Position Focus - Rucks

Discussion in 'AFL' started by Lucas, Jan 25, 2011.

  1. Nick

    Nick Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Ahh the old Sex on the Beach, haven't heard that since last year.
    I'm going with Sandi-Jolly-Petrie-R4 (between Redden/Smith), and at present am just convinced to not start with a R/F link and trade into it later, as the bevy of fwd rookies look pretty decent thus far.
    However knowing my luck Petrie will go bang from round 1 and I'll have to force a trade.

    Its all about weighing up the risks.

    @ Port - if you must start with the R/F link, I would go J Tippett. He may never play though, so you'd have to be happy with giving up a fwd bench spot and potential cow for DPP.
  2. walesy

    walesy Administrator Staff Member

    Nov 30, 2015
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    <blockquote>Quote from crew on February 18, 2011, 06:47
    I've gone Mummy, Jolly, Hale, J Tiprat with Petrie F7.
    Mummy will be #1 and I think Seaby will be used more as a plug for some holes around the ground. Jolly far and away #1. Hale will get good chance at Hawks as ruck is a glaring hole there right now and Tiprat obvious change with Petrie. For about 1.2M I think it's value for money as I like to set and forget rucks as most prefer. I agree Cox a good chance of not fill the season or he'd be in. </blockquote>

    Pricey and gutsy all at the same time! Didn't Mummy go in for a bit of surgery over the off season? How'd he scrub up from that?
  3. TerryinBangkok

    TerryinBangkok Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Just changing the bandages.

  4. Moonwalker

    Moonwalker New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I'll be using a slightly risky strategy which should have some pay-off which is Cox-Jolly.

    The way I see it, those using ruck MPP will have to use Petrie in R6 to cover Sandilands but because of a lack of forwards, they mightn't be able to use MPP in case of a zero in the forward-line. Cox and Jollys' byes are also R5 & R7 which makes MPP easy and more effective. But that round aside here are the pros:

    1. Save yourself &#36;126k on your starting team if you were going Sandilands/Jolly or 166k on Sandilands/Cox.

    2. Sandilands is more expensive than last year and needs an average of 111 to stay above his price which could easily come down by R6-7.

    3. Cox and Jolly are quite cheap and should go up in price so making the upgrade of Sandilands would be more of a sideways trade than a trade with an extra rookie downgrade.

    4. It gives you the choice of Cox or Jolly as your R2 and if one doesn't fire, you can upgrade him to Sandilands.

    Using this set-up allows me to have the extra security of 5 premiums in my forward-line with 15 premiums in total (if you include Jolly).
  5. port_leschenault

    port_leschenault Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Thanks for the reply guys. So I guess without a decent starting MPP, its a case of whether to start Petrie in the Ruck or Forward line.
  6. BJ

    BJ New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I think McEvoy is an interesting prospect for those looking to find a bit of value. His average last year is a bit misleading; he definelty put some good points on the board when shouldering more work later in the season. Perhaps not 20, but I don’t think 10-15 point improvement is out of the question. The latter would put him right up with that second tier of rucks, for just over 300k
  7. stkildathunda

    stkildathunda Moderator

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Dont you all go jumping on The Big Mac now.... :p
  8. BrockyFreo

    BrockyFreo Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I'm looking forward to seeing Seaby play. I traded him in after the first few rounds last year (only to see him go down the next week). But with injury gone, he is sure to fire and is a bargain at that price.

    Sandi-> Cox-> Seaby -> Gorange
  9. Ruddy

    Ruddy New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I'm still currently going in with Sandi, Jolly (Petrie, Smith(or whoever starts for GC))

    It gives me great points on the field, and great cover off it, and if Petrie starts to dominate, its an easy forward line downgrade to Tippett, and Petrie is on my field up forward. While if injury strikes, and history suggests this could be likely, then he won't affect my on field scoring.
  10. crew

    crew New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    <blockquote>Quote from walesy on February 18, 2011, 13:00
    <blockquote>Quote from crew on February 18, 2011, 06:47
    I've gone Mummy, Jolly, Hale, J Tiprat with Petrie F7.
    Mummy will be #1 and I think Seaby will be used more as a plug for some holes around the ground. Jolly far and away #1. Hale will get good chance at Hawks as ruck is a glaring hole there right now and Tiprat obvious change with Petrie. For about 1.2M I think it's value for money as I like to set and forget rucks as most prefer. I agree Cox a good chance of not fill the season or he'd be in. </blockquote>

    Pricey and gutsy all at the same time! Didn't Mummy go in for a bit of surgery over the off season? How'd he scrub up from that? </blockquote>

    Yes assuming the big fella is right to go Walesy. Cant find an update at present (I suck at finding info) but supposed to be playing late NAB Cup. Not the ideal start for sure but if recoves as expected then I think he will come up to speed fairly quick. I'm thinking he might dip early then steady rise over the season. A lot depends on horse of course as to how he will play the two (Seaby).No trading him in later after the dip I dont like because a trade used in the ruck is something I hate doing. Last year went Otten, Seaby, Hille ....Pineapple was inserted :(
  11. CJ22

    CJ22 New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Ah the ruck debate is always a difficult one and I think has more influence than some people would consider. I've narrowed my R1 and R2 to three players: Sandi, Jolly and Fraser.

    Sandi clearly the greatest scorer, but does come with the imjury risk and doesn't present any real value.

    Jolly presents good value if he can score like he did at the end of last year. Is very durable too and doesn't miss many games. He will need to reach premium status to be worthwhile though.

    Fraser presents the best value, but will probably have to be upgraded towards the end of the year. Only worry is how the competition will be between him and the young GC rucks, Smith etc.

    Anyone got any other ideas on these guys?

  12. crew

    crew New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Rucks are important but only as important as the league your in (I'm only talking about those that chase league only ) If your league is not premium then you could get away with say Jolly, Seaby, Fraser + rookie so for under 1M you could have your ruck set with barring injury all 3 playing weekly. if your nervous about back up for about 1.025M you could have MMP and Petrie as F7 FWIW.
  13. Moonwalker

    Moonwalker New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    @CJ22 - Smith wasn't in the 2 NAB Cup games so that gives Fraser a bit more security than expected.

    I'm curious what people's selections will be for the emergency rucks. Joel Tippett is a must if you have Petrie in the forwards, but who to put at R4?

    Personally I'm not buying into the Fraser hype, maybe as a R3 but not as a starting ruck. His stats prove otherwise plus we haven't seen him tested against any quality ruckmen.
  14. Lucas

    Lucas Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I'd say Fraser could get 70s. If he did that he'd be good value for the price. Not sure if you can say the same for any other ruckman apart from Petrie.
  15. Malteaser

    Malteaser Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Fraser is also a crap contested mark. Mark my words, also his taps out often are nullified. For DT yes, SC no.
  16. Jason

    Jason Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    My problem with Fraser is that even if he does prove to be value on his start price and improve by say 20ppg, he would need to be upgraded before the end of the season if you started him at R2.

    I don't see that as a good deal, given that both of his byes come before R10. I think that the points dropped all through those first 10 rounds, both with byes and with other people's R2 scoring better than Fraser, could really hurt.
  17. anthak

    anthak Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Im not sure that you would need to upgrade Fraser. He may turn out to be a premium this season. The gameplan GC went with in NAB so far, points towards the ball going through him quite a lot. Its only early days yet, but definitely something to look at over the next couple of weeks.

    I was deciding between Petrie and Frase as my R2. but after seeing that first game, I want to fit them both in - petrie did enough today to stay in my plans.

    I just dont know how to fit them both in. I have done it now, but I have had to drop a prem mid down to a rookie and I have 250k left over now. so thats obviously not ideal. I need to do some thinking as to how I can balance my team out.

    It seems strange for me to lose the points of a prem mid, to be able to bring in Frase... I gotta work out another way to do it.

    But I definitely think he is worth having...

    I am finding there are too many mid pricers that are too good to refuse this year. hard to balance up - especially as there are loads of rookies too!
  18. boydshow

    boydshow Guest

    How many mid prems you down to anthak? I've got 4, plus Sandi, Fraser & Petrie.
  19. spud

    spud New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I didn't think you had any premium mids Ant? Where'd this latest one come from?
  20. anthak

    anthak Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    i know spud, haha.

    I downgraded Judd to Jack to bring in ROK, and then downgrade Jack to Polec to bring in Fraser, leaving only 2 premiums in midfield, but i still have a heap of cash left to use elsewhere.

    I dont think i will stay this way though. I reckon ill end up choosing one of frser or petrie.

    but i may keep only 2 prem mids, and bring in an extra prem in forward line.... but thats for another forum thread i suppose.

    Griff - of course it could be done to have all 3 and still plenty of mid premiums, but I reckon there are too many great midf rookies that cant be overlooked. I have spent my big &#36; on other lines.
    but its still early days. Still considering many options.

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