Lovett acquitted

Discussion in 'AFL' started by TopHeavy, Jul 26, 2011.

  1. tAdmin

    tAdmin Guest

    My thoughts echo jo's thoughts.
  2. dominatorcam

    dominatorcam New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Will Hird give him a lifeline?? He'd have to be in full training by the draft before anyone will look at him. He'd be a great fit for the bombers style of play.
  3. blueyzarzoff

    blueyzarzoff New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Adam Heuskes revisited!
  4. anthak

    anthak Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I've been stressing that my comments may be taken wrong.

    In no way was I condoning that sort of shocking shocking behavior! I completely agree with what Jo commented. But also think that what is in the herald sun should not be taken as gospel - except for Walesy's articles earlier this year! I do not know any facts about what he has been up to - not to any extent as I have not followed any of it at all.

    I asked the question about if he had got into strife about that stuff with his missus, simply for research as the herald sun is not known to be a very reliable source. But I was not doubting that it was true.

    But, despite not knowing much about his off-field life, its easy to realise that he obviously (tautology I know, but worth it's emphasis) isn't leadership material.

    But, I do also think he is a fantastic football player, and given a 2nd (3rd, 4th or whatever it is) chance, he COULD be a good fit at an afl club next year.
  5. TopHeavy

    TopHeavy Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    <blockquote>Quote from jo on July 27, 2011, 17:29
    GWS don't want a bar of him. Good for them.

    <blockquote>Quote from TopHeavy on July 26, 2011, 10:27
    Lovett being picked up could go down to the wire like Cousins did. On the one hand, Cousins actually f'd up majorly, compared with Lovett who has done a lot less than guys like Fev. Cousins was a pretty big gamble although he had a lot of pulling power and to an extent was a marquee player. Worth it as Richmond had record membership numbers from memory but gave them false hope as usual. Lovett doesn't have that appeal but could be a handy pickup due to availability and potential for greatness. I hope for his sake he is a success story like Krakouer has been this year.</blockquote>

    I don't know if beating his wife and um... 'having sex' with a girl who is clearly way too drunk to have consented (consent is never implied)is less offensive than having an addiction or generally behaving like a twat.

    If I had to pick someone to have on a team I support... It wouldn't be Lovett. And if I were a coach, no way would I be introducing a personality like that into a team full of young kids as some sort of 'leader'. </blockquote>

    I tend to agree that he got off lightly. If he did go out of his way to get the bird drunk to take advantage of her then that's another story. I see it that she would've been all over the 'footy player' and was happy to accept his gratuities. Tbh I think they're both as dumb as each other, he probably did do a very wrong thing, but she stupidly put herself in a very vulnerable situation. On top of this, I doubt it would be news if it wasn't a footy player.

    Having said all that, in terms of the law, he's been acquitted so he is free to move on. Who is more 'offensive' is hearsay.

    I agree he has and probably will have a bad image for a long time, but still may have something to offer on the footy field.
  6. Lucas

    Lucas Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    On the comment of AFL being Lovett's career, he's had a full 18 months to do something else.

    18 months on the Saints pay packet which wouldn't be cheap would be more than enough time and money to reskill or retrain in most of life's endeavours.

    That is of course unless he was quite prepared to do nothing of the sort.

    My view is that he wants to return to by football try to clear his name. Not sure that always happens. Some comebacks work, and others are laughable.

    From what was written on Lovett in Misson's book, that he struggled to finish last in a time trial, and there were plenty of other misdemeanors that led to his sacking, I'm thinking hmm better show his wares at elite level in the WAFL or SANFL for a year before even considering an AFL return.
  7. anthak

    anthak Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I'm pretty sure he has been playing in WAFL hasn't he?
  8. weazel

    weazel Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    there was plenty of incidents that were and weren't reported in his time at essendon all involving alcohol. and imo just because you can play a game well doesn't mean he should get extra chances or favours from anyone. he has made his choice to not give up the booze many times so i coudn't care less if he never plays afl again.
  9. Lucas

    Lucas Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    If Lovett has been playing WAFL it hasn't been Krakouer-good. It needs to be 300 Supercoach Points scoring match good, otherwise don't bother.

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