List Change Rule

Discussion in 'ORFFU' started by JPK, Sep 30, 2024.

  1. bryzza

    bryzza Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Why mandatory delistments should be removed:

    Flexibility Encourages Better Strategy: Mandatory delistments force coaches to make changes even if their squad is performing well. By removing this rule, coaches would have the freedom to develop their players and strategies over time. Successful coaches aren’t just lucky; they are good at building cohesive teams, so they should be allowed to manage their list based on their knowledge and insights. Letting coaches do as they please would encourage more nuanced and long-term planning, leading to better overall gameplay.

    Unnecessary Disruption of Squad Development: Constant forced changes prevent teams from evolving naturally. Teams develop their chemistry over time, and mandatory delistments can break that rhythm. The rule penalizes teams that have drafted well and built balanced squads by forcing them to disrupt what’s working. Removing the rule would allow coaches to maintain continuity and focus on refining their squads.

    Rewarding Skill, Not Randomization: The point of the game is to reward good decision-making. While mandatory delistments were intended to level the playing field, they instead create an artificial constraint. The best coaches will always find ways to be competitive, regardless of mandatory changes. Eliminating this rule allows the league to truly reward skill in player selection and team management, rather than punishing successful coaches.

    Natural Balancing Through Trades and Drafts: There are already existing mechanisms like drafts and trades to balance out teams. These natural elements of the game already provide opportunities for less competitive teams to strengthen their squads. Allowing coaches the freedom to delist players voluntarily—based on form, injury, or other factors—will keep the game competitive without needing forced list changes.

    By removing the mandatory delistment rule, you would allow coaches to fully control their team's fate, leading to more strategic depth and a better experience for everyone.
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  2. fresh

    fresh Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I don't mind wb's idea.
    I think the thing holding auctions back has been the fact that rarely does a player being available end up being the only piece of the trade.
    As another idea, why dont we loosen the rules around auctions? If a player is offered up for auction, offers can be made for that player and include other picks or players from auctioning coach's team as part of an offer.
    I think auctioning coach would also need to list which players and picks definitely cannot be considered as part of any offers being put forward.
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  3. Wolffy84

    Wolffy84 Well-Known Member

    Dec 23, 2020
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    Im very much on the 'let coaches manage as they want to manage' side on the fence.

    In terms of the trade nomination and counter offer idea, I'm torn on it. If the time limit is short and that means coaches are on the site more, thats great. But we need strong protection for the initial coach in the trade. Would hate to get coaches offside who have been proactive.
  4. JPK

    JPK Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I'm going to steer this conversation on a slight tangent.

    The way I see it, we're trying to look for rules that will not hamper the good teams / coaches too much (although they'll always find ways to get around them and be good anyway), and give the coaches who are less skilled statisticians a better opportunity of having a competitive team.

    So, in my mind, to keep the league thriving, we have three steps we need to take.
    Step 1 is to create hope. If more players are available to be selected (and not hoarded) then poorly performing teams have hope of picking them up and winning games (or only losing by small margins, not being blown away by >300points each game). The psychology of hope can make a big difference (the lack of hope can be very detrimental).
    Step 2 is to drive engagement. If more coaches are active then the ones that aren't will feel more compelled to get involved, to be part of the ORFFU community. Creating a need to trade and draft is a mechanism to create engagement. The hope for success also creates engagement (and the lack of hope creates alienation).
    Step 3 is to maintain competitiveness. If everyone can actually win games, then everyone is more likely to take interest. Even if your team is not winning, you're still looking to see who does. But if the same few teams win game after game, year after year, then it gets boring for the rest, and they lose engagement and lose hope, and the league suffers.

    So I'm an advocate for mandatory delistments because:
    • it gives the lower ranked teams the hope of becoming better, because there's more players available to pick
    • it keeps coaches active and engaged because they have to make changes to their team (the opposite being just sticking with the same 28 players as last year, because "I'm not going to win anyway, so what's the point?")
    • it means that a few teams won't be full of all the best players, and a few teams stuck with the also-rans who don't get regular games, resulting in major blowouts across the season.
    This isn't a dictatorship, this is a community, and personally, I'd like to see all 18 coaches wanting to being involved in the ORFFU as much as they possibly can. I realise that real-life takes priority, but for me this is fun, and engaging, and I'd like all of your help to make it that way for all of us.

    One idea that I do have is that we should arrange a video call together, the 18 of us, some time in say March next year, just before the season starts. Most of us don't know each-other, and it can't hurt to sit infront of a computer with your favourite poison for an hour or two, and just generally chat to each-other, get to know everyone. We can't all get to the same place at the same time, but the great thing to come out of COVID was that the world realised that video calls are an effective way of meeting people and getting things done.
    So my proposal is a Saturday night in March, we all log on and just say hello to each-other.

    If anyone has any ideas for how to improve the league, please either post them here, or post them to me via PM if you'd rather not do so publicly (I realise that everyone has different tolerances for public communication and feedback). Again, this is not my dictatorship, this is OUR community, so lets all get involved in making it better!
  5. choppers

    choppers Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I really like what you're doing here mate, I really do......
  6. Wolffy84

    Wolffy84 Well-Known Member

    Dec 23, 2020
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    I think the video call is a good idea.
  7. insider

    insider Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I think it’s shit - I’ve been on a zoom with 15+ people and it’s a fuckin nightmare.
    Having said that, I’d still join just to be a part of the community activity and to see if anyone is older than @choppers :p

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