ORFFW Fixture Thread - now with 2024 Rds 1-8

Discussion in 'ORFFW' started by TheTassieHawk, Jan 7, 2019.

  1. TheTassieHawk

    TheTassieHawk SC fanatic Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Please note that if we need to run spreadsheets instead of automatic scoring in http://tooserious.net/forum/tsLeagues.php?leagueId=21 then admin for this should be rotated each week as indicated. If you are unavailable for the scheduled week then please arrange a swap with another coach prior to the season starting.

    Note that the 2019 Fixture is now loaded onto

    2019 ROUND 1 - Sat 2nd and Sun 3rd February - lockout 1pm Saturday

    (Match 1) Manildra Mystix (Admin) vs Lake St Clair Devils
    (Match 2) Vivonne Bay Valkeries vs Katanning Krushers - Sandgropers vs Croweaters long distance derby
    (Match 3) Pomona Nymphs vs Bathurst Belles
    (Match 4) Tenterfield Termites vs Lake Fanny Falcons - the Ellie Blackburn Cup

    ROUND 2 - Fri 8th, Sat 9th and Sun 10th February - lockout 6pm Friday
    (Match 5) Lake St Clair Devils (Admin) vs Tenterfield Termites
    (Match 6) Lake Fanny Falcons vs Manildra Mystix
    (Match 7) Katanning Krushers vs Pomona Nymphs
    (Match 8) Bathurst Belles vs Vivonne Bay Valkeries - the Lights Out Challenge

    ROUND 3 - Fri 15th, Sat 16th and Sun 17th February - lockout 6pm Friday
    (Match 9) Vivonne Bay Valkeries (Admin) vs Pomona Nymphs - Mythological Figures Cup
    (Match 10) Lake Fanny Falcons vs Lake St Clair Devils - Hydro Tas "Birds vs Beasts"
    (Match 11) Katanning Krushers vs Bathurst Belles
    (Match 12) Manildra Mystix vs Tenterfield Termites

    ROUND 4 - Sat 23rd and Sun 24th February - lockout 1pm Saturday
    (Match 13) Bathurst Belles (Admin) vs Manildra Mystix - The Battle For Orange
    (Match 14) Pomona Nymphs vs Lake Fanny Falcons
    (Match 15) Lake St Clair Devils vs Katanning Krushers
    (Match 16) Tenterfield Termites vs Vivonne Bay Valkeries

    ROUND 5 - Sat 2nd and Sun 3rd March - lockout 1pm Saturday
    (Match 17) Lake Fanny Falcons (Admin) vs Katanning Krushers - the Dogs vs Dockers derby (their AFLW sides play on Sunday afternoon)
    (Match 18) Tenterfield Termites vs Pomona Nymphs - please note that hosting duties in this match have been switched from the original draft fixture
    (Match 19) Lake St Clair Devils vs Bathurst Belles
    (Match 20) Manildra Mystix vs Vivonne Bay Valkeries

    ROUND 6 - Semi Finals - Sat 9th and Sun 10th March - lockout 1pm Saturday
    In 2019 Semi Final matches will where possible have all 4 teams playing their opponents for the first time. Note that if this is not possible and one team has not played 2 other finals teams but all 4 other possible match ups have occurred then the tiebraker will be the default #1 vs #4 and #2 vs #3, then #1 vs #3, and #2 vs #4, then #1 and #2 vs #3 and #4).
    If needed, Anthak will be on admin duties for all 3 finals in Rounds 6 and 7

    ROUND 7 - 2019 Grand Final - Fri 15th, Sat 16th and Sunday 17th March - lockout 6pm Friday

    In graphical/table format (as per post 9)
    View attachment 1578
    Last edited: Jan 25, 2019
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  2. TheTassieHawk

    TheTassieHawk SC fanatic Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    @Len @That KI Guy @anthak @Jason @dmandrews @FreoDockers @stripey

    Hi all,

    I have looked at the current ORFFW fixture made a fortnight ago in light of the fact that franchises are now named and on that basis we have 4 natural rivalry matches based on geographic location - the hitch being that 2 of these 4 games aren't being played in our 5 week fixture.

    The following is a summary of proposed changes to Matches 1, 2, 9 and 10 in Rounds 1 and 3 so that we get a full rivalry match set in 2019.

    Current (as above)
    ROUND 1 - Sat 2nd and Sun 3rd February

    (Match 1) Manildra Mystix (Admin) vs Katanning Krushers
    (Match 2) Vivonne Bay Valkeries vs Lake St Clair Devils
    ROUND 3 - Fri 15th, Sat 16th and Sun 17th February
    (Match 9) Vivonne Bay Valkeries (Admin) vs Lake Fanny Falcons
    (Match 10) Pomona Nymphs vs Lake St Clair Devils

    Proposed Revised Fixture
    ROUND 1 - Sat 2nd and Sun 3rd February

    (Match 1) Manildra Mystix (Admin) vs Lake St Clair Devils
    (Match 2) Vivonne Bay Valkeries vs Katanning Krushers (Rivalry Match)
    ROUND 3 - Fri 15th, Sat 16th and Sun 17th February
    (Match 9) Vivonne Bay Valkeries (Admin) vs Pomona Nymphs
    (Match 10) Lake Fanny Falcons vs Lake St Clair Devils (Rivalry Match)

    Please note that Bathurst and Katanning have had no changes to their fixtures.

    As Vivonne Bay and LSC have both had 2 matchups changed I have confirmed by pm that they are OK with the proposed changes.
    Can the coaches of Katanning (@FreoDockers), Pomona (@anthak) and Lake Fanny (@Jason) please advise their views by 6pm Monday 28th January.

    If there are major objections we will stick with the original fixture above otherwise the new and improved version will be uploaded onto TSleagues next week.

    Cheers TTH
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  3. anthak

    anthak Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I’m ok with the changes

    Good work TTH!

    Bring it on Valkeries!
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  4. Jason

    Jason Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    All good with me.
    • Like Like x 1
  5. FreoDockers

    FreoDockers Administrator

    Jan 4, 2019
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    Absolutely no problems here. Looking forward to a Sandgropers/Croweaters rivalry!
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  6. TheTassieHawk

    TheTassieHawk SC fanatic Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    OP is now updated and the fixture is now final.
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  7. Len

    Len Cockburn Knightrider Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Thanks mate, the amount of work you've put into getting this up is incredible.

    Looking fwd to R1 now, just wish I'd picked more Giants lol
    • Like Like x 2
  8. TheTassieHawk

    TheTassieHawk SC fanatic Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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  9. TheTassieHawk

    TheTassieHawk SC fanatic Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    In graphical/table format
    • Like Like x 4
  10. TheTassieHawk

    TheTassieHawk SC fanatic Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    @Nic Neg @Tiny_doughnut @Len @Tracey
    @ver_redit_optatum @marconofrio @That KI Guy @dmandrews
    @FreoDockers @anthak @HOLKY

    OK folks here is the official 2020 ORFFW keeper league round 1 fixture

    2020 Round 1 – Fri 7th, Sat 8th and Sun 9th Feb
    #1 Bathurst Belles vs Scone Sirens - The Household Derby
    #2 Bateman’s Bay Battlers vs Sandgate Sugar Gliders
    #3 Glenbrook Galahs vs Bermagui Bronze
    #4 Vivonne Bay Valkeries vs Lake St Clair Devils
    #5 Katanning Krushers vs Manildra Mystix - Antonio vs Antonio
    #6 Pomona Nymphs vs Morwell Eagles

    (edit full fixture as follows)
    2020 Round 2 – Fri 14th, Sat 15th and Sun 16th Feb
    Sandgate Sugar Gliders vs Bathurst Belles
    last time they met - Sandgate Sugar Gliders 644 def Bathurst Belles 589

    Scone Sirens vs Batemans Bay Battlers
    Lake St Clair Devils vs Glenbrook Galahs
    Bermagui Bronze vs Vivonne Bay Valkeries
    Morwell Eagles vs Katanning Krushers - Brennan/Mules Cup
    Manildra Mystix vs Pomona Nymphs

    2020 Round 3 – Fri 21st, Sat 22nd and Sun 23rd Feb
    Glenbrook Galahs vs Manildra Mystix
    Morwell Eagles vs Sandgate Sugar Gliders - Spark/Thorn trophy (2020 only)
    last time they met - Legana Legends 708 def by Sandgate Sugar Gliders 741 *
    Pomona Nymphs vs Bermagui Bronze
    last time they met - *********************
    Lake St Clair Devils vs Batemans Bay Battlers

    Vivonne Bay Valkeries vs Bathurst Belles - the Lights Out Challenge
    Katanning Krushers vs Scone Sirens

    2020 Round 4 – Fri 28th and Sat 29th Feb, Sun 1 March
    Bermagui Bronze vs Morwell Eagles
    Scone Sirens vs Glenbrook Galahs
    Batemans Bay Battlers vs Katanning Krushers - the S Hosking/S Van De Heuvel Vase

    Manildra Mystix vs Vivonne Bay Valkeries

    Bathurst Belles vs Pomona Nymphs
    Sandgate Sugar Gliders vs Lake St Clair Devils - The North-South Derby

    2020 Round 5 – Fri 6th, Sat 7th and Sun 8th March
    Katanning Krushers vs Lake St Clair Devils
    Vivonne Bay Valkeries vs Pomona Nymphs - Mythological Figures Cup
    last time they met - Vivonne Bay Valkeries 557 def by Pomona Nymphs 722


    Manildra Mystix vs Sandgate Sugar Gliders
    Scone Sirens vs Bermagui Bronze
    Glenbrook Galahs vs Batemans Bay Battlers
    Morwell Eagles vs Bathurst Belles

    2020 Round 6 – Fri 13th, Sat 14th and Sun 15th March
    Bathurst Belles vs Glenbrook Galahs - the Bowen Off
    Bermagui Bronze vs Katanning Krushers
    Batemans Bay Battlers vs Morwell Eagles
    Lake St Clair Devils vs Manildra Mystix
    Pomona Nymphs vs Scone Sirens
    Sandgate Sugar Gliders vs Vivonne Bay Valkeries

    Please note that due to the AFLW home and away season being 8 weeks long there will be 6 rounds of home and away and 2 weeks of finals amongst a top 4 in the 2020 ORFFW season.

    Wherever possible 2020 semi finals will be arranged to match teams that did not play each other during the regular season, with 1st vs 4th and 2nd vs 3rd the preferred outcome and 1st vs 2nd and 3rd vs 4th as the least preferred outcome amongst the 3 possible semifinal matchup combinations.
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  11. FreoDockers

    FreoDockers Administrator

    Jan 4, 2019
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    Great work everyone in getting to Round 1!!!
    Very thankful that the Manildra Mystix have to travel to Fremantle Oval for the longest road trip in ORFFW
    Bring on round 1 and bring on AFLW4
    Good luck everyone
    • Like Like x 3
  12. TheTassieHawk

    TheTassieHawk SC fanatic Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    A slight tweak has been made to the above with the Battlers vs Devils and Sirens vs Belles matches in 2021 ORFFW Round 5 seeing repeats of matches played in the 2020 ORFFW regular season, while the Sirens vs Devils match in Round 6 and Battlers vs Belles game in Round 7 of the 2021 season see those teams clashing for the first time in their history.

    Without further adieu here is the 2021 ORFFW regular season fixture noting that Round 3 will be the first ever rivalry round and there will semi finals and finals as per the 2020 season format.


    2021 updated fixture with Round Dates added, Round 1 lockout will be rolling Thursday night and final Friday night.

    Rounds 2 to 9 will lockout on Friday nights.

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  13. TheTassieHawk

    TheTassieHawk SC fanatic Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Without further adieu here is the 2022 ORFFW regular season fixture noting that
    - Bathurst starts with 2 home games, and Katanniing starts with 2 on the road
    - Otherwise all 12 teams are alternating home and away games across each of the 4 fortnights of ORFFW action.
    - Rivalry Round is Round 5, while the Q-Clash and Tassie Derby are both in Round 6.
    - 2021 Preliminary Final rematches take place in Rounds 1 and 4 and the 2021 Grand Final remarch takes place in Round 7.
    - there will semi finals and a Grand Final as per the 2020 and 2021 season format.

    @FreoDockers @dmandrews TTH @anthak @ver_redit_optatum @Tiny_doughnut @That KI Guy @Tracey @Len @Pearcey47 @Peter W

    2022 FW Fixture.png
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  14. TheTassieHawk

    TheTassieHawk SC fanatic Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Without further adieu here is the 2022 ‘B’ ORFFW regular season fixture noting that
    - Bangalow starts with 3 home games, and Glenbrook starts with 2 on the road
    - All teams have 4 home and 4 away matches, most frequently alternating home and away games across each of the 4 fortnights of ORFFW action.
    - Both 2022 Preliminary Final rematches take place in Round 3 and the 2022 Grand Final replay takes place in Round 6
    - Rivalry Round is Round 8
    - there will semi finals and a Grand Final as per the 2020, 2021 and 2022 season format.

    • Like Like x 3
  15. TheTassieHawk

    TheTassieHawk SC fanatic Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Here is the 2023 ORFFW regular season fixture noting that
    - Pomona starts with 3 home games, and Premiers Timboon starts with 2 on the road
    - All teams have 4 home and 4 away matches, most frequently alternating home and away games across each of the 4 fortnights of ORFFW action.
    - A 2022B Preliminary Final rematch takes place in Round 1 (Manildra hosting Timboon) and the 2022B Grand Final replay takes place in Round 7 (LSC vs Timboon)
    - Round 4 is the 33rd home and away round since 2020 so all teams will have played each other 3 times at that point
    - Round 5 commences on a Thursday, and will be followed by the 2023 midseason draft
    - ORFFW Rivalry Round #4 is once again in the final home and away round (Round 8)
    - there will semi finals and a Grand Final as per the 2020, 2021,2022A and 2022B season format.

    • Like Like x 4
  16. TheTassieHawk

    TheTassieHawk SC fanatic Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Here is the 2024 ORFFW regular season fixture noting that
    - All teams have 4 home and 4 away matches, alternating home and away games across each of the 4 fortnights of ORFFW action.
    - A 2023 Preliminary Final rematch takes place in Round 2 (LSC hosting Vivonne Bay) and the 2023 Grand Final replay takes place in Rivalry Round in Round 8 (Pomona vs LSC)
    - Round 5 commences on a Thursday, and will be followed by the 2023 midseason draft
    - Round 7 is the 44th home and away round since 2020 so all teams will have played each other 4 times at that point (excluding finals)
    - ORFFW Rivalry Round #5 is once again in the final home and away round (Round 8)
    - there will semi finals and a Grand Final as per the 2020, 2021,2022A, 2022B and 2023 season format.

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