As I said I didn't really mind what the number was going to be, clear advantages and disadvantages with any number, deeper cuts would have meant a seriously good FA pool, but I am personally very glad I don't have to cut 5 atm!
Is there any way to facilitate trades between teams prior to the draft? Probably too hard for the system to handle in-house, but could we manually work something perhaps?
It sounds possible, and I think most of us looking at the delist requirement would also like the opportunity to trade prior. One way that seems obvious, and I don't think onerous, would be to conduct the draft here instead? I would change the draft style to single PC and add the picks as taken during the draft, anyone traded would have to be delisted prior though effectively then added following the live picks, spots obviously being left for them to be selected into. Theoretically doing it that way we could also trade draft picks, though that has an uncertain feel to it and I'm not sure I'd want the pressure of not cocking it up first time around. Could be added later if the first part of the idea works.
A simple plea - let's just keep it simple please. Fishing trips scheduled, a couple of bridge tournaments and other diversions all organised around drafts and the start of SC. Do not want to miss the fun of trading but I have a lot on right now.
I'd certainly be interested in exploring options for trading players and/or draft picks. Don't worry graeme, I imagine that there's no compulsion to participate in a pre-draft trade period if you're too busy.
I'm a fan of simple The draft isn't set to run in one night, as above it's set to allow a max gap of a day, though as noted we can't have too many of them.. The only real difference (I believe) is that you post your picks here instead of on the SC website. We could also do it completely on the site and just ensure no-one takes a traded player though I can't see that working as it would be too easy to miss one.
I really don't want to whack a poll up in a non league specific forum, if participants could indicate below if they would prefer to trade prior or not below that would be great. I don't believe there is any site restriction on trading post the draft so we are simply talking about the period leading up to it, and then how we manage the outcome.
Bombarded with response. @graeme @JC @TerryinBangkok @Jason @Kel @bgt2110 @Tylo @dmandrews @YAD69 Feel free to express an opinion or two
Would like a trade period before the draft. Would prefer the action to be here rather than on SC site, where possible.
6 for none against, if the level of support stays that way till I get back to Sydney Saturday afternoon we will start trading Sunday and I'll switch the draft format to accomodate
Yes to tradeys (but I might be otherwise engaged playing bridge with chels). And a big yes to this. "Still thinking completely voluntary tbh, if someone feels their current 15 is gods gift to football good luck to them, the rest of us will reap the benefits"