Rate My Team 2016: Post-NAB Edition

Discussion in 'Blog' started by Jason, Mar 14, 2016.

By Jason on Mar 14, 2016 at 4:02 PM
  1. Jason

    Jason Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Where did all the rookie-priced players go?

    Petracca, Cuningham, Keays, Mathieson, Collins, Yarran and Brown (WC) were all looking like good things in February and now look highly unlikely to play R1. Looks like it is going to be really hard to find cheap rookies who look likely to play early games in 2016.

    Hopefully when R1 teams start to drop, we will see some decent options at bargain-basement prices. If not, we may all need to restructure our teams to accomodate some more $200k+ options.

    I've made lots of changes over the last round of NAB challenge matches. I'm not 100% sold on some of them, but this is where my team is currently at.

    Libba has left the building. Hello Daniel Wells, welcome aboard. Petracca will hopefully become a different rookie, should one present themselves when R1 teams are named. Otherwise he's not the worst emergency loophole option to use with some of my higher-priced rookies.

    Cox > Grimley based mainly on loophole potential. Grimley just doesn't look likely to provide any meaningful coverage. Neither does Cox, but if the Collingwood tall division cops an injury he doesn't look be too far down the pecking order. Not 100% convinced on my R3 though.

    Hopefully each of McDonald-Tipungwuit, Davis and Ruggles get elevated prior to R1. Otherwise my structure is in some serious trouble and I'll have to downgrade elsewhere.


    I've made lots of changes over the last round of NAB challenge matches. I'm not 100% sold on some of them, but this is where my team is currently at.

    Libba has left the building. Hello Daniel Wells, welcome aboard.

    Petracca will hopefully become a different rookie, should one present themselves when R1 teams are named. Otherwise he's not the worst emergency loophole option to use with some of my higher-priced rookies.

    Cox > Grimley based mainly on loophole potential. Grimley just doesn't look likely to provide any meaningful coverage. Neither does Cox, but if the Collingwood tall division cops an injury he doesn't look be too far down the pecking order. Not 100% convinced on my R3 though.

    Hopefully each of McDonald-Tipungwuit, Davis and Ruggles get elevated prior to R1. Otherwise my structure is in some serious trouble and I'll have to downgrade elsewhere.

    Just as a reminder, the ground rules for RMT are as follows:

    1. In order to get feedback on your own team, you must first provide feedback on the teams that have been recently posted. This is the golden rule and is what makes this whole thing work. :)
    2. If you just post your team without giving any feedback, your post will be deleted. :mad:
    3. Please refrain from commenting on teams that have been posted by others that have not followed the golden rule. :cool:
    4. Keep it civil. Constructive criticism is fine. But there is a line and please don't cross it. :eek:
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Discussion in 'Blog' started by Jason, Mar 14, 2016.

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    1. Jason
      19 games in 2 years at an average in the low 60s. He's missed more games than he has played in that time.

      Has just joined a team with the poorest quality best-22 since Fitzroy went out of business.

      No way he is entering my SC team in 2016.

      In what way was his fitness issue "solved" last week? Has been battling achilles issue all off-season and didn't play any NAB matches.
      • Like Like x 3
    2. jason clarke
      jason clarke
      Totally agree with you on this one Boulder, and like your selection of Sinclair. Grimley is the other I am looking at, but he has spudded up in NAB and will only offer token coverage at best,,,
    3. GaryReal
      he dominated a reserves game - much like your champion Ciaron Byrne ;)
    4. Jason
      Except your hero costs $300k+ whereas mine is a bargain at $123k ;)
    5. pc1995
      I don't mind this team. Which Crouch is the better one? I think Brad has the upside if he gets his shit together and gets the trust of the coaches back again. Being top heavy in defense means you're struggling for depth on rookies in your midfield, Davis being at M8 for you signifies this.
    6. pc1995
      DEF: Shaw, Houli, Gibson, Weitering, Hartley, Adams (Brown, Broad)
      MID: Fyfe, Dangerfield, Pendlebury, Ward, Wines, Mills, Oliver, Kerridge (Gresham, Gore, Davis)
      RUC: Martin, Naitanui (Grimley)
      FWD: Dahlhaus, Barlow, Hall, Wells, Kennedy, Milera (Mccarthy, Tipungwati)
      112K to play with.


      DEF: Shaw, Houli, Gibson, Johannisen, Brown, Adams (Ruggles, Hartley)
      MID: Fyfe, Dangerfield, Pendlebury, Ward, Wells, Mills, Oliver, Kerridge (Gresham, Gore, Davis)
      RUC: Martin, Naitanui (Grimley)
      FWD: Dahlhaus, Barlow, S.Gray, Hall, Kennedy, Menadue (Tipungwati, Adams)
      1.6K left.

      Really don't know which I prefer, feel free to pick away at it.
    7. Ratmata
      Keep it up young fella, you might find a spot in my def.

      I'll keep my advice rather general;
      I think Goldy is a must, once he starts smashing out 130's the stampede to trade him in will be strategy destroying for any team.
      Same goes with Fyfe, too good for me.
      I see some love for Degoey, I'm not sure if I can find space for him this year so I'll probably miss the boat.
      Can't pass on T Greene but I think he's a FWD with flexibility, don't like him in the middle.
      I think there is some value in DEF this year, mainly in the form of GC and WC.
      Joel Selwood?!?!?!, he'll be messing my whole team up next week when named I bet.

      My team is as foollows;
      My super cheap backline because I don't like anyone and don't like Shaws price hopefully he comes down a bit (grab him after a 50k drop) , I'm sure Hurn will pound out the 90's with a few larger gams, Johannisen can't be ignored or am I completely wrong on this guy?!
      Guns, guns, guns, so much meat this year and I've left out crouch (*2). We'll all end up with the same midfields again this year.
      Hoping Maxxy can deliver what sooo many are craving.
      Somewhat worried about Dusty and his demons, Hall & Wells are speculative but promising form.
      Why do they cost so much this year? I'm not really sold on too many at this stage, all listed are very speculative and on very thin ice.

    8. walesy
      You stole my forwardline, cept I have lids instead of Dusty.

      Hurn has teased every year. Doubt he'll go backward, but not sure he'll be a top6 defender by years end. Actually, copy paste that for the other 400k defenders.

      Not necessarily a bad thing, if they all improve, but worst case has them all eating up trades as the year goes on.
      • Like Like x 1
    9. Ratmata
      Every year I say I'm grabbing Lids, this year was my year and I've been talked out of it by constant talk of his niggles/injuries.
    10. Tylo
      I'm really tempted. I don't need 20 games, just the first 6/7. He gains 100k, Goldy loses 50k and up we go.
      • Like Like x 1
    11. RPritch
      In my current team I have two mid/fwd's in the middle! Usually I'm thinking 'Gee I probably should get a fwd in there for some flexibility' as I end up having only pure mids because they have so much more value for money than fwds and defs
    12. port_leschenault
      Is the Aaron Hall love based on anything other than his pre-season? He costs too much for me when we don't know how he will go with GAJ and Prestia back in the side.

      Mind you I'm struggling to find an F3 in that $400k-$500k bracket that I like more than I dislike. Swapped out so many players already.
    13. Jason
      Not just pre-season. Check out his scoring in the finish to 2015. Had an average of 114 over the last 7 games of 2015 and his preseaon has continued this rich vein of scoring.
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    14. walesy
      He absolutely dominated their b&f over that period as well.
    15. port_leschenault
      Did he score that with Prestia and GAJ in the side?
    16. walesy
      There is still no prestia who might be eased back in early or Jom or swallow.

      Plenty of holes in that midfield for someone who lead* the comps on meters gained for the last third of the year.

      *maybe not lead, don't have the stats in front of me, but he was right up the pointy end of it
    17. stevep
      You have spent too much on defence and left your mids weak. A player with a career avg in tne 90s at m5 is asking for trouble.
    18. stevep
      Like Wells and Hall picks but think you have overspent in the rucks.
    19. Boulderdash
      Hi Jason (and others), thanks for the thoughts.

      After looking at my team, I am now eating Humble Pie after questioning why other people were picking rookies that are still requiring upgrades or that I think won't be playing. Consequently, a cull has happened - no more Keough, M Cox, M Brown, Petracca,.
      Also downgraded Rosa & Billings to make the extra cash for C Oliver.

      The theory - the cheaper rookies will not have the reliability to generate their cash as quickly as before. The higher priced rookies means you either put all your cash making into fewer eggs (calves?) and have non-players or downgrade a premium or two to pay for more reliable rookies.

      I'm gambling on the points I expect to lose to the premiums I don't have, will be less than the points I expect to gain from the Mid Pricers over the all in rookies + unreliable price gain.

      Who do you trade to if one of your few selected playing rookies goes down?

      (I think I have just worsened into Diversified Delirium! o_O)
    20. Jason
      Some coaches try to keep a bit of cash in reserve for this possible scenario.

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