Midfield Setup

Discussion in 'AFL' started by Fitzy, Feb 14, 2012.

  1. anthak

    anthak Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    In the mids, is anyone considering taking in a midpricer?

    Gaff stands out as the obvious choice.
  2. whips

    whips New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Not for me, anthak. But I do like Gaff.
    FWIW, I'm one who needs to visualize a team structure so I have made a rough start with 2 mid-pricers only. None in the MIDs where I reckon there'll be plenty of good G&R's to fill.
    And I promise not to mention, "oh shit, I had him in my team once - should have kept him in there". Cheers.
  3. port_leschenault

    port_leschenault Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    <blockquote>Quote from Lucas on February 16, 2012, 08:30
    Chels for what its worth I am not putting in a team in any fashion until at least two weeks from now, maybe even later. Just think we can over analyse combinations.

    It doesn't mean I'm not doing some trend analysis, and seeing who the next breakout targets can be, but otherwise, I think lots of this creating team is speculation, and the plethora of choices for many people can actually paralyse effective decision making.</blockquote>

    I would agree with this but I have a team right now. I have a strategy and structure that I'm happy with, the amount of prems I'm happy with. Who they are, I am happy with. They may change, I have backups ready if so and rookies are rookies, I have heaps shortlisted, not just the ones in my team.

    Coming into the NAB I'm actually quite relaxed about it all and even 'happy'. So either I'm naive right now or I've got a team I'm happy with. :D
  4. RaoulDuke

    RaoulDuke New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I seriously want to put in Lucas at 223k. He's flying and I will have a good look at him in the intraclub tomorrow.

    However with all the options at the 106-113k level it's very hard to justify.
  5. graeme

    graeme Guest

    well port mate we know you are not naive, so .... we must examine other possibilities.

    To each their own approach.

  6. GaryReal

    GaryReal Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    @Port and Lucas - For what it's worth I made a team on Dec15 and Im sticking with it (no thats not true).

    @RauolDuke I like the fact you go for carlton but its blurring your vision with Lucas. Apart from the fact he is a spitting image of Mitchell Johnson fast bowler he is a total waste of $100k. Hell average at best 80 points (dreamin!) and thats ONLY if he becomes a regular mid player, even tho gibbs is gonna be there more plus even JRussell and CYarran will play more mid...
    Spend 100k on a rookie who averages 70 (there will be 15 of them) and put the 100k somewhere else.
    And for what its worth, Lucas is a crap disposal under pressure, and he's always under pressure.
  7. <blockquote>In further good news for the club, Voss said resting Daniel Rich from the match was a precautionary measure only.

    Rich has a stress reaction in the same foot that sidelined him for six games last season.

    "We're being fairly cautious there because we have no reason to accelerate him," Voss said.</blockquote>

    Interesting bit at the bottom of an article on Drummond, I'd say a stress reaction in that foot no matter how minor could still be an issue during the season again
  8. Tylo

    Tylo Moderator

    Jan 3, 2016
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    With the lack of certainty of premiums in other positions I think this is a year to start 4 premium mids.

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