Have you set out a longterm plan?

Discussion in 'AFL' started by Sainterz12, May 20, 2011.

  1. Ryhmesayers

    Ryhmesayers New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I had 3 weeks of trades written out two weeks ago and now they have totally changed :) New plan in place now. It really helps to have it mapped out though, keeps me on track to get those prems that i want.

    Next year when i'm EVENMORESERIOUS i will spreadsheet and use the BE and ticker a lot more than i have so far.
  2. LeisureSuitLion

    LeisureSuitLion New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    TopHeavy - yeah, ive got the big freo four: pav, mundy, sandi, and fyfe. trouble is i jumped the gun and had petrie (gone, for pav), chapman, s.johnson, and b.harvey in my forwards. Thank christ for MPPs!

    torcida - I.Smith let me move chappy to the mids, so youre right, i guess i dont really have to trade him out (but will be kicking tables if ablett gets 150+ and chappy another sub 100!)just yet.

    What about my future planned changes in defence, tho?
    duigan/b.smith out for deledio after r11 (rich bye)
    B.smith/duigan out for fisher after r14 (saints bye)

  3. faz_2000

    faz_2000 New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I've got 2-3 weeks worth of trade ideas loosely mapped out, mostly centered around which guns I need to bring in.

    But a few unusually high or low scores from anyone on the team or, god forbid, more injuries will scuttle those plans pretty quick.

    I have used a spreadsheet and Too Serious salary predictor to work out how I can (most likely) afford the trades I wanna do over the next few weeks. Come on down GAJ and Swan.
  4. torcida

    torcida Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    like those trades ;)
    dw about chappy im sure there is someone else in the mid u could upgrade to ablett.
    cant trade chappy we picked him as a keeper . if i jumped off (roo - gibbs - rok - goodes - enright) when they scored poorly i wouldn't be able 2 upgrade anyone else.
    chappy is set and forget
  5. LeisureSuitLion

    LeisureSuitLion New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    alright thanks for that mate, it makes more sense the longer i think about it - i'll deliver the good news to chappy at our last training session, and let abletts agent know hes got to make do with the Suns for now lol
  6. torcida

    torcida Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    no worries - these 2 articles are great, take a look if u got time
  7. anthak

    anthak Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I reckon it's good to have a basic plan of how many players need to be upgraded and approx how many trades will be needed to do it all. This stops stupid sideways trades a lot of the time.
    But actually choosing what players to bring in, more than a couple of weeks in advance, is almost pointless, as players form and price at the time (BE etc) will form your decision at any given time.
  8. weazel

    weazel Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    yep pick a squad of players at the start you want to end up with, then add and delete more of them as you go.
    then depending on lti's, cows, cash, be's make your move.
  9. RonBurgundy

    RonBurgundy New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    you must have a plan to upgrade your team to 22 premiums to stop you from sideways trading when 1 or 2 are not scoring so well.
    When I write mine up I'm not to solid on who will go and who will stay but focus on which lines need improving first and where the best upgrade/downgrades are even if it means losing a few $1,000 for the right trade or a high breakeven in the end its the points that matter
  10. weazel

    weazel Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I agree ron points on the park influence trades stay classy san diego :)
  11. RonBurgundy

    RonBurgundy New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    This week my plan is to trade out matera although he is not over 300,000 and on the way down he has the bye and then geelong can't see him scoring to well there so and given last 2 big scores bolstered by end of game goals. No big price rise for 3 weeks where as if you bring in a bubble rookie or a premium you will make more money(in the next 3 weeks) / points on the field while trading matera this week is not ideal for he hasn't finished mooing
  12. bfish

    bfish New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I have had a "plan" for a few weeks now, but it keeps changing each week. I was ready to trade out Curnow the round he was injured, but then Libba was rested and was going to cop a 0 in the mids, so went Libba instead. Grimes in the same round put everything back by 2 rounds. Moral of the story is just set a rough guide of where you may trade. I still have 18 trades so will be making 2 a week for the next 5 weeks. Aiming to have Pav, Chappy, Scotland and Boyd over the next 5 weeks with hopefully 1 "bargain" in the mix as well.
  13. TerryinBangkok

    TerryinBangkok Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Note the discussion on here is v. similar to "Trades" in the forum. Pretty much; how many left, how many holes to fill and where did it all go. But it does raise the point of trading down at this juncture with an eye more towards bench security than necessarily potential cows.

    Agree with Walesy - biro this week, pencil for the next two. Surprising the mountain of paper one builds up over the course of a season. I find planning in this way takes you straight to what you want to see when teams are announced and it is helpful to have a plan B. Seems many plans were stuffed by the Isaac out but folks weren't prepared to take the risk and jump on Mz. If I am not mistaken, Mz donned the Green Jellybean jumper a few weeks back and I would hope this sort of forward thinking reaps rewards. Not much of a risk really when you consider last year many teams had an MPP from Sydney who they did not want to get a game.
  14. easty01

    easty01 New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    <blockquote>Quote from Lucas on May 20, 2011, 10:50
    Like Walesy I have a longer term plan that changes as BEs and circumstances change.

    That said, I think the philosophy of up-down trades throughout rounds probably 7 to 14 where you burn through 14 trades and upgrade 7 positions to jets is an absolute must.</blockquote>

    This sums it up pretty well for mine - I do 'solid' plans for the next 2 weeks along with a more flexible plan for the third week which usually changes after the coming weekend.

    In the background is a longer term plan but all of it is influenced by BEs, which cow is mooing first and which line is most in need of upgrading - last week it was my Defence calling for re-inforcements so Shaw came in (that's Heath, not Rhyce or Matt!), this week it's the Mids in need of topping up, and so it goes.

    Having a plan definitely helps avoid those seemed like a good idea at the time trades - perfect example is my DT side which I've devoted far less time to and as a result ended up with spuds like Toy, Prestia and R.Tarrant
  15. Jay

    Jay New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    This is my second year doing supercoach, did minimal research last year and spent most of the time trading sideways. Needless to say, didn't do to well.

    Picked up, through the trapes (ie. this site) that research is the key. This year, with a bit of cash at stake, decided to take it "too serious". Spent ages reading the forums preseason and researching the rookies. A few premium rookies slipped through the cracks, so my research wasn't as good as it could have been (didn't think a first year forward would be able to consistently score well and keep his spot in the team, Darling, I'm looking at you!)

    Once the season was underway, and I burnt a few trades early to pick up missed rookies, decided to shift my focus long term. Set up a spreadsheet at about round 5, focusing on the rookies I earmarked at the start of the year but hadn't played yet. Estimating when they could begin playing, forecasting prices, formed a timeline and matched them up with rookie cows that I could trade out at that particular time.

    Then did the same with premiums that I wanted to bring in.
    Ended up pencilling in trades for the next 5 weeks. Now my plan extends to round 14. Every week, the sequence of players coming in and going out changes slightly, but at the very least I've got a master plan.

    Essentially, planning weeks in advance, even if they are loose plans, is giving me an indication of whether or not I can achieve a decent team. I also echo the words of the wise heads on this site, research is key and keep an eye on breakevens. Fingers crossed, if all goes well, I can field the following team in round 15.

    Goddard, Deledio, Gibbs, Shaw, Fisher, Enright, Broughton (Heppell, Hibberd, TBA)

    Swan, Pendlebury, Judd, Selwood, Boyd, Priddis (Iles, Mzungu, Jacobs)

    Franklin, Pavlich, Chapman, Goodes, N Riewoldt, J Riewoldt, Higgins (Petrie, I Smith, TBA)

    Sandilands, Cox (TBA, J Tippett)
  16. Sainter

    Sainter New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Adcock captain, doubting myself
  17. anthak

    anthak Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Good stuff jay! Great to find TS in only your 2nd year. Love your passion towards the planning!! And that team looks a goodun if you can get there.

    However, i still stand by my comments about knowing how many players need to be upgraded and how many trades are expected to be needed to do so.

    I wanted to write this comment as something interesting happened to me regarding planning this evening.

    This is regarding the team I have in the 'TS trading games' league. After starting the season with goodes (and Sylvia, but he was traded out when had bye - bad move in hindsight) and bringing in boomer, pav and ROK since then, I found myself with 4 premium MPP M/F's, and 2 of them are in my midfield. When I traded them in, I had no intention of having them in midfield when my team is fully upgraded.

    All this week my intention was to dg swallow to a hibberd et al type player, so I could upgrade grimes as my backline needed some more grunt to it (playing rookies in def cost me big time last round).
    But then today when I looked closer, I realised that I can't waste the swallow trade on a downgrade. I realised that Because I need to swing both mpp prems into the fl, I still have 3 spots to upgrade in midfield, and only 3 real options to be able to do it - swallow, pittard and Harris. (my other mid is Isaac, who I jumped the gun with last week - interestingly I traded him into forwards to be able to swing one of my other mpp m/f's out of the guts).
    This finding also showed me that my forward line is effectively fully upgraded with 7 premiums + Petrie. And my remaining 2 forward cash cows that are worth trading - tappy and matera - both need to be downgraded to m/f's - prob mzungu , and maybe callinan... But we'll wait and see who is suitable when it comes time to pull the trigger.

    My timing was perfect. If I hadn't have sat down to update my plans today, then I would have downgraded swallow, and my original plans - of finishing with prem mpp's in forward line - would have been dashed...

    Also fwiw, my rucks are fine, and def still has 2 upgrades looming. All going well, will be fully upgraded in time for round 14.
  18. whips

    whips New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Jay, you could have written that post on my behalf. 2nd year also and making mistakes but getting better with the help of the TS community.
    A long term plan is essential. Bad luck often becomes an opportunity.
    I've read many posts bemoaning injury or suspension woes but the long term plan allows you to bring forward a trade you would have made anyway.
    Conversely, a player going well allows you to avoid a trade you thought you'd need to make.
    It's all pencilled in and the sense-check happens every week.
    The spreadsheet I set up is definitely user-only. I must try to adjust it and see if TS can use it.
    Jay, yours might be better.
    But yes, longer term planning is a huge help.
  19. Jay

    Jay New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I agree anthak, without getting too philosophical, if you don't know what you want, you don't know what you need to do to achieve it.

    Even though I have a long term rolling plan, there are obviously going to be roadblocks along the way that make me rethink the whole journey to arrive at the same destination.
  20. walesy

    walesy Administrator Staff Member

    Nov 30, 2015
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    One thing I'm going to work on a little better next year (if they still have them) is the byes per line. I'm finding that although my team is but a shake away from fully upgraded, that to bring Ablett in this week means that I'll be playing two rookies in the backline this week where the coverage is pretty rocky (Then again next week when Deledio is out).

    Had I not been so keen on upgrading the other lines, I reckon the points made up in coverage here could have been pretty decent.

    Ah well, maybe I'll put Ablett off for a week. :)

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