ORFFF League Setup, rules and key dates discussion

Discussion in 'ORFFF' started by TheTassieHawk, Nov 27, 2012.

  1. Len

    Len Cockburn Knightrider Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    TheTassieHawk wrote:
    Len wrote:

    We've never detailed the FA rules in one spot, I'll grab the list you posted TTH and highlight variances if that works for you? </div>
    You are a champ Len !</div>

    Here you go, as noted previously the leagues are more common than different, though in reality the FA is probably more akin to the FL in it's management structure and style..

    We do have some specific rules relating to auctions and drafts that are not detailed here, can post them separately if you like.
    <p style='margin-bottom: 0.0001pt; background-color: white;][span style='color: black; padding: 0cm; border: 1pt none windowtext;]Leaving differences only <p style='margin-bottom: 0.0001pt; background-color: white;][span style='color: black; padding: 0cm; border: 1pt none windowtext;] <p style='margin-bottom: 0.0001pt; background-color: white;][span style='color: black; padding: 0cm; border: 1pt none windowtext;]1. TEAMS <p style='margin-bottom: 0.0001pt; background-color: white;][span style='color: black; padding: 0cm; border: 1pt none windowtext;]1(b) Squads of 26 players during competition. FA has 28 member squads <p style='margin-bottom: 0.0001pt; background-color: white;][span style='color: black; padding: 0cm; border: 1pt none windowtext;]1(h) If you don't field a team, in the first instance you get last weeks posted team, on the second occasion you will get zero, for the third time you will get zero as well as your first 3 rounds of post season draft picks forfeited and serious questions will be asked about your commitment with the possible removal from ORFFU. Same for first &amp;ldquo;offence&amp;rdquo;, never been past that point <p style='margin-bottom: 0.0001pt; background-color: white;][span style='color: black; padding: 0cm; border: 1pt none windowtext; background-color: white;]1(i) You[span style='text-decoration: underline; color: black; padding: 0cm; border: 1pt none windowtext;]must[span style='color: black; padding: 0cm; border: 1pt none windowtext; background-color: white;]post your team in the Weekly Team Thread prior to the first bounce, as well as entering via TSleagues. This not only helps with record keeping and ensures integrity of scores, it's also a good thing to do to encourage forum activity. Totally optional for FA, tsleagues is the keeper of the teams <p style='margin-bottom: 0.0001pt; background-color: white;][span style='color: black; padding: 0cm; border: 1pt none windowtext;] <p style='margin-bottom: 0.0001pt; background-color: white;][span style='color: black; padding: 0cm; border: 1pt none windowtext;]2. FIXTURE <p style='margin-bottom: 0.0001pt; background-color: white;][span style='color: black; padding: 0cm; border: 1pt none windowtext;]2(d) There will be a rolling lockout open during all split rounds. Each time it will close at the start of a game, the exact same as SC. FA closes with first bounce each weekend unless it's a Thursday and we then close on the Friday night game start <p style='margin-bottom: 0.0001pt; background-color: white;][span style='color: black; padding: 0cm; border: 1pt none windowtext;]2(g) Home teams will be required to post a match review no later than 2 days after the last AFL match (i.e. last game on Sunday, review posted on Tuesday). FA has a rostered list of reviewers <p style='margin-bottom: 0.0001pt; background-color: white;][span style='color: black; padding: 0cm; border: 1pt none windowtext;] <p style='margin-bottom: 0.0001pt; background-color: white;][span style='color: black; padding: 0cm; border: 1pt none windowtext;]3. FINALS <p style='margin-bottom: 0.0001pt; background-color: white;][span style='color: black; padding: 0cm; border: 1pt none windowtext;]3(b) In the first week the finals structure will be 1 v 8, 2 v 7, 3 v 6, 4 v 5.FA 1st chooses their opponent from the final 8 bottom 4, then 2nd, then third
    3(c) In the second week of the finals, the four winners from the previous weeks finals will playoff in seeded matches, the winner of 1st v 8th will play the winner of 4th v 5th and the winner of 2nd v 7th will play the winner of 3rd v 6th. Similar with the above variance to initial matches <p style='margin-bottom: 0.0001pt; background-color: white;][span style='color: black; padding: 0cm; border: 1pt none windowtext;] <p style='margin-bottom: 0.0001pt; background-color: white;][span style='color: black; padding: 0cm; border: 1pt none windowtext;]4. TRADES <p style='margin-bottom: 0.0001pt; background-color: white;][span style='color: black; padding: 0cm; border: 1pt none windowtext;]4(a) Preseason Trade Period opens early November until the end of January of the next year. Trading is then open during preseason draft but closes at midnight on the day the preseason draft concludes. Midseason trade period runs during the three bye rounds (see point h). FA has totally different trade periods post season, essentially free for all at end of season till a point in November, then open again in January, FA now also trades during drafts. <p style='margin-bottom: 0.0001pt; background-color: white;][span style='color: black; padding: 0cm; border: 1pt none windowtext;]4(d) Trades can be vetoed if a majority of 5 non-participating teams cast a veto vote. FA has a veto rule, don't recall it exactly but requires a league majority from memory, never happened. <p style='margin-bottom: 0.0001pt; background-color: white;][span style='color: black; padding: 0cm; border: 1pt none windowtext;]4(e) Teams will have roughly 48 hours to veto a trade proposed (e.g. If a trade is proposed at 2.15pm on a Tuesday, ORFFU coaches have until 2.15pm on a Thursday to cast their votes. The Commissioner will then check and ratify the trade or veto. FA this is the Trade managers job <p style='margin-bottom: 0.0001pt; background-color: white;][span style='color: black; padding: 0cm; border: 1pt none windowtext;] <p style='margin-bottom: 0.0001pt; background-color: white;][span style='color: black; padding: 0cm; border: 1pt none windowtext;]5. DELISTMENTS <p style='margin-bottom: 0.0001pt; background-color: white;][span style='color: black; padding: 0cm; border: 1pt none windowtext;]5(a) Pre-Season Draft delistments must be completed by 12 midnightEST, Wednesday February 11th; ORFFU lists can be no greater than 26 players. FA, period varies but will always be within the week prior to draft commencing <p style='margin-bottom: 0.0001pt; background-color: white;][span style='color: black; padding: 0cm; border: 1pt none windowtext;]5(c) ORFFU lists may be cut to fewer than 20 players. However, if you cut your list to less than 10 player's questions will be asked about WTF you're doing with your team in this competition - rightfully so and serious questions will be asked about your commitment with the possible removal from ORFFU. FA requires that you draft 6 players per season, a minimum of 4 must be in the preseason draft, if you choose to draft all 6 in the PSD than participation in the MSD is voluntary not compulsory. <p style='margin-bottom: 0.0001pt; background-color: white;][span style='color: black; padding: 0cm; border: 1pt none windowtext;]5(d) If an ORFFU list exceeds 26 players by the deadline mentioned above, players will be delisted from that team for them (2014 averages from lowest to highest) to take the list down to 26 players and the coach will be in serious risk of losing their place in the ORFFU. FA requires that team lists must be at 24 or less prior to the PSD, if not the draft manager force delists on whatever basis he feels awesome <p style='margin-bottom: 0.0001pt; background-color: white;][span style='color: black; padding: 0cm; border: 1pt none windowtext;]5(e) To be eligible for the Mid-Season Draft you must delist players by 7pm EST, Wednesday June 17th, ORFFU lists can be no greater than 26 players. FA see above, very different criteria for both drafts due to the compulsory delists <p style='margin-bottom: 0.0001pt; background-color: white;][span style='color: black; padding: 0cm; border: 1pt none windowtext;] <p style='margin-bottom: 0.0001pt; background-color: white;][span style='color: black; padding: 0cm; border: 1pt none windowtext;]6. DRAFT <p style='margin-bottom: 0.0001pt; background-color: white;][span style='color: black; padding: 0cm; border: 1pt none windowtext;]6(a) The Pre-Season Draft will commence on February 14th 2015 at 10:00am EST. FA Date varies according to season, usually starts after 2nd weekend of NAB circus <p style='margin-bottom: 0.0001pt; background-color: white;][span style='color: black; padding: 0cm; border: 1pt none windowtext;]6(b)[span style='background-color: white;]12 hour (maximum) time limit on picks. If you don't pick within time you will be given the highest ranked player on 2014 averages. If the time limit isn't practical, you must notify the ORFFU in advance &amp;ndash; i.e. if it is one or two picks before yours but you are flat out at work or have a wedding etc then post that you may need to extend your 12 hours. Alternatively, nominate a proxy and give them a standby list. FA 18 hours <p style='margin-bottom: 0.0001pt; background-color: white;][span style='color: black; padding: 0cm; border: 1pt none windowtext;]6(c) Teams must continue to draft until their lists are at 26 players. FA 28 players <p style='margin-bottom: 0.0001pt; background-color: white;][span style='color: black; padding: 0cm; border: 1pt none windowtext;]6(f) Mid-Season Draft is not compulsory to participate in. FA see above for delistment rules <p style='margin-bottom: 0.0001pt; background-color: white;][span style='color: black; padding: 0cm; border: 1pt none windowtext;] <p style='margin-bottom: 0.0001pt; background-color: white;][span style='color: black; padding: 0cm; border: 1pt none windowtext;]7. COMMITTMENT <p style='margin-bottom: 0.0001pt; background-color: white;][span style='color: black; padding: 0cm; border: 1pt none windowtext;]7(b) During the regular home and away season the home teams will be required to post a match review no later than 2 days after the last AFL match (i.e. last game on Sunday, review posted on Tuesday). FA see above re review roster <p style='margin-bottom: 0.0001pt; background-color: white;][span style='color: black; padding: 0cm; border: 1pt none windowtext;]7(c) Trade requests must be responded to within 1 week of the trade request being sent during any approved trade window.[span style='background-color: white;]Common sense exceptions are obviously allowed &amp;ndash; i.e. you're on holidays and have previously stated this fact. FA no rules apply, ie sometimes we may just hate you enough to not reply at all [span style='color: black; padding: 0cm; border: 1pt none windowtext; background-color: white;]J <p style='margin-bottom: 0.0001pt; background-color: white;][span style='color: black; padding: 0cm; border: 1pt none windowtext;]7(d) Delisting players to below 20 on your list will raise serious questions about your commitment with the possible removal from ORFFU. FA this has been done, and to good effect, bleeding is not considered bad until you are dead. <p style='margin-bottom: 0.0001pt; background-color: white;][span style='color: black; padding: 0cm; border: 1pt none windowtext;]7(e) Greater than two weeks of no activity or contact at any point in the year (without prior notice of unavailability) is considered grossly inappropriate, and will result in board discussion regarding your tenability to the position of an ORFFU coach. FA not required. <p style='margin-bottom: 0.0001pt; background-color: white;][span style='color: black; padding: 0cm; border: 1pt none windowtext;]7(f) When the Commissioner or the Board inquire into a coach's commitment to ORFFU, they are required to respond within 1 week of the request being sent for the first time, all further requests for that inquiry must be responded to within 24 hours. FA has a Commish and 2 deputies, we make it up as we go, so far no-one has been hurt as a result <p style='margin-bottom: 0.0001pt; background-color: white;][span style='color: black; padding: 0cm; border: 1pt none windowtext;]7(g) Opinions are sought from all ORFFU members on all issues. This will occur through polls, forum posts, PM's, and emails. A lack of opinion on a 'few' matters is acceptable, a lack of opinion on 'most' matters shows a lack of interest in the ORFFU and will bring your membership into question. FA &amp;ndash; Lack of opinion means you agree with me <p style='margin-bottom: 0.0001pt; background-color: white;][span style='color: black; padding: 0cm; border: 1pt none windowtext;]7(m) Participate! This league will only be a success and an enjoyment if all coaches try to make it that way. <p style='margin-bottom: 0.0001pt; background-color: white;][span style='color: black; padding: 0cm; border: 1pt none windowtext;] <p style='margin-bottom: 0.0001pt; background-color: white;][span style='color: black; padding: 0cm; border: 1pt none windowtext;]8. POSITIONS OF POWER[span style='color: black; padding: 0cm; border: 1pt none windowtext;]

    8(a) All official positions will be vacated at year's end 2 weeks after the ORFFU Grand Final is completed. Official positions are: Commissioner and the Board (made up of the Commissioner and 4 other ORFFU coaches). FA League elects a Commissioner, the rest is up to him though important roles tend to stay with the same people

    8(b) 2 weeks after the ORRFU Grand final is completed nominations will be called for the Commissioner position first, coaches will have 48 hours to nominate in the &amp;ldquo;Commissioner Nominations&amp;rdquo; thread. Once closed, a poll will be conducted if there is more than one nomination received; if not the sole nomination is accepted to the position without a poll. Where more than one nomination is received all coaches must vote for a candidate within 48 hours after the poll has been issued. The candidate with the most votes wins the position. Where a poll is tied the exiting Commissioner will cast a tie breaker vote if not nominated, if nominated then existing Commissioner will hold his position as Commissioner. FA &amp;ndash; Think Bernie Ecclestone

    8(d) Once the Commissioner position is filled coaches will have 48 hours to nominate in the &amp;ldquo;Board Nominations&amp;rdquo; thread. Once closed, a poll will be conducted if there are more than four nominations received; if not those nominated will be accepted to the positions without a poll. Where more than four nominations are received all non-nominated coaches must vote for 4 candidates within 48 hours after the poll has been issued. The four candidates with the most votes win the positions. Where a poll is tied the new Commissioner will cast tie breaker votes. FA &amp;ndash; See above re god like powers for the Commish

    8(e) Where there is less than 3 nominations the new Commissioner will make a call on the Board numbers for that year. FA as Above

    8(f) A coach can only hold a position of power consecutively for 3 terms and cannot nominate in the fourth year for that position. FA as Above

    8(h) The role of the Board is a body of elected or appointed members who jointly oversee the operations of the Outer Regional Fantasy Football Union known as ORFFU. This encompasses discussing matters of issue raised in ORFFU, proposing a variety of recommendations to those issues for a collective and united solution / decision and assist the Commissioner with ensuring the success and enjoyment of the ORRFU for all that are way too serious for fantasy football. FA has no &amp;ldquo;board&amp;rdquo; but the triumvirate play the same role, and would genuinely get nothing done without the support of the FA coaches.
    [span style='color: black; padding: 0cm; border: 1pt none windowtext;]

  2. Len

    Len Cockburn Knightrider Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    anthak wrote:
    I hope they get your sense of humor, Lenh


    me too :)

    I'm much funnier after a couple of Monkey's Shoulders, will re-edit tonight, so many rules!
    I started out serious but got to the point where it was hard to stay there :p
  3. Len

    Len Cockburn Knightrider Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Agree we should be looking at the major points first..

    First one is how many teams.
    This affects the list size discussion substantially, if we have 14 or less teams than I see little relevance in whether we have 26 or 28 players.
    Assume we have 26, but 4 less teams than the other leagues, the 26th best player on each list is arguably ranked between 104 and 118 draft picks higher than in the other leagues, it seems natural to assume we would be far less likely to run into teams being unable to field a full squad of 15 (I believe the named team composition, scoring etc needs to stay the same as the other leagues for coding purposes). 28 is just two extra at that point, I wouldn't be fussed which way we went.
    The number of teams by necessity also affects the draw and finals structure.

    I am also in the camp of forced delistments to a number that hurts for exactly the same reasons as Johnny.
  4. port_leschenault

    port_leschenault Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    To be honest though, if we're struggling to get 14 coaches and most of hem are double-ups to make the numbers is there any point to starting this now? With three leagues already it could just be that as of the moment the interest in keeper leagues is already at saturation point for this site. It would be better to postpone than start a league prematurely and see it stutter as a result.

    I think getting 16 coaches is an absolute minimum and ideally would like to be in a 18 team league. The more active coaches involved the merrier.

    Some thoughts on rules:

    Keeper league is not a dynasty league so I'd be happy to be on the side of more delistments, not less and don't like the idea of split requirements, should be a forced standard. Especially if going to squad sizes of 28 would suggest 8 mandatory, but would entertain that idea for squad size of 26 too. It's about getting the balance right between not encouraging hoarding of players who wont have a fantasy impact for 3-4 years and letting coaches be rewarded for sticking with those talented youngsters.

    Initial draft should be early-ish. I see no need to start in November post NAB draft but certainly sometime in January would be best. Draft scheduled after that would be later I imagine with fewer draft picks to get through.

    Ix-nay on the trading during rafts-day. Don't like that idea at all. Trading times for the 'FL are pre-season starting once CD announces new positions through to the draft, then whatever time we have left to the start of the season there's a post-draft trade period. Mid-Season trade period opens up during the byes before the draft happens. Then there's a draft period post-season whilst the AFL finals are on. I find that one a bit pointless really, not a lot of trading gets done then. Happy with two main periods of trading with a small majority for veto'ing trades. All for trying to prevent extremely lop-sided trades from going through.

    Not really one for enforcing any specific activity requirement beyond the necessary, certainly not to every request for trade received. Would like to see teams be changed/updated weekly but the rollover of teams in the TS leagues means that this is not always the case but don't want to see it policed unless it gets out of hand. If someone has stopped playing it would be a courtesy to say so before disappearing I think. No activity by the pre-season draft is usually a good clue if someone it not playing.

    We're incredibly lazy really in the ORFFL. We have a Commie who we all adore as Dear Leader and there's about 4-5 others of us that have posting rights but invariably we're not that active. People chip in when they can. There's usually someone to release an updated spreadsheet or create fixtures, post a blog to remind everyone we're still a thing etc etc :D

    Humble bragging should be stamped out immediately.
  5. Len

    Len Cockburn Knightrider Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Slightly averse to expansion drafts, but agree with your proposal TTH

    A number of people with their hands up have said they would be happy to start a team for someone else to pickup when a new coach arrives.

    I believe we prioritise keeping the new coaches who have stuck their hands up already rather than risking losing them over the next 12 months
  6. Len

    Len Cockburn Knightrider Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    TheTassieHawk wrote:
    From the discussion above we seem to all be on the same page that we will be following the &amp;ldquo;classic&amp;rdquo; team structure for ORFF comps
    - 15 player teams (4def-4mid-4-fwd-1ruck-2IC)
    - no doubled up captains or vice captains score <p style='margin: 0cm 0cm 10pt 36pt;]- half points for OOP players &amp;ndash; IC players can be from any position emergencies don't seem to have been discussed but I am assuming each comp has 4 emergencies with one line (usually ruck or IC) not covered personally I would be OK with adding a 5th emergency to reduce the chance of a match being decided by a late withdrawal donut, assuming the current TS Leagues functionality would allow this Squad Size and PSD Delistments It appears that for most who have commented list sizes will be 26 or 28 and might depend on the number of teams we have while MSD would be optional. Forced PSD delistments seem to be supported (between 3 and 8) but I have noted some coaches are rather vague, it seems that coaches are generally supportive of higher PSD delistment numbers if squad sizes are greater than 26. Assuming for now that we have player list of between 26 and 30 (and no rookie list) and with 15player teams which are in reality squads of 19 including the 4 emergencies I would be comfortable with keeping PSD delistments to a number between 4 and X where X gives each team 19 keepers (or 20 if we go with a 5th emergency) maximum keepers 22 21 20 19 list size 26 4 must be delisted 5 must be delisted 6 must be delisted 7 must be delisted 27 5 must be delisted 6 must be delisted 7 must be delisted 8 must be delisted 28 6 must be delisted 7 must be delisted 8 must be delisted 9 must be delisted 29 7 must be delisted 8 must be delisted 9 must be delisted 10 must be delisted 30 8 must be delisted 9 must be delisted 10 must be delisted 11 must be delisted Depending on the number of teams we go with I would be happy with a single list or27-28 with 8 PSD delistments (assuming 16 or 18 teams) or 29-30 with 9 PSD delistments (assuming 14 or less teams). If youhave already commented above but were not specific about numbers of delistments depending on squad sizes (ie Len and Thokash) please have your say over the next few weeks. If you haven't already commented please share your opinions even otherwise others will assume you aren't really bothered and are OK with whatever has the mostsupport. </div>

    Agree with all your assumptions, not fussed on a 5th emergency either way, though the decision on which line to leave blank is an engagement that would be missing if it happened, very sure Walesy's model supports it.

    Below assumes 16 or 18 teams
    For squad numbers, I don't really have a preference between 26 or 28 unless it's linked to a forced 'shedding' number.
    If we were to go with 26 I'd like to see no team enter the PSD with more than 20 players, either through retirements, trading inequal numbers of players and delistments. This forces a healthy draft pool and ensures a good mix of AFL draftees and depth (playing players) to be drawn from.
    If we went to 28 I'd like that number to become 22. MSD being voluntary
    I tried to get this through in the FA but whilst most were happy to increase squad sizes to 28 not very many were happy to cut so deep so it may not be a popular POV. We ended up with a hybrid system which works well but I'd still like deeper cuts (In saying that I only have 2 I want to move this year making PSD very unusual for the Misfits, it's genuinely a league benefit vs a personal benefit call IMO).
    Either way I don't feel it's the number of delists that should be forced, it's the squad number at the start of the draft.

    Re the rookie list, I'm not a fan though I can see it's appeal and wouldn't actually object to it, consider me a weak vote against :)
  7. port_leschenault

    port_leschenault Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Sorry, keep forgetting about coming here. Welcome Mrs Bear!

    I don't wish for having expansion teams at a later date. I don't think there a need to go lower than 16/18 teams. As for logistics, we've got 3 other leagues as proof that it can be done. Fixtures are rather straight forward with how the bye rounds are structured up currently. 18 teams, play others 1 (17 games) plus 3 rounds of finals plus the three byes and that's 23. Neat n easy.

    As for draft pool, I don't see it as a problem, deeper drafting means rewarding finding players more and if you make sure you delist a good amount then you can have a decent sized ddraft anyway without having a larger pool of players not on teams doing nothing for most of the year.

    Didn't realise about the push for ORFFF. I'd have said ORFFC myself. Think that's the next logical abbreviation. What it stands for, probably out of Competition, Championship and Conference are the three choices I'd say. Either/Or really.

    28 + 8 setup for me. Or as close to that. Delistments not movements, since this is a keeper league, not a dynasty league which I think some of the ORFF rules crossover into. I think one of the most important things is making sure each draft is as fresh and new as possible and that lists don't get stagnant or hording. If you're to keep 18-20 players that's already a sizeable amount.

    No Rookie List. K.I.S.S
  8. Len

    Len Cockburn Knightrider Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    TheTassieHawk wrote:

    hey all it looks like we need to start a either/or poll the option with the majority of votes by the closing date

    ORFFF (Federation)
    ORFFC (Cword to be determined later)

    unfortunately I have no idea of how do start a poll !!

    if someone can set this up with a closing date of say the 18th of November (around 3 weeks) Iwill email the link to everyone's email addresses so we can get this matter sorted </div>
    I'll set one up now, might need a few of these to get majority thoughts on many of the questions you've raised..
  9. port_leschenault

    port_leschenault Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Snake. Even numbers.
  10. Len

    Len Cockburn Knightrider Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    bansai sounds interesting, but snake for me also.
    I don't think an even or odd number of players makes any difference at all, except to the number itself.
    So if we can't decide between 26 and 28 for example, I don't see why 27 is an invalid number just because it can't be evenly divided by 2.
  11. Len

    Len Cockburn Knightrider Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    TheTassieHawk wrote:
    Len wrote:

    bansai sounds interesting, but snake for me also.
    I don't think an even or odd number of players makes any difference at all, except to the number itself.
    So if we can't decide between 26 and 28 for example, I don't see why 27 is an invalid number just because it can't be evenly divided by 2. </div>
    you make a decent point Len although I notice myself that in general a lot of people have a bias against odd numbers </div>


  12. Len

    Len Cockburn Knightrider Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    TheTassieHawk wrote:

    I couldn't work out how to change the name of this thread though so would be happy for anyone who knows how to make the change !! </div>
    Sorted, let me know if that doesn't work for you
  13. port_leschenault

    port_leschenault Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    thokash wrote:

    The ORFFF it is! Long live the ORFFF!

    In relation to TTH's suggestion on free agency, I personally don't see the need and/or benefit, and it has the potential to be 'unfun' for the unlucky ones.

    Now to figure out my team name... </div>
  14. Len

    Len Cockburn Knightrider Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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  15. Len

    Len Cockburn Knightrider Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I think SC positions came out during the 3rd week of Dec last year.

    Ideally you'd want more than a couple of days between knowing the depth of the pool to be drawing from (ie team numbers and squad sizes), and the start of the draft, to get a researched draft list together if possible.

    Start and finish dates seem fine, can we bring forward the calls on the two key points at all?
  16. port_leschenault

    port_leschenault Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I don't think we need to mass email the entire TS membership. Just have it open that there's a spot available. I'd be very surprised if by Janurary there isn't someone else wanting in (to go to 16 team). If we get more and go to 18 teams, great.

    Draft to be done on the forum like the others? How quick did the ORFFU draft go? If 24hrs per pick is too slow, doing a 12hr limit (which doesn't count between 12am-6am) could work? Wouldn't think there's a need for and 'live' draft days unless really desperate.

    Better focusing on what rules and number of players etc we're going to use first I think.
  17. Len

    Len Cockburn Knightrider Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    port_leschenault wrote:

    I don't think we need to mass email the entire TS membership. Just have it open that there's a spot available. I'd be very surprised if by Janurary there isn't someone else wanting in (to go to 16 team). If we get more and go to 18 teams, great.

    Draft to be done on the forum like the others? How quick did the ORFFU draft go? If 24hrs per pick is too slow, doing a 12hr limit (which doesn't count between 12am-6am) could work? Wouldn't think there's a need for and 'live' draft days unless really desperate.

    Better focusing on what rules and number of players etc we're going to use first I think. </div>

    Yeah, there is a serious issue with a mass email, a huge percentage of the ts 'accounts' were created by spammers.
    Whilst that has been effectively stopped separating them from valid accounts would be almost impossible, plenty of people read but don't post..
  18. Len

    Len Cockburn Knightrider Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    TheTassieHawk wrote:

    my thoughts are that we should adopt the ORFFU rules and regs with any adjustments needed as people raise any suggestions fro 'change' and they get voted on

    personally I have no issue if some of these are sorted out while we conduct the draft rather than beforehand

    we just need to figure out the squad size as a priority and as per Len's suggestion some might want this to be a few weeks before the draft

    in the absence of any other suggestions if we work off a Monday 11thJanuary start date then maybe we put up a 'Calling for Final ORFFF entries' Blog in early December and decide on squad size byshortly before Christmas

    In terms of the squad size poll I was thinking doing this in 2 parts to give an 'either/or' choice amongst the more popular options unless one of the options gets 50% support in the first poll

    For those of you who are committed (and not just to make up the numbers) keepputting up theteam pages- mine might be in a few weeks as I am a little pressed for time </div>

    We have to start somewhere, and all somewheres require a compromise or too so why not..

    The only FU rules I have a real issue with and would rather live without are;
    2B, rolling lockouts by game feels like overkill.
    7C, I don't see the need for this at all.
    7D, ditto

    I also think compulsory delists are a must have for league longevity and health.

  19. Len

    Len Cockburn Knightrider Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
    Likes Received:
    TheTassieHawk wrote:
    Len wrote:
    TheTassieHawk wrote:

    my thoughts are that we should adopt the ORFFU rules and regs with any adjustments needed as people raise any suggestions fro 'change' and they get voted on

    personally I have no issue if some of these are sorted out while we conduct the draft rather than beforehand

    we just need to figure out the squad size as a priority and as per Len's suggestion some might want this to be a few weeks before the draft

    in the absence of any other suggestions if we work off a Monday 11thJanuary start date then maybe we put up a 'Calling for Final ORFFF entries' Blog in early December and decide on squad size byshortly before Christmas

    In terms of the squad size poll I was thinking doing this in 2 parts to give an 'either/or' choice amongst the more popular options unless one of the options gets 50% support in the first poll

    For those of you who are committed (and not just to make up the numbers) keepputting up theteam pages- mine might be in a few weeks as I am a little pressed for time </div>

    We have to start somewhere, and all somewheres require a compromise or too so why not..

    The only FU rules I have a real issue with and would rather live without are;
    2B, rolling lockouts by game feels like overkill.
    7C, I don't see the need for this at all.
    7D, ditto

    I also think compulsory delists are a must have for league longevity and health.

    my take on 2b is that it relates to 'SPLIT ROUNDS' where 4 games are played 1 week and 5 the next - I think we need this rule as is even though it won't apply in 2016

    7C - agree delete this
    7D - definitely delete this, IMO cutting below 20 isa pretty randomreason to question someone's commitment
    Ah ok, I understood it that the rolling lockout was SC style, ie every game. should that be read as just the Thursday and then the Friday games?
  20. Len

    Len Cockburn Knightrider Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
    Likes Received:
    insider wrote:
    TheTassieHawk wrote:
    insider wrote:

    voted and still keen despite my 2 week TS absence due to moving house </div>
    good to hear mate - could you please pm me your email address if you haven't already provided it

    also when you get the chance be sure to advise your team name and/or start up a blog to make things official - nb there are still no ORFF* franchises with names starting with O,U,X,Y or Z or with nicknames starting with E,K,X,Y or Z </div>

    im open to suggestions for team names. Ill pick the most random one anyone can offer </div>

    Other than the one I chose, this was my shortlist, feel free to ignore :)

    <div style='color: #222222; background-color: #ffffff;]Useless Loop Lumberjacks</div> <div style='color: #222222; background-color: #ffffff;][span style='font-size: 14px; background-color: #ffffff;]Streaky Bay Flashes
    </div> <div style='color: #222222; background-color: #ffffff;] <div>Lightning Ridge Streakers</div> </div> <div style='color: #222222; background-color: #ffffff;]Ivanhoe Knights</div> <div style='color: #222222; background-color: #ffffff;]Sherwood Archers</div> <div style='color: #222222; background-color: #ffffff;]Birdwood Hummers</div> <div style='color: #222222; background-color: #ffffff;]Coonawarra Redsocks</div>

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