Pre Rd 3 Trades

Discussion in 'AFL' started by Holey, Apr 3, 2011.

  1. Lucas

    Lucas Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    If you are going for Curnow or Libba you are doing so to get a quick trade advantage so you want to use them to trade up by Round 7 I'd think.

    Curnow is the only real chance, but his bye in Round 8 means it's a death-or-glory move.

    Otherwise, yeah you get a cow, which moos about the same time as everyone else, and moos only 50 or so k more.

    This is what I call a 175 trade. Not bad but to pull back more points in the comp from the leader, you need to pull 200-250 trades.
  2. Nick

    Nick Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I'm killing off the Curnow vs Libba debate by going both.

    The obvious Atley to Curnow trade, and then pulling the trigger on Hibberd to Libba. Hibberd then could be traded down to in 2 months or so when he's eventually on the bubble.

    Loses the d/m link, but with the added benefit of two great looking cows. Will leave me with those two and Bewick in the mids, Lower/Duigan and company in the backs, Tappy/Richo/Darls in the fwds and me happy with rookies that should generate a lot of cash.
  3. NotTooSerious

    NotTooSerious Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I finished the round in 759th. My rookies have all gone well, no Curnow, but I have Lil Libba and no one that warrants being chopped to get curnow.

    The only one I am thinking about tradng is yarran...but not sure, only 20k in the bank, so to turn him into anyone resembling a keeper (Dawes/ROK) I would need to double trade and get rid of someone like Knights or krak...not sure its worth it, but I'm sure Yarran will score poorley against the pies this week. And Krak being a regular sub is a worry - sure you won't loose over everyone with him, but by not having him I could claw back some points.

    My other option is to sit tight - wait for jroo's price to plument and Yarran's to slighly increase and do a straight swap - I'm just concerned about loosing so many points.

  4. Johnny_Carcinogen

    Johnny_Carcinogen New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    My rooks look much the same Nick.
    I am considering pissing Rockliff off for another rook in Libba or Shuey and freeing up some $$$.
  5. DC

    DC Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Hey Nick,

    No doubt Hibberd will make his way into the Essendon team in the next few weeks so are you going to trade him back in after he plays two games? or miss the boat on him?

    Also i have used that link between the backs and mids both rounds.

    Do you really want to lose it?
  6. DC

    DC Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Johnny - I like the idea of moving on Rockliff for a rookie like Libba.

    Gives you some cash to upgrade your back and forward lines.

    With the rookies scoring so well in the midfield it could give you some extra points down back/forward :)
  7. gromanin

    gromanin New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    What did people think of Swallow's game on Sat night? Only one game in, but given the shellackings GC will cop this year, I can't see many 100+ games coming from him this year. Given that, is Swallow to Libba to enable a Jolly - Cox change a good trade? Or is my ruck panic a short term issue as Jolly works his way in to the season??? My other mid rooks are Harris, Savage, Buckley with Murphy, Boyd, Montagna, Jack and Higgins the others....
  8. WLF

    WLF New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Hi All

    Conca for Liber is the easiest trade this week.
    Free up 50k and make money next week.

    Personally for me I need to move on Helbig for Curnow.
    Sideways trade but I'm putting it down as my two correction trades.

    Bewick will improve.
  9. WLF

    WLF New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    <blockquote>Quote from gromanin on April 4, 2011, 12:53
    What did people think of Swallow's game on Sat night? Only one game in, but given the shellackings GC will cop this year, I can't see many 100+ games coming from him this year. Given that, is Swallow to Libba to enable a Jolly - Cox change a good trade? Or is my ruck panic a short term issue as Jolly works his way in to the season??? My other mid rooks are Harris, Savage, Buckley with Murphy, Boyd, Montagna, Jack and Higgins the others....</blockquote>

    Or even conca to liber then jolly to cox...
  10. dazza71

    dazza71 New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    ok, i must come clean,

    am i the only one that grabbed the WRONG stanley from GC??

    Talk about a waste trade, ive looked and my only real option is getting the right stanley this time around, OR i can hang a week and look at young tarrant or mckernan next week.

    unless ive missed someone,

    i have already duigan, lower, lester, toy

    Unless J Stanley might get a game???
  11. claxy

    claxy New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    To throw a spanner in the thoughts of those Richardson & Atley owners, don't forget the Roos have the Bye this weekend - so (we) won't have the prior knowledge on Thursday of seeing if they are even going to hold their spots before decisions on made on their position in SC teams!!
  12. Lucas

    Lucas Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Hilarious Dazza

    Plenty of decent backline options for you. Or you can just leave him sitting there, with the other rookies you have that should work fine. Then you can swap him for whatever other backman shines later. Two OK options to ensure you don't waste the trade.

    I'd suggest Heppell if you have the cash.
    I posted on this in the round review thread, but I'm not in favour of swapping a midranger to a rookie, particularly if they are going up in value as most would. Even Foley's score will have him going up most likely if he keeps it up. So will Petrie etc. I would leave those guys and try to use their initial starting cash as a springboard to bring in a premium earlier by cashing someone else in. To trade down could give you a Muston or Gysberts or Peterson issue later on.

    I would consider prem for prem (LTI) or rookie for rookie trades this week. That's about it.
  13. Lucas

    Lucas Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Unless you have Jolly.

    Seriously on the nose...

    Lucky I missed that train wreck.
  14. dazza71

    dazza71 New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    thanks lucas, i forgot, i have heppell as well. glad i could give some amusment this morning. actually worked out in my favour as duigan came in for J Stanley and scored a little extra, just hurting over using a trade, does anyone know if J Stanley might get a gig?
  15. Ryno

    Ryno New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    What value do people put on trades?
  16. danielc

    danielc New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    ive got b.harvey, atley, and j.fraser who are on the chopping block. none are performing especially badly but i think i need to go..

    harvey > rioli
    atley > curnow
    fraser > z.smith

    with the 4 extra trades and extended bench i figure that theres less chance of being caught out late in the year playing 1 short.

    ps. im not worried about the roos having the bye this week, im going for league win and have enough cover on the bench.
  17. gromanin

    gromanin New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    <blockquote>Quote from WLF on April 4, 2011, 12:57
    <blockquote>Quote from gromanin on April 4, 2011, 12:53
    What did people think of Swallow's game on Sat night? Only one game in, but given the shellackings GC will cop this year, I can't see many 100+ games coming from him this year. Given that, is Swallow to Libba to enable a Jolly - Cox change a good trade? Or is my ruck panic a short term issue as Jolly works his way in to the season??? My other mid rooks are Harris, Savage, Buckley with Murphy, Boyd, Montagna, Jack and Higgins the others....</blockquote>

    Or even conca to liber then jolly to cox...</blockquote>

    yeah don't have conca...
  18. Nick

    Nick Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    <blockquote>Quote from DC on April 4, 2011, 12:34
    Hey Nick,

    No doubt Hibberd will make his way into the Essendon team in the next few weeks so are you going to trade him back in after he plays two games? or miss the boat on him?

    Also i have used that link between the backs and mids both rounds.

    Do you really want to lose it?</blockquote>

    The problem is DC is that we don't know when Hibberd will make it back in, and talk of his quad injury has me worried. Team looks fairly settled with two decent performances.
    I too have used the link, but think I can go without it. Libba is playing GC this week, and if he maintains his average will go up &#36;70k or something ridiculous. Losing the link for me is worth the cash gained from the two cows. If I really need the link back, I can trade Hibberd back in once Bewick/Curnow/Libba have mooed (and lets be honest Hibberd is at least 2 weeks away, plus 2 weeks to be on the bubble, plus our bye is in round 10).
    The rest of my team is chugging along nicely, and so I think I can afford myself these cash cow luxury trades.
  19. bobob

    bobob New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    thinking boak to curnow. no other choice as my other mids are premiums and MPPs. (prestia and buckley). thoughts.
  20. Lucas

    Lucas Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    bobob ... in one word: NO

    Dazza I'd still consider waiting. Buckley is a flighty choice but could net some quick cash. Job security will be interesting with Maxwell on the prowl.
  21. Iceman

    Iceman New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I wouldnt be jumping off Boak just yet. Just think he will work his way into the season.
    Dont stress too much about missing outon one of these rookies curnow/libber/ tappy. More options will present themsleves throughout the season. Rekon this whole Curnow panic sticks of Muston.

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