ORFFA Brownlow

Discussion in 'ORFFA' started by TerryinBangkok, Oct 12, 2012.

  1. melbandy

    melbandy Active Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    If we go with blue we can get Australia's "David Bowie", Iva Davies to sing Electric Blue as part of the show.
  2. TerryinBangkok

    TerryinBangkok Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Yeah! Australia's Jim Bowie!

    <img src="http://tooserious.net/wp-content/uploads/2012/11/d1p4f-Jim-Bowie.jpg" />
    It's only people with green in their avatar who don't favour blue.
  3. anthak

    anthak Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    <blockquote>Quote from TerryinBangkok on November 22, 2012, 13:46
    It's only people with green in their avatar who don't favour blue.</blockquote>
    i was just spitting
    <img src="https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTrmTOpaDbp9WaxrtNdlkTQaPh2Ytx-fw2cSAx2N_39BeENMjS6" />
  4. anthak

    anthak Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    That kid would surely make a better go of it though hehe
  5. anthak

    anthak Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Can someone remind me why we're not having a 2012 brownlow, or bluelow, or whatever we call it.
    I'm considering taking the time to go through each ORFFA game and using SC scores to determine a winner, but won't if a decision has already been made not to. I was away for a while so I may have missed the discussion.
  6. anthak

    anthak Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    ahhh, silly me! I should have read the OP...
    <blockquote>Quote from TerryinBangkok on October 11, 2012, 13:12

    The trick with Brownlows is that everyone has to play, every week, for it to be deep and meaningful. So, starting with season 2013, we are going to post votes (1,2,3) for the best 3 performers in our own team. Fitzy will tell you how to do it and Fitzy has stuck up his fist to collate the scores every week.

    When we are all suffering post-season withdrawal next year we can brighten your day with our very own red carpet and antics from special guest Fev.
    Is that really why we're not running it - because some games were forfeits so some players didn't have as good an opportunity to win?
  7. Len

    Len Cockburn Knightrider Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    <blockquote>Quote from anthak on November 23, 2012, 19:37
    Can someone remind me why we're not having a 2012 brownlow, or bluelow, or whatever we call it.
    I'm considering taking the time to go through each ORFFA game and using SC scores to determine a winner, but won't if a decision has already been made not to. I was away for a while so I may have missed the discussion. </blockquote>
    I don't see anything preventing you doing so ant, however;
    As per posts above the idea of the Brownlow is it is voted on DURING the season after each game, we didn't ave it setup and thus didn't vote..
    A stat or official Brownlow vote based system would result in a known outcome though, so I am not sure how you would achieve anything doing one post season.
    Next yer, we will vote Fitzy style, resulting in an outcome determined by the members of the orffa, which has the potential to be unique and/or unpredictable..
    Excuse the typos, on my iPad and short of reading glasses :)
  8. Fitzy

    Fitzy Guest

    Terry and I are currently in discussion regarding the system. Maybe a name should be thrown up as well... The system in the first post is not official as of yet.
  9. anthak

    anthak Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Not sure why it would be a known outcome, and I'm happy to do it if people are happy for me to do it.
    I was also thinking that, to counter the point of some players having unfair advantage due to forfeit games, maybe I could give all players in the teams in forfeit games (that didn't cause the forfeit) their season average votes, or just award the 3, 2 & 1 to the best players of the round in the team that didn't forfeit.

    Just ideas
  10. graeme

    graeme Guest

    Am late to this so please bear with me.

    Am I right in assuming each manager has to nominate 3,2,1 each week from (i) his team; or (ii) from the game his team played? So the outcome might be different from the actual Brownlow - I say might without thinking through the probabilities. And if he forgets to nominate? Apologies TiB but (ii) might be worth consideration; perhaps the two "owners" reach a consensus about each game and send the agreed votes to Fitzy?.

    Approach (i)seems to have potential for manipulation. For example, I see Mitch (not saying which one) getting a lot of votes from me in 2013. :eek:

  11. TerryinBangkok

    TerryinBangkok Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    <img src="http://tooserious.net/wp-content/uploads/2012/11/2f59q-fitzy.jpg" />
    I dunno chels. Fitzy is up to something and I am inclined to give his head a bit of steam. Let the new generation have a crack, that sort of thing. Speaking for myself as a revered old fart, I just thought as you did, that each manager would give a 3,2,1 each week. No consensus needed. It would be fair to assume that there 3,2,1 would be his three highest scoring players for that week. If he fails to register said votes, would not take a lot of rocket science to work out who his 3 highest scorers were.

    Let's be honest. We are interested in scores, none of this who is the fairest in the land stuff. And in the real 'Low the votes are given by the umpires. I would trust Fitzy before I would trust them.

    Now, if Fitzy has something different up his sleeve, let him explain it - not to convince anyone, just to make sure we all understand.
  12. Fitzy

    Fitzy Guest

    To be honest I was thinking just a basic, 3 votes to the highest scorer in the match, 2 to the 2nd highest scorer, 3rd to the 3rd highest scorer, or maybe a 5-4-3-2-1 system.
    I would go through all the matches during the year and either say the votes at the conclusion of each week, or at the end of the year release the votes round by round... thoughts???
  13. graeme

    graeme Guest

    Fair enough TiB; Fitzy is a good man - give em enough rope to make a petard and all that?

    Almost certainly the wrong thread so feel free to move it: rookie listed players. For 2013 each AFL club can have a maximum of 40 on the playing list and a minimum of 4 on the rookie list. A potential wrinkle in ORFFA could be something like a maximum of 25 on the playing list and a minimum of 2 on the rookie list during the playing season. This would enable us to add an extra body in the draft which would mean having to take a punt on a long term prospect - in line with the keeper league concept.

  14. TerryinBangkok

    TerryinBangkok Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Geez Fitzy, you've been spying on this thread. That was real quick.

    Don't think! Just DO!!!

    But not sure a Brissie supporter would get that one.

    3 or 5, up to you. Try to keep as close to ORRFL as possible. My suggestion is weekly, but let the lads post their scores themselves. You jump in on Tuesday morning with any who have missed out and post a weekly summary. If we want a bit of mystery, we could close the summary when we reach the byes and then you do an end of season countdown.
  15. graeme

    graeme Guest

    bloody hell Fitzy, I assumed you were on an extended mad Monday /schoolies break in the Whitsundays courtesy of TiB
  16. TerryinBangkok

    TerryinBangkok Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    <blockquote>Quote from chels on November 29, 2012, 18:24
    Fair enough TiB; Fitzy is a good man - give em enough rope to make a petard and all that?

    Almost certainly the wrong thread so feel free to move it: rookie listed players. For 2013 each AFL club can have a maximum of 40 on the playing list and a minimum of 4 on the rookie list. A potential wrinkle in ORFFA could be something like a maximum of 25 on the playing list and a minimum of 2 on the rookie list during the playing season. This would enable us to add an extra body in the draft which would mean having to take a punt on a long term prospect - in line with the keeper league concept.


    Petard (sadly) has been delisted.

    I can't move your thread!!!! I am not entrusted with a magic wand or, heaven forbid, a sceptre. I am just treading Commish water here. Clayton's TiB as it were. If you want your thread moved to the right place (and you are right, this is the wrong place, but there has already been a fair bit of discussion elsewhere) you will need to send out a search party for Xenomorph. He has the power vested in him by Walesy. I am an outlander. Not to be trusted. But we will gets them, won't we precious! Yesssssss!
  17. Fitzy

    Fitzy Guest

    A bit to young for schoolies, but I can wish!

    Alright TiB sounds good, and you would be suprised how often I am on this site ;) hahahaha
  18. graeme

    graeme Guest

    I sent young Captain Oates out to search for X. He has not returned yet - I am not sure he will. I do not know if he found X or went MIA. A bit of the "Apocalypse Now" about the mission.
  19. TerryinBangkok

    TerryinBangkok Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    The Thais have trouble getting their collective mouths around "Now", so it comes out as Apocalypse Nom. "Nom" in Thai means breast. Sometimes words are better than pictures.
  20. anthak

    anthak Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Been a bit of action around here today :)

    Speaking of X, and specifically the whereabouts of him, I actually met a guy yesterday that goes on regular trips to Mawson with his work - true story. It slipped my mind to ask him about X and the Penguins, but I'm gonna be in touch with him tomorrow anyway, so I'll see if it feels too strange to ask him haha :)

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