Potential Expat League ~

Discussion in 'AFL' started by Simonoz, Feb 8, 2011.

  1. snoz

    snoz Moderator

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Bill ~ I just had to double check your post & trades....I felt for sure as I watched Goddard being carted off that you'd brought him in this week :)
  2. bjaensch

    bjaensch New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    No mate, have had him in from the start. We will know later today if the KOD is still valid if Adcock spuds it up. :)

    Some tight races in our leagues games this week. I'm on course for a heavy defeat today, Dave has a great team and is kicking me in the arse hard.


  3. J_in_Japan

    J_in_Japan New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    @ Tibby, one point, one solitary point.

    @ Bill, seems the KOD worked again for Adcock.
  4. TerryinBangkok

    TerryinBangkok Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Genuflections bjaensch for giving everyone the heads up on Adcock. Ever consider Stevie J? [that might help a lot of people].

    @J - much sweeter that way, am overdue and hopefully my season starts now.
  5. bjaensch

    bjaensch New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Given my appalling performance over the weekend, particularly the 2-even-worse-than-Adcock spuds in the midfield, a heads up on this week's trade planning is in order.

    I am looking at Hodge, Thompson, Boyd and Scotland at this point.

    You have all been warned...... :-D

    Leaning towards Hodge right now.

  6. bjaensch

    bjaensch New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    PS: had not put much thought into Stevie J for my team (yet), but he is in my GF's team which is advancing up the ranks with a bullet. Strangely, the KOD does not seem to apply to the trades I make for her team. If you want to check it out search for Hitam Babi at the SC site.
  7. snoz

    snoz Moderator

    Jan 3, 2016
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    More random thoughts on a Monday:

    * Everytime I see "potential" expat league I laugh...25 pages later...maybe one day we'll be real.

    * Bill's KOD

    * New nicknames ~ snoz, tibby

    * Anth ~ the king of the donor team (by the by mate, I dont agree with Lucas' tweet about Sandi at all)

    * I'm even branded on here as a pansy for drinking Coors Light

    Some nice-ish scores on the w/end, pretty mch on par with all others. I had a 10 pt victory and I think TiB had a 1pt victory....sad for the losers, great for the winners :)

    Ranking I think is up to #41 'with a bullet'....(pop quiz for the older gen: Who's line is that?)

    Question for you sandgropers...Scotty Thompson, is he for real? Only owned in about 4% of teams and ranked 5th I think in overall score....dying to find a POD in the mids, would love Murphy but have Judd, not sold on GAJ ~ have given him 10 rds and as all else collapse around him its not like others at the Crows are going to take points off him.

  8. TerryinBangkok

    TerryinBangkok Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    More random replies on a Tuesday.

    I also have a cackle at the 'potential'. We just keep knocking up the pages until walesy sits up.

    Not a pansy at all - it is just the irony of America having the lightest beer in the world, bringing out an alternative Coors called Lite.

    I should be able to answer the pop quiz, but 'fraid I can't. I can take you back to Ward "Pally" Austin and John Laws, Brian Henderson and Molly, but if you are absent from Australian radio or television for even 2-3 years you often miss the flavour of the month.

    Not a sandgroper, not even much of a groper these days. And anyway, sandgropers are WA? But yes, Scot Thompson is the real deal and has been in my team since Day 1 (alongside Murphy). A super POD if you have a Dream Team is Shiels, while in SC people seem to singing the praises of Hodge. At this time of the year you start having a closer look at the draw, particularly the byes for finals. Find this is influencing my decision on who to bring in. Agree on GAJ. The decision may come back to bite us, but you can't fit everyone in. NDS is surprisingly cheap at the moment and a POD when compared to Montagna.

    Also suspect the Doggies will turn the corner before much longer and start producing mids and backs we all wish we had.
  9. snoz

    snoz Moderator

    Jan 3, 2016
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    A must read is the Winter of Discontent post on the main page guys...you just cant but laugh out loud, knowing full well half of the things talked about you've done...and Bill, you really need to post there :)
  10. bjaensch

    bjaensch New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    This week's firm KOD warning: Hodge in Harris out.

    You have been warned gentlemen!

    looks like we have some tight match ups this week, should be fun. Good luck all.

  11. easty01

    easty01 New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    @all - Bill's KOD is alive and well!

    I picked up Adcock a few weeks back and he was motoring along nicely. Then last week Bill trades him in and Adcock turns into a bag of 65 spuds sitting on a half-back flank. Be forewarned...

    @Snoz - re: Coors Lite and zero weight gain, you speak the truth.

    Since arriving in Canada 6 months back we've watched our neighbour polish off a case of the stuff every 2 days yet he still resembles a stick figure. Of course, it could be that he drinks the case in the first 24 hours then spends the following 24 hours in a coma, thus avoiding any food intake, but either way he is still one thin individual.

    @Hanoi Hawks - I see your Cass Beer and raise you a Wildcat Lager.

    Made by Labatt, it will leave you questioning your will to live after just half a can! Back in Oz they now put the warning 'Drink Responsibly' on all the booze ads - here the same warning would mean putting the case of Wildcat back on the shelf and moving on to the next brand :p

    Anyways, enough from me - enjoy your weekend and watch out for the Gold Coast flu!

  12. snoz

    snoz Moderator

    Jan 3, 2016
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    .........phew........thank god I went ST instead of Hodgy :)
  13. TerryinBangkok

    TerryinBangkok Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    ST eh? Has been a good little points man and many are jumping aboard. Had the 'C' on him last week, but not touching him this one.
    The general discussion on here is that there is no one at the Crows to take the points of ST. Wrong. Anyone considering a GMR next year, write it down: Rory Sloane.

    Good luck to all and have some fun over the weekend.

    PS. Did Snoz get the references to the "Group W bench"?
  14. J_in_Japan

    J_in_Japan New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Seems ST is not such a POD in this league, probably thanks to you TiB. 5 or 16 have him, maybe more trading in this week.

    I was just looking at the SC site and the International rankings don't have many of our league registered.
    Relton's is ranked @ 200 but not listed as International, either are some of the other high rollers.

    Maybe have a 2nd or 3rd league next season as there are plently of other guys from TS in the top 50-100 in the International ranks.
  15. TerryinBangkok

    TerryinBangkok Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    If I recall correctly, the option when asked for a postcode was something like "other", although fairly sure I managed to get "Thailand" in there somewhere. If you read the fine print in SC it appears to be only open to residents of Australia. Could prove interesting next year when one of us hits the $50k.

    Have been watching the forum and other chat closely and it seems there are a few more 'players' who are outside of Australia. However, in setting this league up, it did take us some time to fill it.

    In my second year of SC I was lucky to find TS. I recall all this discussion about leagues and stuff, but looking at it, it just seemed too hard and, hell, look at the scores those guys get! They'll just laugh at you. Whereas the approach we took with Neil, I think, is the way to go. He is now more involved and is kicking ass and doesn't require advice from anyone (yeah, I've been monitoring his trades).

    Raises a good point though J. - it would be nice to keep this group together next year if we can and it would also be nice to add a second league. To achieve this we would need walesy's help in identifying all overseas registrants so we can send them an invite.

    Anyway, must get back to winning this one.
  16. snoz

    snoz Moderator

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Great idea TiB.....maybe next year we can potentially lose the 'Potential' too :)

    I went ST basically because he was the least owned prem mid, or at least up until this week. I know Hodgy was actually less popular, but I think once this weeks trades are counted, Hodge will be in more than ST...seems most were going him over ST.

    We'll see if it was a good move, I'm not sold but figured I had to mix up the cookie cutter a bit.

    As for Sloane TiB, I see him as a Daisy way back when, running off the half back flank for a few yrs, getting better and better and then to be unleashed on teams in the next 2-3 yrs as Daisy is doing now.

    My only concern long term with the likes of Daisy, Sloane & say Dangerfield who is in a similar vein...they just throw themselves at it with reckless abandon ~ gotta be sure their bodies can withstand it.
  17. HanoiHawks

    HanoiHawks New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Backing up Tibby's comments. The way you guys helped me at the beginning was crucial to me actually enjoying the SC thingy. It could have been really embarrasing but now I feel I am contributing a bit to the leagues position. Just wish I could have that preseason over again, with the knowledge I have now.
    Please include me again next year, even if it's in 2nd division.
    But every silver lining has a cloud. Buddy's out. Bad in terms of SC and being a Hawks fan.
  18. snoz

    snoz Moderator

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Ranked 41st in the country (the one none of us are in) Hanoi....and you have more than helped...just think how much better (read: how much more you'll waste your life studying fantasy football) you'll be next year !!

    TiB ~ Alas no on the Group W bench mate...I have to say that everytime I see the letter 'W' I can think of none other than George Dubya Bush himself, but IO doubt its that ?
  19. bjaensch

    bjaensch New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    41st was last week. I think we are 32nd this week guys. Pretty good for a "bush league" I think! And no, I don't mean W or hos old man. :)

    This is only my second year of SC, and I concur with Neil that just being in this league has really helped my team and scoring. Given my points total it could be easily argued that my league wins have been more luck than judgement, however.

    Hodges 95 being 50 points off recent efforts would seem to argue that my KOD was still in play this week, but a better result than previous spuddly trades. Adcock, on the other hand, did not seem to remember that he was supposed to do better than last week when I brought him in. :-D

    All up, really enjoying the banter and general camaraderie. I'm glad I managed to get a gig in this league.

    Being transient folks, especially given that some people go home and others don't, I would like to propose that if the "expat league" stays alive in future that members of the league who became "non resident" continue to be able to participate in the league(s). And the more the merrier too.


    PS: on the issue of the league taking time to fill up, I suspect that a reasonable number of people travel for work and it could be pretty easy to miss the league initiation posting. The idea of Walsey being able to identify non resident site members/donors through his database should be fairly straight forward.

  20. anthak

    anthak Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Yeah, i would imagine that it would be straight forward, but there are privacy issues I think. I seem to remember walesy being hesitant to do it when we were chasing numbers for this league. I may be wrong though.

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