ORFFL - The Run Home

Discussion in 'ORFFL' started by Kel, Jul 4, 2016.

  1. Kel

    Kel Moderator

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Post Byes – The run home:

    With the byes and draft finally over we can now look to the last 5 games of the year and the run to finals. Although the top 2 spots look pretty well cemented in, there is potential for plenty of movement for the rest.

    Sarah Island (12 wins – 0 losses, Average 1400)

    Most unlikely to get knocked off top spot. I hate to say it but unlikely to see them lose this year, certainly before fianls. Danger game would be the erratic Coulta, depending on which version turns up. Only top 8 side they face are the TLP.

    WOY 16
    PBR 13
    TLP 5
    COU 9
    BDB 14

    Prediction 1st

    Glenrowan Gunslingers (11-1, 1310)

    Clearly the second best team and will not lose second spot. They do have 3 teams in the top 8 and the challenging Jimcumbilly to come so should be tested and results will help determine the make-up of the 8.

    QUE 8
    MAL 4
    POP 3
    JIM 11
    WAR 17

    Prediction 2nd

    Popanyinning Pyrite (9-3, 1210)

    Certainly not the highest averaging team in the 8, but they have taken their chances. They also have a pretty good run home with Glenrowan being the biggest challenge they face. Finish the season with HDH and MBD who may still be challenging for the 8 and who will be looking for scalps.

    POO 18
    BUN 15
    GLE 2
    HDH 10
    MBD 12

    Prediction 3rd

    Mallacoota Magicians (8-4, 1272)

    Tricky run of 4 games before finishing with Poowong. Should win at least 3 and would fancy themselves to go 5-0 which they could do if they pinch the one against the Gunslingers.

    JIM 11
    GLE 2
    MIL 7
    TLP 5
    POO 18

    Prediction 4th

    Tarwin Lower Pigs (8-4, 1197)

    One of the tougher runs home the Pigs will need their young guns to hang on for the rest of the season if they are to avoid slipping down the ladder. Must win first up against the Snakes if they are to cement their first finals spot.

    MIL 7
    WAR 17
    SAR 1
    MAL 4
    PBR 13

    Prediction 6th

    Smiths Beach Seagulls (7-5, 1233)

    Key match-up first up against Coulta which will be defining for both although probably more so for the Couldabeens. After that they would be favourites to go 4-0 and should at least move ahead of the TLP and be well placed to take advantage of any slip ups.

    COU 9
    MBD 12
    PBR 13
    WAR 17
    JIM 11

    Prediction 5th

    Milikipati Snakes (7-5, 1193)

    Two tough games and three they would probably be penciling in. Games against the TLP and MAL will determine where they finish. Drop any of the other three and they probably don’t deserve to make it anyway.

    TLP 5
    WOY 16
    MAL 4
    PBR 13
    BUN 15

    Prediction 7th

    Queenstown Quolls (7-5, 1157)

    Tough run home for the Quolls with 3 virtual elimination finals and real battle against Glenrowan. A low average means they have to keep winning. Sorry BB, but I think the Quolls will be the team that slip out.

    GLE 2
    JIM 11
    COU 9
    BUN 15
    HDH 10

    Prediction 10th

    Coulta Couldabeens (6-6, 1253)

    Really just impossible to predict what this team does. Likely to lose to Poowong and then beat the Savages 2 weeks later. No doubt at their best would win at least 4, however they haven’t been able to do that consistently. A high average works to their advantage and means that HDH need to claw back 2 games and they only need to draw level with the Quolls. Think that they will do enough and pinch the Quolls spot.

    SBS 6
    POO 18
    QUE 8
    SAR 1
    WOY 16

    Prediction 8th

    Humpty Doo Hammerheads (5-7, 1196)

    Have a nice run home and should win the first 3 before taking on the Pyrite and the Quolls who they would fancy themselves against. They are relying on other teams to lose though which is never an ideal situation. Will be in the mix if Coulta and Queenstown slip up.

    BUN 15
    BDB 14
    WOY 16
    POP 3
    QUE 8

    Prediction 9th

    Jimcumbilly Jackrabbits (5-7, 1166)

    Real tough run home and would need everything to go right to have any chance. Would have to win every game and still rely on other to lose. Unlikely.

    MAL 4
    QUE 8
    POO 18
    GLE 2
    SBS 6

    Prediction 12th

    Mount Buggery Disappointments (4-8, 1199)

    Walesy and the gang have left themselves too much to do despite having a reasonable run home. Could win all 5 and still miss out. Will no doubt make life tough for the Seagulls and Pyrite.

    WAR 17
    SBS 6
    BDB 14
    POO 18
    POP 3

    Prediction 11th

    Purnululu Bungle Rangers (4-8, 1151)

    Four teams in the top 8 probably tells the story here. Apparently Vardy is doing well for Geelong VFL though so there is hope.

    BDB 14
    SAR 1
    SBS 6
    MIL 7
    TLP 5

    Prediction 14th

    Bonnie Doon Bandits (4-8, 1137)

    One thing in the Bandits favour is that apart from the Savages they play teams around them. Having said that 4 wins will not be enough and would need to knock off the Savages in R17 even if they get that far.

    PBR 13
    HDH 10
    MBD 12
    WOY 16
    SAR 1

    Prediction 13th

    Bundalong Bullfrogs (3-9, 1119)

    No finals for the Bullfrog faithful this year despite a bit of a mid-season charge that dragged a few out of the swamp. Can certainly help shape the 8 though as 4 of their games are against teams in the mix.

    HDH 10
    POP 3
    WAR 17
    QUE 8
    MIL 7

    Prediction 15th

    Woy Woy Wizards (3-9, 1078)

    Introductions will be top of the list for a new look Wizards outfit. A mid season cleanout will see a very different team finish the year. Unlikely to win another game but have taken the necessary steps to re build and chase their second flag, albeit in a few years time.

    SAR 1
    MIL 7
    HDH 10
    BDB 14
    COU 9


    Warburton Wanderers (3-9, 1067)

    It’s always going to be a tough run home when you are sitting 17th however this looks particularly tough with games against 3 of the top 6.

    MBD 12
    TLP 5
    BUN 15
    SBS 6
    GLE 2

    Prediction 16th

    Poowong Potoroos (2-10, 1112)

    Will Mason Wood, Billy Stretch and Jack Silvagni lead the Potoroos to the promised land? Not this year anyway but they at least might allow Jason to field closer to a full side. Pinch one and they will climb off the bottom with a higher average. Anyone with a dud ruck to trade for Pick 1/2?

    POP 3
    COU 9
    JIM 11
    MBD 12
    MAL 4

    Prediction 18th
    • Like Like x 2
  2. Jason

    Jason Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Will Brisbane or the Potoroos win more games from here to the end of the year?

    My money is on the Potoroos.

  3. Kel

    Kel Moderator

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Unfortunately I don't think Brisbane are tanking. We are just really that bad at the moment. I'm calling a nil all draw. :(
  4. Jason

    Jason Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Poowong would like to congratulate Jack Silvagni on his debut performance. Hopefully next time he doesn't kick backwards to Gibbs and takes responsibility for kicking the goal. Bloody Gibbs messed it up in any case.
    • Like Like x 1
  5. port_leschenault

    port_leschenault Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Nice article, Kel cheers.
  6. LiQuiD_SiXx

    LiQuiD_SiXx Active Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    An interesting few weeks ahead! I'm predicting a little slide from the Seagulls despite the 'favourable' run home.

    On a side note... is there an error with the formatting for team entry this round because I can only enter 3 Mids on the field instead of the usual 4 mids? :confused:

    **EDIT - Ignore that. I managed to fix it by clearing my team and re-entering it
    Last edited: Jul 5, 2016
  7. thokash

    thokash Full-Time Magician Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Mallacoota Fun Facts
    - Have finished 3rd on the H&A ladder every year (4 years)
    - Have never made the ORFFL Grand Final
    - Have an irrational hatred of Savages

    Will any of those facts change in 2016?
  8. Jason

    Jason Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    What is the head-to-head record between Poowong and Mallacoota?
  9. Kel

    Kel Moderator

    Jan 3, 2016
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    - Every chance you finish 3rd again, Pyrite no certainties and could lose their last 3.
    - Savages and Gunslingers are the 2 best sides so highly likely they face off in the GF unless H plays tactics and tries to knock them off in week 1.
    - Nothing irrational about hating the Savages.
  10. Kel

    Kel Moderator

    Jan 3, 2016
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    • Like Like x 1
  11. HörnsySechsZeit

    HörnsySechsZeit Jarhead Staff Member

    Jan 4, 2016
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    I can see the rational. You've never beaten us.

    Great article @Kel , I particularly like the part about us going undefeated.
  12. port_leschenault

    port_leschenault Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Edited the lockout so we can have the usual rolling Thurs game

    Should probably make sure everyones team is up to date too seeing as that's a rather important detail
    Last edited: Jul 7, 2016
  13. port_leschenault

    port_leschenault Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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  14. Gumby

    Gumby Active Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Is there something wrong with the TS Leagues App? I only have 2 defender/forward spots, 3 midfielder spots and no interchange?
  15. port_leschenault

    port_leschenault Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Press clear team first, then try. If you cant do it, post your team here and I'll add it in and see if it works
  16. Gumby

    Gumby Active Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    My team for this round (because I cannot submit through TS Leagues) is:
    DEF - McDonald, Baguley, McDonald-Tipungwuti, Weitering (Hartley)
    MID - Whitfield, Hodge, Atkins, Blakely (Lester)
    RUC - Towers
    FWD - Puopolo, Bird, Greene, McGlynn (Hipwood)
    I/C - Acres, Jong (Ah Chee)
  17. port_leschenault

    port_leschenault Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Updated now, should be accurate
  18. Gumby

    Gumby Active Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Cheers - thanks for your help
  19. Kel

    Kel Moderator

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Wins to the top 6 means they have all but cemented finals action. Sarah Island and Glenrowan sent a further message to the competition punching out 1400+ scores and proving to anyone but the most stubborn (or stupid or both) that they are the best 2 ORFFL sides this year. The Snakes lost their crunch game against the Pigs meaning they are still well and truly in a fight to retain their position. Despite posting a solid score the Quolls were taught a lesson by the Gunslingers and also remain well and truly in the battle for the last 2 finals spots. The bad Coulta turned up this week falling well short against the Seagulls and missing the opportunity to jump into 7th spot. For the chasing pack it is still game on particularly for Humpty Doo and the 'pointers, although the burning of Lucas' stash may have ongoing problems out Humpty Doo Way. Jimcumbilly and Bonnie Doon can still technically make it but are very much pushing it up hill.
    In the battle for the spoon, Poowong are still doing there best 'Brisbane' and are in prime position to go back to back.
    • Like Like x 2
  20. Jason

    Jason Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    We were missing one defender and a ruck yet didn't get the worst score of the round.
    The outlook is bleak with Ablett going down however.

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