Rate My Team 2015 (3rd Edition)

Discussion in 'Blog' started by Jason, Mar 27, 2015.

By Jason on Mar 27, 2015 at 11:00 AM
  1. Jason

    Jason Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Again the old thread was getting really long so time for a new one. Links to previous threads:
    RMT 1st edition
    RMT 2nd edition
    Who knows how many times I will change this again before R1 lockout arrives. I suspect the rookie-priced options will move around a bit. But I think I'm mostly happy with the keepers and 'almost-keepers'.
    Presently my bye structure is 7/10/13 which not what I want it to be. 8/11/11 would be much better. I will need to be careful with early upgrades to be sure to improve this position. But it's not impossible to improve the balance before R11, so I'm happy enough for now. What does your bye structure look like?
    Who else is onboard the various bandwagons of some of the players in my team below?
    <p style='margin-bottom: 10px; color: #444444; background: #fcfcfc;][span style='background: #fcfcfc;]Just to repeat the ground rules for RMT:
    <p style='margin-bottom: 10px; color: #444444; background: #fcfcfc;]1. In order to get feedback on your own team, you must first provide feedback on the teams that have been recently posted. This is the golden rule and is what makes this whole thing work.
    <p style='margin-bottom: 10px; color: #444444; background: #fcfcfc;]2. If you just post your team without giving any feedback,your post will be deleted.
    <p style='margin-bottom: 10px; color: #444444; background: #fcfcfc;]3. Please refrain from commenting on teams that have been posted by others that have not followed the golden rule.
    <p style='margin-bottom: 10px; color: #444444; background: #fcfcfc;]4. Keep it civil. Constructive criticism is fine. But there is a line and please don't cross it.


Discussion in 'Blog' started by Jason, Mar 27, 2015.

    1. choppers
      Oops!...my bad in that I missed Jacobs and Mumford so I'll now agree that he's in the top 5.....lol!
    2. thokash
      Is it too much to have the 4 Demon rookies (Newton, VDB, Salem, Hogan), even if you are only playing 2 of them on field?
    3. TerryinBangkok
      Not really looking at him as a belonger J. Just expect he will show enough improvement to get me close to whoever emerges as a keeper. In the meantime he is a reasonable backstop FWD to help me through injuries/byes.
    4. Iain
      Alright so have settled on a new revision for my side, will probably stay as is until next week when I make the final changes.

      Watson a huge POD and will obviously be ASADA dependent, and Goodes will be a ? until elevated and named for round 1, or not. Bonts not great for my bye structure and will be dependent on other changes.

      Newnes, Lumumba, Suckling, Higgins, Goodes, Saad (McIntosh, Hamling)
      Pendlebury, Fyfe, Selwood, Watson, Dangerfield, Cripps, Heeney, Vandenberg, (Ellis-Yolmen, Miller, Lambert)
      Goldstein, Maric (Cox)
      Deledio, Martin, Bennell, Bontempelli, Clark, Hogan (Lonie, Daniel)
    5. Jason
      So about your R/F link. I think you have it the wrong way around. O'Brien should be your R3 and Lycett should be on your FWD line. You should have someone else at R2 who is actually going to play (i.e. not Nankervis).

      The way you have it, but Nanverkis and O'Brien are essentially donuts most weeks, which is one more than everyone else. You're missing out on some cash generation potential here I think.
    6. Jason
      Will you have moved on all four by R13? Could do some bad things to your R13 bye structure otherwise.
    7. Jason
      Looking good mate. A lot to like.
    8. J_C
      I have a pretty similar line up to you, Jason. The only differences are:

      Martin v Deledio
      Beams v Griffen
      Shaw v Gibson
      Smith v Lumumba
      Goodes v Higgins

      About the same $$ leftover too. Not sold on Goodes though so may need to rethink that somehow.
    9. Jason
      I wasn't impressed with Smith over the preseason. Was he playing on a wing last year much? Didn't seem to be in the action as often.
    10. J_C
      I've had Smith in from my first iteration I think, but I agree, he has been a bit underwhelming so far this year. Not sure if he'll make it to the start line.
    11. Jason
      Martin teases a lot. He does flashy stuff but it doesn't always turn into massive SC scoring. When SC first opened up, Deledio as a FWD was one of my first selections. Then I heard about his preseason injury and went off him for a bit. But he looked fine to me during NAB action, so back he comes into my side.
    12. JPK
      I'm expecting Lycett to play 20+ games and average 80ppg. After upgrades he'll make a good R3/F7. He'll make for a good stepping-stone, if you want. Just don't expect much more of him...
    13. JPK
      Can I go with one for the thumbs? (sorry for 'hijacking' this Jase)
      TU Danger
      TD Sloane
    14. anthak
    15. anthak
      I was gonna ask you about your change back to Lids, so Im glad I read through all the comments first.
      Lids is so consistent, and even if he plays fwd, he actually scored better last year after he moved fwd.
      Would be great to have both of them i reckon, cause Dusty should improve this year. I know people say that every year, but its gotta happen sometime :)

    16. TerryinBangkok
      All good BB. Bit of a cloud on Goodes - think he is 32 and still needs to be elevated, but choices are thin in DEF.

      If the fruit tingles put E-Y in their 22, Danger will spend more time forward.
    17. weaze
      wells to NVB goodes to KK?
    18. Bearfly
      I've been saying al along that Kra will not be playing round 1!!!
      Port played the bulk of their best team in NAB 3 (5 or 6 excluded) and Krak couldn't make the cut - he just isn't quite there yet and will have to work his way in during the season.
      Yet so many people still persist with picking him - believe me, he is not in consideration and has even fallen behind Colquhoun who is right in the mix for round 1 selection!!!
    19. snoz
      Hey TiB

      Agree with Jase on the this R2, R3 etc.

      O'Brien is an ideal R3 in that he may actually play. Lycett should go into the Fwd line and maybe put NN in at R2. A lot of others are keeping the gate open with an R3, but not putting a Lycett/TBC into the FWD line - but can trade into if needed down the road, so essentially they get a better FWD initially.
    20. snoz
      Jase......have to agree on not selecting Hertier. One eye aside, in 7 years he has averaged low 70's.....aside from 2013 at 88. Its not a given that he plays in the mids for Melb at all, regardless of NAB form. He is ideally situated to play the same HBF running general that he always has. Sort fo like Josh Gibson but with half the skill (ok, that may have been one eyed talk).

      We can only 'guess' SC output based on previous form and then gut. How can gut over-rule 7 years of a 70 average?

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