Position Focus - Forwards

Discussion in 'AFL' started by Lucas, Jan 25, 2011.

  1. Corks

    Corks Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Morko, problem with LeCras is he's just as likely to get a 20 the week after he gets a 150. Like Milne for me, over the year he may give you a few great weeks, but you'll have to wear a lot of poor weeks as well, average 80 at the end in a good year.

    I'm going for JRoo myself for $50k more, though did consider Sylvia and Stevie J. If he plays across half forward in a stronger Tigers side I'm backing him for Premium this year. Would like him to get on the park though...1 week to go and he hasn't surfaced...hmm.
  2. Jason

    Jason Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I'm looking at Travis Cloke and wondering why his name hasn't come up much to date. He surely can't kick any less accurately than he did in 2010, when he was able to average 90ppg. He's still relatively young and has some potential for improvement in a team that is going to continue to provide a lot of incoming ball to the FWD line in 2011.

    Am I the only one looking at Travis Cloke? He doesn't share any of the multi-byes with the other popular forwards, which is another plus.
  3. Nick

    Nick Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    <blockquote>Quote from spud on March 8, 2011, 13:52
    Varcoe(Geelong) will be back this weekend and playing against the Blues after his shoulder injury.


    <blockquote>However, Paul Chapman continues to struggle with a groin complaint.

    "He's had a relatively good pre-season, he just hasn't been quite right to play," Balme said of Chapman.

    "He's not out of the question for round one. I think he's a fair chance of playing. </blockquote>

    The way they worded Chapmans issues didn't fill me with confidence though. As if the pickings of premiums in the forward line weren't slim enough already. Starting at his price, perhaps he's better as an upgrade target rather than taking a risk.


    Not what we wanted to hear. And groin? I thought it was calf. Would actually prefer if he wasn't named round 1 instead of named but carrying a niggle.
  4. Jason

    Jason Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Chapman's calf-issue was preseason, around Christmas I think it was.

    If you want Chapman in SC you have to start with him. No way you could trade into him mid-season. Chapman should come with the half-expectation that you will need to use an injury trade at some stage during the year. But when he lights up those 150s during the first half of the season, I want to be on that particular train.
  5. Corks

    Corks Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Jason...correct about T Cloke. I still struggle to see him as a genuine Premium, but his numbers are not far off that. Going to stick with JRoo, as I've already got 3 Magpies and 4 would just be too much for any Carlton supporter to enjoy the year.
  6. Nick

    Nick Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Cloke just need to improve his conversion rate and then he'll make the jump into premium. However he still cannot kick well for goal.

    Wow this Chapman stuff is going to be a headache, especially if he is named round 1 - will people keep him in regardless? I agree Jason, you either start with Chappy or you go without. But the cash saved from downgrading could really be used well elsewhere...Not saying I'm jumping off him yet but it has to be considered as an option now there's been an official report.

    At least the forward lines will keep teams looking a bit different this year.
  7. Lucas

    Lucas Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    That's it in a nutshell Nick, if Chappy isn't in the team round 1, you'd not anticipate him coming back for the game vs Freo R2.

    So will you put him in knowing another bye in R6?

    Not likely.
  8. Jet

    Jet Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Sylvia is great for head to head coaches, and if he can stay on the park should average 90's or better.
  9. WindyHillWizard

    WindyHillWizard New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Unless Chappy plays before round 1 and shows no ill-effects from his groin, I dont think you can pick him.

    Its just too high risk, especially if you are considering others such as Missy who held together by paper-clips and rubber-bands.
  10. don

    don New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    What are peoples thoughts on Jarrad Waite? He had a terrible start to last year coming back from a knee injury and was dropped but scored pretty well after returning to the team in round 7?
  11. FixEmUp

    FixEmUp New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    For mine he is a poor mans Buddy, in a sense that he gets suspended for some stupid stuff.

    As a Carlton supporter, and others will back me here (hopefully), there is nothing more frustrating watching Jarrad Waite sitting on the sidelines for an errant elbow/collision/fist etc He is a very talented player and important to Carlton's structure but for mine in terms of SC, he is a bit of a risk.

    In regards to Chappy, I don't have him and haven't considered him. There is so much doubt surrounding his injuries and it'll mean he's coming from a long way back, but in saying that it is Chappy and the man can play some serious footy. Just wish he'd played a game or two already.

  12. WindyHillWizard

    WindyHillWizard New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    @Don. I think Waite could be a useful POD. Not much discussion on him. Maybe everyones keeping mum on him and is already in a lot of sides.

    Due to have a much better year than last year and if the Blues are going to challenge the Top 4 he must be their main goal-kicker.
  13. spud

    spud New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I gave Waite a shot last year and I spent every second week wait(e)ing for his suspension to end.

    It's a resounding NO from me.
  14. Bongwater

    Bongwater Guest

    I'm with Spud

    Had Jarrad all last year and used his MPP a little but I lost the flex he should have provided because SC scoring from Row T in Bay 13 is notoriously very ordinary.
  15. Jason

    Jason Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Chapman has just been sacked from my starting lineup with the news that he is still 2-3 weeks away (today's injury list update). Welcome back to the big Pav.
  16. FunkyMonkey

    FunkyMonkey New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Hi All,
    I've noticed that not many people are asking/including Jack Riewoldt in there side (or even discussed him as an option). Richmond look like they'll be a much improved side this year and I imagine Jack will end up with more of the pill (&hopefully more goals). Does anyone else have him in there fwd line? Currently my Fwd Line is N.Riewoldt,Rioli, Jack Riewoldt, Higgins, Petrie, Krak, Mzungu, Richardson, Gamble and Prestia. There are other options for Jacks Price...is he worth it?
  17. Corks

    Corks Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I'm with you FunkyMonkey, but I've also loaded up on Keeper / Premium forwards. JRoo is my F5 (ie your Petrie). Think you might need to look at spending more in your forwards, maybe consider going with more of a Rookie midfield.
  18. Ruddy

    Ruddy New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    My problem with J Riewoldt, is that even with Richmond's improvement, i can't see them kicking it to him MORE than they did last year. If they really are going to improve, it is likely that they will find other options, and he will get less ball, and he should also get a more watchful eye put on him, and probably 2, even 3 opponents. He would have to find a way to improve his game from last year, which i just can't see happening.
  19. Jason

    Jason Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Jack Riewoldt has just been listed as having a 1 week (knee) injury. Something to think about, may be nothing significant such as jarring, but not a good start to the season in any case.

    I'm inclined to look at Travis Cloke before Jack Riewoldt, for a similar price.

    Not convinced that Richmond's potential for improvement will translate into a different SC output for Jack this year. He had a year that was about as good as it could get for a key forward in 2010 and I just don't see him repeating it to quite the same level in 2011. He will again smash weak defences such as West Coast (as he did last year) but I don't think he will do this against too many teams.
  20. bonesy

    bonesy Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    re Jack Riewoldt

    his 92 ppg avg last year was quite respectable, but where do you see improvement coming from, I can't see him kicking many more goals then he did last year(78) and he already takes a huge amount of contested marks.

    might be a case of getting what you pay for and nothing more.

    which the way things are shaping up with forwards, could be quite acceptable i guess.

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