HeraldSun paid content - live SC scores?

Discussion in 'AFL' started by Tigerman, Mar 14, 2012.

  1. simmmmo10

    simmmmo10 New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    If anyone wants to join a SuperCoach Pro league via SuperCoach Gold feel free to join mine - 211174. :)
  2. tAdmin

    tAdmin Guest

    I think you're in the wrong thread simmmmo.
  3. chris88

    chris88 1000 Monkeys at 1000 Typewriters Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Lenh - you mention that:

    "I am seriously hoping that the extra revenue will allow for better content and the quality will improve, as you say if it isn't people won't continue their subscription."

    I would in fact argue that this paywall has a massive chance of actually reducing the revenue that the Herald Sun brings in.

    People who don't wish to buy a digital pass (and let's be honest, given the quality of the content behind the paywall currently, there's no pressing reason to do so) will drift away from the website and go elsewhere.

    Advertisers will cotton onto this quick smart. They can grab analytics from Google, and they can find out quickly how many page views there are and aren't.

    And those who advertise in the dead-tree edition of the Herald Sun - advertisers who probably already receive deals and discounts to do so (and you'd be amazed at the deals and discounts they get ... they don't bring in a lot of dosh) ... well, that situation isn't going to change. People who visit the website for free ain't going to go and buy a Herald Sun because they can't access digital content - they'll just go to another website.

    Advertisers will have their doubts. And if they start to go, the Herald Sun won't be able to make up the shortfall by selling digital passes or stupid SC gold.

    In the end, the publications that the paywall works best for are those that can provide content you can't get elsewhere - two that spring to mind immediately are the Wall Street Journal and Financial Review. Funnily enough, both owned by Murdoch, and funnily enough, both peddling business news to the A Demographic.

    The A Demo doesn't read the Hun. (And its called the Hun for a reason, thanks very much Attila). The content isn't unique - what I've seen of the two main selling points behind the paywall - the footy stuff and True Crime, the content is downright try-hard.

    We can get better footy analysis from other places, and better SC analysis from here. Why would we pay for it? (or at least, not pay Walesy for it)
  4. chris88

    chris88 1000 Monkeys at 1000 Typewriters Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    One other thing - aren't some of the soccer fantasy leagues and comps in the UK pay to play? And if so, are they run by media outlets Rupert has an interest in?
  5. Len

    Len Cockburn Knightrider Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    In many ways I don't get the criticism of the SH, if you want genuinely awful reporting on football live in Sydney, we can dish irrelevant and rehashed crap better than any......

    That said I have also read what you are referring to and I don't have a problem with where the general criticism comes from here.

    Walesy has said here that revenue come from clicks, not page views.

    I can 100% guarantee you that I have never clicked on an ad on a newspaper site, who does??

    So my $8 revenue per week is currently genuinely zero, my subscription is a %100 increase on what they got from me before. If it works and we judge it worthwhile we will keep it up.

    I don't think we are alone in that judgement.
  6. Lucas

    Lucas Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Revenue actually comes from a range of things. Sure clicks is one big thing, but they have to be linked to sales in order for the $ to roll in.
    Therefore, it's the offers and newsletter things that Walesy puts out to a loyal membership that actually are (I would suggest) bigger drivers of income than passive ads. Which still pay per view but just not as much.

    It's why I was always a big fan of trying to get targeted advertising on the walls here like JB or Sports Delivered or Rebel - basically businesses that would work with our demographic.

    Just didn't work out so well so far, but who knows, these big boys might throw a promotional bone our way...
  7. Len

    Len Cockburn Knightrider Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    It is seriously important for the advertising to be relevant. synergy isn't a myth.

    FWIW I don't drink tea, iced or otherwise....

    This site is a bit different in that it has a mild flavour of club about it, ie we are all here for a similar purpose.

    A newspaper site would find it much harder to be target relevant advertising wise, my wife shops for heels, handbags and jewellery, these are things I shop for only when I am in the shit, yet an advertiser targeting down to even an IP level were that possible could waste serious money showing me those ads and not the ones for good malt whiskey, cheap golf clubs or any bloody thing with a St Kilda logo on it :)

    The broad church a newspaper must appeal to makes this a logical thing to try, whether it succeeds or not is a whole different story.
  8. Lucas

    Lucas Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I don't mind the link to open universities. Some day I will have to update my resume with more than "he's that guy who writes for TooSerious"
  9. Len

    Len Cockburn Knightrider Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Same, I am enrolling with them this year, both my daughters are doing degrees with them currently, my wife on the other hand already has her degree, shopping with honours...
  10. thokash

    thokash Full-Time Magician Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I probably know the least about marketing/advertising here, but I work for JB and if you want to look at ads/banners on the site send me a PM I'll give you a contact.

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