Position Focus - Midfielders

Discussion in 'AFL' started by Lucas, Jan 25, 2011.

  1. spud

    spud New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Fair points Ruddy.

    I guess I'd argue that if our other blokes do step up and we push for top4, then there is every chance Hodge can maintain his scoring in conjunction with the others also improving, as a result of the Hawks getting a bigger chunk of the overall points pie for a game.

    We weren't thumping teams last year, we were either falling over the line against them, or beating the marginally so that we likely weren't getting much more than 50% of the available points. And when we lost, especially interstate, we were beaten soundly. If we do improve and can put teams away easily, I feel there's no reason why the expected ppg increase from the likes of Rioli, Buddy, Burgers has to come at the expense of Hodge.

    Just an alternate view that is all. Who knows which way it'll go? (so long as our club goes up!) :)
  2. HotPiesColdDrinks

    HotPiesColdDrinks Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Having trouble deciding on some players in my midfield.

    This is who I have at the moment:

    Dal Santo

    Most of my rookies I'm happy with, though the only one that I could change is maybe Gaff. But not sure who is a good replacement for him (I have Mzungu up forward).

    The issue I'm also having is with my premiums. Swan is a lock for me, and for a while so was Hodge, but I took him out yesterday and the achillies thing worried me, also I have a couple of Hawks up forward, so I was thinking I could upgrade to Hodge after the bye and see how he is holding up.

    But I'm still open to starting with Hodge. So basically Swan is a lock. The combinations of the other two I am flirting with are:

    -Judd/Dal Santo (which I have currently)

    or any of these combinations with these guys:
    -Dal Santo

    -Murphy (I prefer to take Judd over Murphy)
    -Pendlebury (originally had, but took the safer option in Swan, but don't know how wise it is to have Swan and Pendlebury in the midfield)

    Need a little more convincing, but options for me:
    -Jobe Watson
    -S. Mitchell

    I know Bartel is in the same bye round that Hodge is in, but Bartel is really good value at the moment, and he could have a big year considering he is out of contract at the end, GWS is on the prowl. He could have a great year and push up his market value and also put pressure on Geelong. So he could be in for a big year.
    Pendlebury and Murphy could have been options for me, but I would probably prefer to take Judd over Murphy and I don't know how wise it is to have Swan and Pendlebury in the midfield.
    Judd is probably the guy I am leaning mostly towards for my second choice, and was Hodge until yesterday.
    Just wanting to hear some opinions on some of those names.

    Also if anyone has an opinion of Gaff or a replacement, as he is the one I'm probably most uncertain of from my rookies, I'm happy to hear on some thoughts.
  3. Jason

    Jason Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Polec > Gaff
  4. Stew

    Stew New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Gaff will be given a good run early in the West. An article in Sundays West Australia. Paper, had an interview with Adam Selwood, in which he states that he expects to change his playing role in the side to accommodate the new midfield rotation, that includes Masten and Gaff.

    All the talk over here focuses on Gaff, and Woosha will be pressured to display his young talant.... But I do expect him to get a few rests, as he is not overly built. But hopefully most of those come after round 9 or so.

    I think he is a solid choice...
  5. Ruddy

    Ruddy New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    <blockquote>Quote from Jason on February 24, 2011, 19:21
    Polec > Gaff</blockquote>

    I wouldn't be so sure mate, especially given playing at the Gabba is always an injury risk. Personally i'm going with both.
  6. HotPiesColdDrinks

    HotPiesColdDrinks Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I have Polec and Gaff. Just not sure if there is a better option than Gaff.
    Got Swallow, Polec, Gaff, Hiberd, Harris and Callinan. I have Mzungu up forward just in case.
  7. wal

    wal New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I like Hodge this year. I'm with spud on Hodgey potentially being advantaged by Hawthorn improving generally. He is a SC scoring machine. Like Judd he does all the things that count for SC bonuses. I'm going to start him at this stage.

    Lots of talk about Boyd as a premium but not many people have mentioned Cross. I see Cross as being one of a handful of players who can rise to Elite this year. He's always been prolific and is likely to get a bit more help this year. Young legs coming in to the midfield rotations plus the likelihood of being rotated into space more often could improve Cross' output. Well worth consideration for mine.
  8. Jason

    Jason Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Can't see Cross ever becoming elite because he can't kick well enough to damage the opposition. He scores very few goals also, because of this.

    Gaff could well eventually be better than Polec, but I just can't see him having a better 1st year. Unless he tears it up over the next few pre-season games, I won't be starting Gaff.
  9. wal

    wal New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    People used to say Swan couldn't kick well enough to become elite....

    I guess what I like about Cross is he's consistent enough to make me confident I won't get burnt by a downswing. And I really think he'll benefit from the increase in leg speed at the Dogs this year.
  10. juststarting

    juststarting New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I need a mid priced midfielder (under 380K) that's a chance of being a keeper or at least going up by 100K..

    Any comments on the following list?
    Higgins, Vince, Hill, Danger or even a Rich/Martin?

    Going for the league win..
  11. LiQuiD_SiXx

    LiQuiD_SiXx Active Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Higgins>>Danger>>>>>>>>>>>>>The rest
  12. Jason

    Jason Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    <blockquote>Quote from juststarting on February 25, 2011, 10:46
    I need a mid priced midfielder (under 380K) that's a chance of being a keeper or at least going up by 100K..

    Any comments on the following list?
    Higgins, Vince, Hill, Danger or even a Rich/Martin?

    Going for the league win..</blockquote>

    Suggest you might have a closer look at Callan Ward.
  13. Lucas

    Lucas Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Foley is worth a long look at the price.
  14. juststarting

    juststarting New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Thanks, hadn't thought of Foley - have him in there for now anyway...
  15. Nick

    Nick Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    <blockquote>Quote from Jason on February 24, 2011, 20:00
    Can't see Cross ever becoming elite because he can't kick well enough to damage the opposition. He scores very few goals also, because of this.

    Gaff could well eventually be better than Polec, but I just can't see him having a better 1st year. Unless he tears it up over the next few pre-season games, I won't be starting Gaff.</blockquote>

    I'm not totally sold on Gaff either, particularly due to his price.
    People have been talking less about Mitch Wallis lately.
    Jason, what do you think his prospect to get games are? If he's named I would be tempted to stick him on the mid bench instead of Gaff and pocket some cash.
  16. Ruddy

    Ruddy New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I honestly reckon Wallis and Libba are better mid season picks. And even then, they will probably be in and out of the side, or stealing games off each other. Both will be guns, but the Bulldogs have a strong midfield, and i'm not sure how versatile they both are, and whether they can sit in a forward pocket, etc.
  17. Jason

    Jason Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Wallis less than 50&#37; chance of playing R1. Liberatore somewhere less than Wallis. Both will play this year, but I'm not thinking more than 5-6 games for Wallis and 2-3 for Liberatore. It might take a lot of injuries to allow any more than a handful of games for these guys.

    There are a range of older players than Wallis and Libba that could get a chance this year before these guys. Moles, Addison, Djerrkura also. Addison might get the chop if he can't step up after a few games though.

    I'm not running either Wallis or Libba to start, would take some significant preseason form to change my mind at this stage.
  18. spud

    spud New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    That Swan guy goes alright eh?

    24 touches, 16 of which were kicks (3:2 ratio) @ 75&#37; efficiency, 5 tackles, 7 clearences and a lazy 4 goals to top it off, and he was rightfully rewarded with a 150 from the SuperCoach Gods.

    For the Swans, my old boy Kennedy top scored with a 113 made up of a monster 30 disposals @ 77&#37;, (1:2 kick:handball ratio), 5 tackles and a whopping 11 clearances.

    Those currently holding Jack in their starting teams may have been disappointed though. Despite gathering 20 disposals, his 65&#37; effiency let him down, as did his low tackle count (2) despite playing a tagging role. Add to that, 6 clangers and we have his modest-at-best Super Coach score of 64.
  19. HeavyMen

    HeavyMen Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    SO the GnR theory. Does it leave room for a mid range like J Kennedy? Cash to upgrade to better 2nd ruck for eg.
  20. spud

    spud New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I think you can alter and structure your team however you like, Heavy. No need to conform to some 'vaugue' structure rules.

    The way you have worded it (using the cash elsewhere to upgrade) I'd imagine you're thinking about him instead of an additional premium in the middle? (2 premiums, J.K, 3 rookies starting?)

    I'm of the opinion that if you start him, you do so with the intention of him becoming a keeper as opposed to someone who may appreciate ~100k and then side trade them to a fallen proven premium. With JK starting at 394k, by the time he appreciates enough to justify cashing in, he'd be on an average that would warrant keeping him.
    If it pays off, you've snared yourself a keeper for a good ~100-150k cheaper than most of the others would have cost.

    Speaking of Kennedy, he seems to have disappeared from the stats page! Perhaps that monstrous 270something put him onto his own special page? :)

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