Is Giles now a Keeper?

Discussion in 'AFL' started by Astro39, Apr 30, 2012.

  1. Lucas

    Lucas Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I'm about 8000 at the moment. I think I've played pretty well this year in terms of structure but didn't choose the right players. Andrew Swallow hasn't stepped up where I thought he would. Dustin Martin has not weathered the initial difficult draw storm. I avoided Franklin and Goddard. Many would say I've made a mistake in trading Ablett, but it was a gut-feel call, a bit like Sandilands last year. I have Franklin in now locked and loaded at a fairly low point, and Goddard will come. It appears he can't cop a hard tag which is very interesting.

    Dal Santo hasn't played at Murphy's level. Shaw and Birchall have been mistakes due to injuries. So that's about how you get to 800 behind. I'm not sure I can pull any of that back this season, but will scrap and strive to get that happening.

    To that end I'm going to need to play differently to the masses, get a few points of difference, and move forward. I'd think that because I've kept a fairly decent bye round strategy I will be well placed to make some ground there. But let's see. Injuries could hurt.

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