New Posters.

Discussion in 'Blog' started by anthak, May 27, 2008.

By anthak on May 27, 2008 at 10:00 AM
  1. anthak

    anthak Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Howdy all, just a quick update to introduce a couple of new faces to the TooSerious family.

    Firstly, we have the big, the bad, the burly, Big Bad Burley. A self confessed stat junkie, and someone who definitely takes Dreamteam too seriously. I imagine his posts will be both informative and I myself are looking forward to reading them. (Which you can do yourself in the Dreamteam forum, go say hi! )

    Our other new poster, Nathan, who hails from the Supercoach side of things, will be writing columns with more of a Supercoach slant. I look forward to reading his reviews, as well as a Supercoach Captains thread. Which should be be good reading.

    So pop in, drop a comment to say Hi (Cause yanno, we get paid in hugs and comment here), and enjoy what these guys have to say.


Discussion in 'Blog' started by anthak, May 27, 2008.

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