Pre Rd 3 Trades

Discussion in 'AFL' started by Holey, Apr 3, 2011.

  1. Corks

    Corks Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    @Jason, yep Tapscott in for me. Left him out in the last decision before the first lockout and went with markovic for the MPP instead. Think Markovic will go for Tapscott this week. Also will grab Curnow for the profit - Irons or Bewick to get the chop.
  2. Bazza16

    Bazza16 New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Its a tough one, On one hand, Curnow could keep up his 100 average and be a lock in your team for the whole year,
    or he could fall away next week against magpies, and lose his spot to ellard or mclean, and never regain his form against the 2 weaker opponents his played so far.

    Depending on the the other trades you could pull off, Curnow is worth it if you can't spend this weeks trades better elsewhere
  3. Corks

    Corks Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Curnow is a definite short-term trade - get him in up till Calton bye. I worked through the salary calculator, and if he gets 50 next week, then 60 against strong teams and 80 against weak teams, by the R8 bye he will be around $310k - perfect time to cash in and pick up another premium in a double trade with Lower / Libba / Darling / etc. Should hold his place till then anyway, as there are a few ahead of him to go down first.
  4. gish

    gish New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I'm not sure which to pick out of Libba or Curnow either. I have Swallow, Harris and Bewick on the bench so it will be the latter getting the chop.
  5. Josh

    Josh New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    thinking about atley to curnow and hibberd to libba at this stage. Takes away my mid-def link though. Whats the word on hibberd though? Is the thigh(?) a problem?
  6. Thunda

    Thunda New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Good point, Corks. Not sure on who to trade out for Curnow> M Duncan mpp, Prestia mpp and only played 1 game.
  7. Smarch

    Smarch Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Atley to Curnow for me is looking good too. If he does well against the Pies next week you could almost cement him in as a keeper, I know this is optimistic at best but for me Mclean is the passenger we need to punt (Blues fan).
    Other thought is I am worried about Harry Taylor, great first week, didn't see this week, but 42 for his price is not good and inconsistency is murder in SC. If anyone could give some idea of why the drop that would be great. Not really thinking of trading just seeing if there was a reason for the form drop.
  8. Jason

    Jason Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    2 more weeks for Hibberd, at the least.
  9. Mad_Mattigan

    Mad_Mattigan Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Other than the mad scramble for $$$, anyone else forced into trades?

    I had Lenny! Love the man and am absolutely shattered that he's out for the year. I've cash in the bank, so I think Lenny -> Swan will work ok.

    Next I'm trying to work out who to dump for Curnow... Mids are currently:
    Pendles, Hayes (=Swan), Judd, Gibbs, Krak & Ward with bench of Harris, Irons & Libba.

    Thinking that Harris should be able to hold a spot on the park at M5 or 6, meaning that Ward ends up on the bench which is a waste of easy $$$. Especially if Curnow comes in and lil' Libba keeps it going.

  10. Jason

    Jason Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Mad_Mattigan, you have no need to bring in Curnow. Hold your trades after the forced injury trade for Hayes.

    No way Ward should be on the bench next week against GCS. Krakouer to the bench more likely, especially if he is still the sub for the Pies.
  11. Mad_Mattigan

    Mad_Mattigan Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Ha! I'm talking about my bench, not the Doggies! I reckon that Ward is very undervalued and under-appreciated and is as brave as they come, but not sure that he can outscore Harris regularly.

    Given that, I can put Harris on the park, trade Ward for Curnow (making $170k) and then have Curnow as the emergency...

    I don't think that players will be regular sub players... It's just to hard on their match fitness. We saw after the Melbourne game last week, that Petterd was out doing fitness work AFTER the game to keep his levels up.

    Krak looked absolutely shot during the Port game and was benched. But then he had 15 touches in 30 mins of game time against the Roos. He'll be right, just needs to get his fitness base up to match the pies brutal game plan.
  12. HeavyMen

    HeavyMen Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Interested in yr thoughts on Libba. Seems o me he gets plenty of share from the other mids, how do you rate his JS.

    My cuerrent mids
    Pendles, Selwood, Judd, Gibbs, D Harris then
    Savage, Irons, Conca & Atley.
    Have $50,000 in bank

    My thoughts are one trade of Conca/Atley to Libba as a better option then Curnow or do both
    Atley to Libba
    Conca to Curnow which would put another $50 K in the bank.

    Then as Corks says upgrades are on when Curnow, Libba get to the $300K level.

    Appreciate anybodies feedback on one or two trades?

    Have Tapscott, Darling, Matera, A Krak in fwds already.
  13. Jason

    Jason Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Austin, none of Bewick or Prestia have performed poorly enough to warrant a sideways trade.

    And Libba has arguably performed as well as Curnow to date (considering opposition played), so absolutely no to Libba traded into Curnow.

    The question should be which of your current rookies is bad enough that you need to adjust pre-R3? Unless you have a non-show like Pederson or Hibberd, hard to make a strong case for a sideways trade at the moment.
  14. Burly

    Burly New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I'm pretty happy to have Tapscott and Libba who are shaping as great cows. Am I getting unneccesarily greedy if I trade Ward for Curnow. My rationale is:
    1)Dont want to miss out on Curnow if he is long-term good scorer
    2)Libba looks good enough to take Ward's M5 spot
    3)Am concerned with Kennedy at M4, so an early upgrade could be rewarding.
    Of course am aware It could go Curnow the next Muston/ Gysberts? Is Kennedy going to pick it up in line with his pre-season scoring?
    Advice please...
    PS - Mids are Swan, Pendles, Boyd, Kennedy, Ward, Harris (Libba, Bewick, Prestia)
  15. Jason

    Jason Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Libba slightly ahead of Curnow for mine for JS at the moment.

    Not having Conca, I haven't paid him the most attention to date. But I did see Milne totally take him to the cleaners in Q1 on Friday night. Atley has underwhelmed to date, he might not be selected this week.

    Definitely have to wait until lockout mate, but I'd suggest keeping Conca and looking at sideways only for Atley into Libba. Suggest that you don't go to Curnow because I can't see him cranking another ton against the reigning premier this week.
  16. Mad_Mattigan

    Mad_Mattigan Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Be careful you're not trading for the sake of trading... You can't have every up-and-coming rookie! I'd look at Conca to Libba/Curnow to free up the $50k, but burning a trade from one rookie to another is risky.

    Remmeber, Conca has played against two teams with bloody good midfields... It's not easy getting a touch when you're lining up against Goddard, Judd, Hayes, Montagna, NDS, Murphy... etc etc...

    Curnow played against GCS and Libba played the Lions who aren't much better.
  17. Jason

    Jason Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Do not trade Ward into Curnow, that is a terrible idea. Ward will be rising in value for sure and has guaranteed job security as long as he is fit, whereas Curnow does not. Ward will play against the GCS witches hats this weekend too.
  18. Burly

    Burly New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Yep, Ward's JS puts him way ahead Curnow I know. My ulterior motive was to ship out Kennedy for Deledio, and then slip him over to the backs for Buckley.
    Pretty happy with the rest of my team though so I told myself this was the best way.

    I know I'm way to impatient.
  19. HeavyMen

    HeavyMen Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Thanks Jason & others, I think yeah the one trade is best at this stage.
    Got a 2,251 this week, which perhaps could have been 100 pts higher. Had the Krak issue, Gilbert a 59 & Irons in for Selwood whose 47 pts was ok matching Conca on pine & beating Atley.

    Bloody subs have potential to cause fear & loathing in nearly eavery game. Gunna be a test of mental apptitude I reckon to get through the season - without throwing something through the screen!!
  20. Mad_Mattigan

    Mad_Mattigan Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    @Burly/Jason I'm also considering the Ward-> Curnow trade. Comes down to what role you see them playing.

    If they're on your bench, then the extra $170k you make from the trade is like fast tracking 2 weeks of growth from a moo-er. If you see them filling in at M6 or M7, then the job security of Ward becomes more relevant. Especially if your other mid emergencies are lower scorers like Bewick/Prestia. Libba is a nice back-up I think.

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