulldogs Jimmy Toumpas Melbourne Colin Sylvia Melbourne *Fwd Allen Christensen Geelong *Fwd Robbie Gray Port Adelaide *Fwd Matthew De Boer Fremantle *Fwd Sam Blease Melbourne *Fwd Shaun Burgoyne Hawthorn *Def Rucks: Zac Smith Gold Coast Nathan Vardy Geelong Setanta O'hAilpin Greater Western Sydney *Fwd Forwards: Kurt Tippett Sydney Mitchell Clark Melbourne Colin Sylvia Melbourne *Mid Allen Christensen Geelong *Mid Robbie Gray Port Adelaide *Mid Matthew De Boer Fremantle *Mid Sam Blease Melbourne *Mid Setanta O'hAilpin Greater Western Sydney *Ruck Our Captain and Vice Captain remain the same two players as in our inaugural season - Shaun Burgoyne as Captain, and Shannon Hurn as Vice. Our Leadership group has had a bit of a shakeup though and now consists of Nick Lower, Koby Stevens, Brett Deledio, Setanta O'hAilpin and Josh Gibson; with Stevens and Deledio, the only returning members of last seasons leadership group. Our schedule for this season is as follows: Round 1 (AFL 1) 22/3 - 1/4: The Harold Holt National Swimming round v Darraweit Guim Round 2 (AFL 2) 5/4 - 7/4: The Insomnia Round @ Powlett Plains Round 3 (AFL 3) 12/4 - 14/4: Relton Roberts Round & International Moment of Laughter Day @ Whitsundays Round 4 (AFL 4) 19/4 - 21/4: X Remembrance round - World Penguin Day v Birdsville Round 5 (AFL 5) 25/4 - 28/4: Mark Seaby Memorial round @ Gundagai Round 6 (AFL 6) 3/5 - 5/5: BL Remembrance round - May Day @ Iron Knob Round 7 (AFL 7) 10/5 - 13/5: Welcome to the Newbies v Cradle Mountain Round 8 (AFL 8) 17/5 - 19/5: Walesy Appreciation round @ Venus Bay Round 9 (AFL 9) 24/5 - 26/5: Geek Pride round @ Marble Bar Round 10 (AFL 10) 31/5 - 3/6: International World's Whore Day v Waikickamoocow Round 11 (AFL 14) 27/6 - 30/6: Winter Solstice Round v Far Kew Round 12 (AFL 15) 5/7 - 7/7: Kokoda Trail (or Track) round @ Mount Beauty Round 13 (AFL 16) 12/7 - 14/7: NAIDOC Celebration v Charlies Opening Round 14 (AFL 17) 19/7 - 21/7: Bleak Week @ Wagga Wagga Round 15 (AFL 18) 26/7 - 28/7: Chelsea Roffey Appreciation Round v Larrikin Lagoon Round 16 (AFL 19) 2/8 - 4/8: Breast Appreciation round - World Breastfeeding Week v Foul Bay Round 17 (AFL 20) 9/8 - 11/8: Left Footers Round @ Nunnawading Bring it on!
  6. anthak

    anthak Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Results are in for round 1 and we have come out of it losing 1242 - 1099. Lids was our only player to score a century, and half of the rest couldn't get past Tom Murphy's 69er! While for the visiting team, they only had 3 players giving less than a 69. B&F votes were as follows: 3 - Deledio - ran rampant in the midfield after dropping the defender shackles and was clearly our best. 2 - Hurn - filled in admirably as stand-in cap, and really led from the front (being our only onfield player in week 1 of the round. 1 - Masten - was a late inclusion after sooky Kurt Tippett went home (again) crying and didn't disappoint. ROUND 2 is at Powlett Plains But we've already got our eyes on Round 3 ;) when we head to the Whitsundays, so we're gonna take our whole squad to the Powlett Plains game and then head up north directly after the game and spend the best part of 2 weeks in the Whitsundays before our Round 4 game at home against Birdsville.
  7. anthak

    anthak Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    ANOUNCEMENT We are pleased to announce that we have sold our Round 10 home game against Waikikamoocow to the Mines Rovers Football Club in Kalgoorlie, WA. The big ORFFA game will be played as a curtain raiser to the Mines vs Boulder night game on June 1. More news on the event to follow, closer to the date.
  8. anthak

    anthak Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    anthak wrote: ROUND 2 is at Powlett Plains But we've already got our eyes on Round 3 ;) when we head to the Whitsundays, so we're gonna take our whole squad to the Powlett Plains game and then head up north directly after the game and spend the best part of 2 weeks in the Whitsundays before our Round 4 game at home against Birdsville. Further to this, we have got in touch with Kurt Tippett and he has agreed to join the team in the Whitsundays for the time we are there; we believe it will be an excellent opportunity for some team bonding which may go some way to repairing the current relationships between Kurt and his teammates and The Cockatoos organisation in general. We have asked TiB if he thinks he would be able to put us all up for a couple of weeks, but if he is not able to, we may just end up sleeping on the beach somewhere. Furthermore, we hope to hire a private jet for our trip back to Gariwerd in time for Round 4 and we have asked JC to chip in on the cost and we can pick up the Battlers on the way.
  9. anthak

    anthak Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    anthak wrote:Gariwerd @ Powlett Plains In: Pittard, De Boer (and Masten has held his spot after coming in late last week) Out: TMurphy, Blease (and sort of Tippett, was late withdrawal last week) D: Burgoyne (C), Hurn (VC), JGibson, Pittard (Stratton) M: Deledio, Masten, Cooney, Wallis (Toumpas) R: ZSmith F: Sylvia, Christenson, DeBoer, Clark (Blease) Int: Lower, KStevens (TMurphy) Shaun Burgoyne has regained the captaincy; Pittard has been called up after a strong showing in the reserves last week where he was 2nd best on ground to only Alwayn Davey; He comes in for Tom Murphy who is unlucky to lose his place and should find his way back in sometime soon; The other player to be dropped was another 2013 draftee, Sam Blease, who put in a terrible performance in round 1; Both dropped players are emergencies and could end up in the side due to injury concerns for Mitch Clark and Kobe Stevens; The final inclusion is Matt De Boer who didn't set the world on fire in the magoos, but we're confident he'll be better than Blease again this week.
  10. anthak

    anthak Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    From the review by Lenny120: Powlett Plains 1194 defeated Gariwerd 1040 Powlett Plains built on their round 1 win last week, with a comfortable victory over Gariwerd.Bellchambers (144) dominated the defenders of Gariwerd, while Kane Cornes (123) continued his brilliant start to the year for the Packers.Gariwerd would have been looking to hit back with a win this round after a disappointing loss last round, but too many passengers and not enough leaders saw them slump to 0-2 to start 2013. Fitzy wrote: Powlett Plains vs Gariwerd Powlett Plains 1164 DEF: Chaplin 99, Newman 71, R.Murphy 68, H.O'Brien 93 MID: Scully 47, Armitage 79, C.Beams 47, K.Cornes 123 Ruck: Bellchambers 144 FWD: Franklin 116, N.Riewoldt 111, Smedts 36, L.Jones 53 I/C: Melksham 76, Jolly 1 Gariwerd 1040 DEF: Burgoyne 70, Hurn 67, JGibson 63, Pittard 91 MID: Delidio 114, Masten 93, Cooney 124, Wallis 83 Ruck: ZSmith 35 FWD: Sylvia 21, Christenson 75, DeBoer 75, Clark 44 I/C: Lower 55, KStevens 30 Powlett Plains 1184 def Gariwerd 1040 Votes on the match for the B&F are as follows: 3 - Cooney 2 - Deledio 1 - Lower Progressive: 5 - Deledio 3 - Cooney 2 - Hurn 1 - Masten, Lower
  11. anthak

    anthak Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    anthak wrote: anthak wrote: ROUND 2 is at Powlett Plains But we've already got our eyes on Round 3 ;) when we head to the Whitsundays, so we're gonna take our whole squad to the Powlett Plains game and then head up north directly after the game and spend the best part of 2 weeks in the Whitsundays before our Round 4 game at home against Birdsville. Further to this, we have got in touch with Kurt Tippett and he has agreed to join the team in the Whitsundays for the time we are there; we believe it will be an excellent opportunity for some team bonding which may go some way to repairing the current relationships between Kurt and his teammates and The Cockatoos organisation in general. We have asked TiB if he thinks he would be able to put us all up for a couple of weeks, but if he is not able to, we may just end up sleeping on the beach somewhere. Furthermore, we hope to hire a private jet for our trip back to Gariwerd in time for Round 4 and we have asked JC to chip in on the cost and we can pick up the Battlers on the way. anthak wrote: TerryinBangkok wrote: Well, here's the thing. Y'see Jolcon and I had this little wager going on the R1 game. I staked a one-day free charter service with Air Whitsunday against his offer of giving me the Bird. So really, Jolcon already has air travel sown up. However, I am assured the plane could fit both teams with ease. /Portals/0/User%20Images/air%20whitsunday.jpg/Portals/0/User%20Images/hayman.jpg As for accommodation, the cockies are welcome to stay as long as you like. We have flown in extra sunflower seed. We hope Shagger Hurn will be comfortable in the island suite (above). We confess to being a little concerned about Tippett though. He does tend to get up to no good. Let us know well in advance and the Head of our PR Department, Ms. Chelsea Roffey, will meet your flight on arrival and assist with customs and immigration formalities. I assume all the boys have visas. Look forward to it. Excellent. Sounds great. I don't think Hurn will have a problem staying there. Where will the rest of us be staying? anthak wrote: JC wrote: anthak wrote: hey mate, not sure if you saw my question in the blog section. You are due to travel down to Gariwerd for Round 4. We will be traveling from the Whitsundays in the immediate days preceding our match, so Im wondering if you want us to pick you up on the way? Also hoping you can chip in on the cost, or maybe at least pay for fuel :) No need to pay for a flight home Ant. Since I'm probably flying on the Whitsunday's dime anyway after I won our bet, you may as well hitch a ride! Well, that works out really well! Thanks a lot. We'll make sure we get on the plane that's on it's way to collect you. I can confirm that we managed to get out of Powlett Plains as soon as the game concluded and made it to Whitsundays and are already enjoying our time in the leadup to the game this weekend. <img alt='' width='550' height='413' src='' style='margin-top: 109px;' id='irc_mi[/img] Heres a shot of us leaving Powlett Plains. <img alt='' width='312' height='235' style='margin-top: 83px;' id='irc_mi' src='[/img] And this is about the extent of our training this week.
  12. Len

    Len Cockburn Knightrider Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Chick on the left has herpes,
    just saying..
  13. anthak

    anthak Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Lenh191 wrote:Chick on the left has herpes,&#160; just saying..&#160;Thanks for the headsup Len. Who was/were the unlucky Misfit(s) to find out?
  14. Len

    Len Cockburn Knightrider Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    One of the seven 'injured', names withheld to protect the dumb :)
  15. anthak

    anthak Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I think our extended stay in the Whitsundays has done us good and we've managed to sneak our first win of the season into the itinerary :D Lenny120 wrote: Whitsunday Warriors (TOTAL - 1256) DEF: Birchall (110), Trengove (41), Plowman (27), Morris (41) (EMG: Allen) MID: Barlow (104), Sloane (100), Boak (134), Wines (121) (EMG: Neade) RUC: Lobbe (83) (EMG: Warnock) FWD: Hawkins (107), Motlop (100), Hall (90), Patton (26) (EMG: M. Brown) I/C: Judd (130), Sam Gibson (42) Gariwerd (TOTAL - 1330) Def: Burgoyne (91), Hurn (73), Gibson (97), Pittard (41) (Stratton) Mid: Deledio (140), Masten (141), Cooney (93), Wallis (91) (Toumpas) Ruck: ZSmith (71) Fwd: Gray (DNP- replaced by Clark), De Boer (82), Christenson (108), Sylvia (92) (Clark - 78) Int: KStevens (84), Lower (48) (Polec) Gariwerd (1330) d Whits (1256) Votes on the match for the B&F are as follows: 3 - Masten 2 - Deledio 1 - Burgoyne Progressive: 7 - Deledio 4 - Masten 3 - Cooney 2 - Hurn 1 - Burgoyne, Lower
  16. anthak

    anthak Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I announced earlier in the blog section that there would be a press conference later today, but staff and players are still in their recovery session after the big win and it has been postponed to a later date - probably Wednesday. <img alt='' width='470' height='470' src='' id='irc_mi' style='margin-top: 80px;[/img] [​IMG] A couple of pics from our recovery session!
  17. anthak

    anthak Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    To avoid the crush of the likely crowd our press conference in the Whitsunday was expected to draw, we called a surprise press conference just after sunset: [​IMG]
    So, the big news... As everyone would be aware, this week is World Penguin Day and XRemembranceround. <div>
    <div>Our old sponsors caught wind that we were in QLD and have offered us a great deal to play our Round 4 home game at their headquarters: <pre></pre> <pre></pre> <pre>[span style='font-size: 15px; line-height: 21px; white-space: normal;[​IMG]
    </pre> We expect a bit of outrage from our home supporters because this game was going to be our only home game in a 5 week period, but we are over the moon that our old sponsors from last season have got in touch and committed to hosting this game and our home supporters would be happy to know that, once again, there will besubsidisedBundy rum on tap at all the remaining Gariwerd home games. Which we should point out now that there is only 1 more home game in Gariwerd - round 7 vs Cradle Mountain - scheduled before the midseason draft. <div>
    <div>Just as we did when Mawson Base visited last year, our sponsors will be giving away a penguin meet pie to all spectators at the game. <div>
    and... Due to the extremely late notice, our sponsor will be providingaccommodationfor our opponents from Birdsville and Im sure it will be up to standards (its far better than what is available in Gariwerd anyway): <pre></pre> <pre>[span style='font-size: 15px; line-height: 21px; white-space: normal;[​IMG]</pre> Bundaberg is actually closer to where we are now in the Whitsundays than Birdsville, so we're weighing up whether to swing past Birdsville in the Air Whitsunday jet, as originally planned, or travel direct on our own expense.
    We'll work that out in due course, but for the time being, we've gotta get back to training. <pre></pre> <pre>[​IMG]</pre> <pre>[​IMG]</pre> Thats our new Sports Scientist on the right ;)His methods worked for Round 3, so we're gonna stick with him.
  18. Bandit

    Bandit Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    He looks like he is about 12... must be the anti ageing drugs!
  19. anthak

    anthak Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Bandit wrote:
    He looks like he is about 12... must be the anti ageing drugs! Yeah, he's definitely a good one! Thats our new young draftee - Jimmy Toumpas - he's looking after and he is 15 years older than him!
  20. anthak

    anthak Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    anthak wrote:
    <div>Just as we did when Mawson Base visited last year, our sponsors will be giving away a penguin meet pie to all spectators at the game. <div>...

    <img alt='[/img]/Portals/0/User%20Images/pie%20sponsor.jpg If you want to get your teeth into one of these bad boys, make your way to Bundaberg on the weekend for the big match between the Birdsville Battlers and Gariwerd Cockatoos for the 2nd Bundaberg Cup!

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