Rate My Team 2015 (1st Edition)

Discussion in 'Blog' started by Jason, Mar 11, 2015.

By Jason on Mar 11, 2015 at 11:00 AM
  1. Jason

    Jason Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    <p style='color: #444444; margin-bottom: 10px; background: #fcfcfc;]Let's set the ground rules for RMT, nice and clear.
    <p style='color: #444444; margin-bottom: 10px; background: #fcfcfc;]1. In order to get feedback on your own team, you must first provide feedback on the teams that have been recently posted. This is the golden rule and is what makes this whole thing work.
    <p style='color: #444444; margin-bottom: 10px; background: #fcfcfc;]2. If you just post your team without giving any feedback,your post will be deleted.
    <p style='color: #444444; margin-bottom: 10px; background: #fcfcfc;]3. Please refrain from commenting on teams that have been posted by others that have not followed the golden rule.
    <p style='color: #444444; margin-bottom: 10px; background: #fcfcfc;]4. Keep it civil. Constructive criticism is fine. But there is a line and please don't cross it.
    <p style='color: #444444; margin-bottom: 10px; background: #fcfcfc;]To kick things off, I'll put my current SC team up for discussion.
    <p style='color: #444444; margin-bottom: 10px; background: #fcfcfc;]/Portals/0/Users/222/74/4574/RMT2.JPG
    <p style='color: #444444; margin-bottom: 10px; background: #fcfcfc;][span style='color: #444444; background: #fcfcfc;]Search hard, find that value and follow your instincts! Or just tell me I'm dreaming and where I've gone wrong. :)


Discussion in 'Blog' started by Jason, Mar 11, 2015.

    1. Jason
      Agree with that. But he will still probably score 60SC even in those games that he doesn't do much. Which is enough to make some decent money.
    2. Jason
      Fair call, but he was one of the first selected in my team this year. Absolute SC lock for top 10 FWDs if not top 2/3.
    3. choppers
      Yep. Can't argue with that and that's all you need your 133k rookie to do......and he's cheaper than Clark...lol!
    4. choppers
      Pretty solid team there, walesy. Not sold on Mayes, reckon there's a few around his price would be better value. Don't know how much cash you have left, but I'd have Langdon,382k or Haynes,384k before him. But sometimes you gotta just go with your gut feel.
    5. port_leschenault
      Well he's already now an established gun, so one way or the other, one pre-season game shouldn't be used to make up your mind
    6. port_leschenault
      Glad to see another on the Newnes-wagon. Welcome aboard, he should be standard in everyone's team.

      What's the rationale of Martin over Delidio? Looking at both their scoring histories, and how they finished last season and it's no contest to me, Lids stands out clearly. First picked after Swan.

      If I can find time when I'm procrastinating from my studies my do a rookie watch post. There's a few popping up now so will be good to collate it all in one part.
    7. walesy
      Yeah, the bottom three in my defence all currently have massive question marks over them. :D Still plenty of time though.
    8. port_leschenault
      Warning on Savage, he twanged his hammy, so will miss rest of NAB cup.

      Puts Wright ($238,800) on the watchlist for me now if he can get games and a decent role.
    9. port_leschenault
      If looking at C.Pearce, Jaime Macmillan and Gary Rohan all look to have better job security than him, and are cheaper. I'd say they all have around the same scoring potential too
    10. Jason
      I've switched between these guys myself a few times. Currently Martin is rumoured to be getting more midfield time this year. Didn't coach come out and say that at some point? Wait and see, but sounds appealing.
    11. insider
      noones going the mid-high pricers with A. Swallow, B. Crouch etc etc?
      Quite interested to see mason cox as the bench ruck. id be more inclined to go toby nankervis personally. think he has a much better shot of actually getting a game.
      Steele is gone for me. I liked him early but im going to try and get all players (incl bench) playing at least from rounds 1-3 and i dont think steele will debut until about mid year
    12. Jason
      Mason Cox is just the cheapest option available with DPP. I would only spend more on an alternate if I definitely wasn't likely to use the cash elsewhere and there was a really good change of a rookie ruck getting actual games. Nankervis doesn't seem that likely to play any time soon for instance.
    13. port_leschenault
      There's no one really presenting an option and Cox I think is the best DPP ruck with a good draw for loopholes

      Swallow is about the only one in his price range I would consider, otherwise upgrade to Danger. Crouch is going to be a gun, but not sold on him as third mid for Adelaide getting 110+ needed for a mid keeper this year. Douglas improving now he's got fit is going to mean another 90-100ppg for him too, so don't see too much scope this year to become an elite prem...'yet'
    14. port_leschenault
      Can't see him eating into Cotchin, Lids or Ellis mid time and Martin is always rumoured to stay in the mids but never does. Lids with DPP is just a lock for me, one of the most consistent players out there.
    15. DannyG
      I agree, I thought about the set and forget option but I have decided to go with one premium, one mid price &amp; one rookie in the ruck.. This allows me to start with an additional premium mid. Both Mummy &amp; and Higgins have burnt me in the past. Once burnt, twice shy.
    16. DannyG
      I like Bennell but no R. Gray??
    17. choppers
      If you're considering a non playing ruck as your captain's loophole, I think Read from Geelong has a better draw than Cox imo. Collingwood play 9 games Thurs or Fri and 4 Sat arvo games. Geelong only plays 2 games Fri and 4 early Sat. games.....both are Ruc/Fwd however Read is $7500 dearer. Thoughts?
    18. Jason
      Adelaide have a nice early draw for loophole, their 2 Friday games are R20 and R24 and their Thursday game is during the bye rounds when there should be plenty of other options to pick from.
    19. DannyG
      Hey guys, I would like to add my team for discussion.

      Def: B.Smith, H.Shaw, Newnes, C. Pearce, Goddard, Sadd (Vojo Rainbow. Manyard)
      Mids: Ablett, Pendles, Fyfe, Selwood, Griff, J.Steven, Andersen, Heeney (Vandenburg, Freeman, Steel)
      Ruck: Jacobs, Bellchambers (pending ASADA outcome) (Cox)
      Fwd: Gray, Bennell, Swan, T.Mitchell, Karnezis, Daniels (Krackouer, Lambert)

      If Bellchambers gets rubbed out?? I will down grade Newnes to Geary and upgrade Bellchambers to Gyles.

      Thoughts pls?
    20. Jason
      DEF line is looking too thin. This is not the year to be looking for 4 rookies on that line really. Not convinced that Viojo-Rainbow is anywhere near best 22 for Carlton.

      Don't like either Bellchambers or Giles as R2. Do you think either of these guys is going to be a keeper for the entire year?

      Otherwise looks like a decent list.

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