NFL Draft Sunday

Discussion in 'NFL' started by Wiggles, Aug 20, 2011.

  1. Steve

    Steve Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Love the team name "Vick's Dog Fighters", LOL

    I wonder how long it will take ESPN to change that team name?
  2. walesy

    walesy Administrator Staff Member

    Nov 30, 2015
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    <blockquote>Quote from bgt2110 on August 22, 2011, 14:04
    Going into the draft i had planned to take my QB in round 5 (pick 45) and was surprised that so many of the quality fantasy QB's had already gone by then. If i had my time again i would take my QB a round or two earlier.
    Saying that no i couldn't of taken my TE selection until after walesy's pick at 49.


    I love that I got my QB in round 7- and had I trusted Wiggles not to screw me, would have picked him up in the 8th! :D

    That said, there are 11 QB's wroth playing as a starter, and only 10 teams for them to fill- so for mine, if you miss out on one of the top tier, is probably not worth jumping on unless you're worried that others will pick them up as excellent backups and force you to the trade table! (Which is why I reckon Wiggles will stuggle to move Manning til an injury strikes!)

    Had Wiggles picked up Freeman though (or anyone else picked him up), I reckon I would have been over a barrel to deal someone to him - paying above the odds for Manning I reckon... still, would have been a super gutsy move for Wiggles- but I couldn't take that chance! :D

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