Round 10 Trades

Discussion in 'AFL' started by crew, May 22, 2011.

  1. weazel

    weazel Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    @Lion24 buddy
  2. Fairybread

    Fairybread New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Well if I didn't have a ruck dilema before I do now.

    My rucks are: Sandi, Mumford (Smith and OKeeffe)

    I was tossing up what to do with Sandilands ala the article that Lucas wrote yesterday.

    Now I have Mumford out which just compounds things.

    I was thinking of doing the downgrade of Sandilands to J.Tippett and then swapping him with Petrie into the ruck.

    I could also just bite the bullet and trade out either Sandilands or Mumford. But which one? How long is Mummy out for?

    I could do nothing and hope that O'Keeffe actually makes the final team and scores a point or two.

  3. weazel

    weazel Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    @Fairybread i'd defintely get more info on mummy's injury before trading either of them out may only be out for a week
  4. way2serious

    way2serious New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    So now with higgins named, what will everyone do with him.

    Personally i had decided earlier in the week to get rid of the bloody tampon (in for one, out for three) due to him being listed with a groin injury and him being named is not going to change my plans but what are everyone else going to do with him, risk it or not?

    Just a stat for anyone keeping him, other than against the 2 queensland teams higgins is yet to score over 87! what do you think now, but yeh he has only played 4 and a bit games (friggin tampon)
  5. Sainterz12

    Sainterz12 Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I am downgrading Krak to Lynch and upgrading Harris to either GAJ or Thompson.

    Who should I go with?
    GAJ has no byes left and obviously has the talent to whip out those crazy scores that made him my permacapt for years. Thompson has byes to come but has been extremely consistent minus the injury riddled week that brought this tantalising price.

    I am edging to GAJ mainly because he will only miss games due to injury/resting and not byes...
  6. Golingo

    Golingo New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    After much thought I've decided to do a double downgrade this week. Higgins drove me to it.

    I've traded Missy out for Jacobs in MID (giving me Smith, Jacobs, Hibberd as cows on the pine in mid)

    .. and I still need to do one trade in FWD to bring in Lynch. I was going to make it Tapscott, but am starting to lean towards McKernan (Avg57 / BE 49) - he's named on the extended I/C for Adelaide this week. So McKernan out for Lynch gives me Lynch, Richardson and Tapscott on the bench as cows..

    If I scrape through the round uninjured, Tapscott can go next week assuming Mzungu looks promising, and an upgrade somewhere else in the team can spend this weeks earnings.

  7. Whyt_ee

    Whyt_ee New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    two downgrades for me then upgrades for the rest of the year.

    Thompson/Toy/swallow/harris for Jacobs (depending on DPP requirements)
    Richardson/Matera/Yarran for Lynch

    Decisions Decisions
  8. JPK

    JPK Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I'm afraid my backline dilemma looks even worse now. Enright and Toy not playing, while McKernan, Buckley and Pedersen have ugly orange lights. Pedersen won't play, as Scott seems to just enjoy teasing him. This leaves me with no cover, and the hope that both McKernan and Buckley do actually play.

    Also holding Goddard, Shaw, Gibbs, Martin and Jacobs down back. Still have the two trades this week, and was hoping to bring in Lynch up front and Suckling down back, but I'm about 30k short of doing it with McK and Matera out.

    Is it worth trading out Martin for an Adcock or similar? I was hoping to hold Martin as a D7/D8. 20 hours to make my mind up...
  9. GeneralHodge

    GeneralHodge New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I'm trading one of Libba and Tappy out and keeping the other at M7 (emergency) for the rest of the year. I have no idea which one goes. Don't care about price, just the better scorer. Anyone got an opinion on this?
  10. JPK

    JPK Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    @GeneralHodge - of those I'd be keeping Libba, has the better average, is more consistent, and has most of his games under the roof.

    I'm presuming that "Tappy" is Luke Tapscott, who, as everyone knows, is injured right now, and is also a forward, so having him at M7 might be a challenge :p

    Still, over most rookies, I'd stick with Libba if you are looking for one to keep.
  11. GeneralHodge

    GeneralHodge New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Woops, I meant Harris, sorry my mistake. Got Tappy on the brain as I am trading him this week.
  12. JPK

    JPK Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Well, Libba v's Harris is a slightly different kettle of fish...

    Libba still has a bye to come, although the GC rotation policy may mean Harris has another week off. They average pretty-much exactly the same, but Harris's 3rnd avg is higher.

    Libba appears more consistent at 70-80ppg with a couple of bigger games, while Harris has been rather al over the shop, as low as 58.

    Personally, I dropped Libba a few weeks back and have kept Harris, as I can see GC being more consistent and better as the year goes on, and probably more successful. I think this'll move Harris up in stature, and help him increase his ppg. The Doggies look to be a team on the slide, which will probably mean more experimentation. This could be great for Libba, giving him heaps of opportunity, it could also mean the general structure goes out the window and he goes missing for a few weeks.

    As M7 players I think you can't go wrong with either, just go for team balance. I put my money on Harris over Libba, but thats hardly a glowing endorsement!
  13. GeneralHodge

    GeneralHodge New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Thanks JPK. It seems every time I go to press the trade button on one of them I look at the other and move the mouse away lol.
  14. mjcdons

    mjcdons New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Tough week. Need some advice on which direction to go. I've got:

    DEF - Deledio, Fisher, Shaw, Gibbs, Duigan, Lower, Puopolo (Hurley, L Thompson, Jacobs)

    MID - Swan, Pavlich, Sellwood, Goddard, Cotchin, Harris (Heppell, Curnow, D Swallow)

    RUCK - Petrie, Z. Smith, (Sandi, Fraser)

    FW - Franklin, Goodes, J Roo, N Roo, Higgins, Krakouer, I.Smith (Tapscott, McKernan, Richardson)

    16 trades and $50K

    Possible Downgrades:
    Tapscott > Lynch
    Tapscott > Mzungu
    Swallow > Mzungu (opens up second M/F MPP)

    Possible Upgrades:
    Higgins > Fyfe
    Curnow > S. Thompson
    Swallow > S Thompson (keep curnow)

    Will do a ruck upgrade next most likely.

    Hate to trade Higgins, but.......

    Preferences/suggestions anyone?

  15. JPK

    JPK Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    @mjcdons - firstly I'd be putting Smith on the pine, most probably swapping for Pavlich, then moving Swallow in for Smith.

    As for your trades, my thoughts would be Tappy to Lynch (I think if you spread your players amongst the teams its not highly necessary to have multiple mpp's, but others will disagree), and Curnow / Swallow to Thompson, probably Curnow.

    I'd then put Higgins on the pine for Lynch, and bring in Thompson for Cotchin.
  16. TheOnion

    TheOnion Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I love lil Gaz; seeya cashcow Swallow. Also Tappy for Lynch as he will get more games than I Smith
  17. BlueBoysRule

    BlueBoysRule New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I can't afford Gazz this week but will get him next week. What about bringing in Hodge this week? Is this a good idea?
  18. Muttley

    Muttley New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Tough trade week, imo, this one.

    I just did, McKernan > Mzungu
    Tapscott > Goodes

    $200 left in bank after that, but I'm content with those trades. Decided to carry Sandilands and Watson thro the injuries. Get well soon !.

    All about having 22 green lights this week, season wear and tear is starting to bite isnt it ?.

    I've also decided to use the MPP in future weeks and maybe put one of Gibbs/Lids/Goddard up into my midfield to save a trade (all left down back so far), which will save me using a trade to bring in another premium in the middle, takes a bit of pressure off me also. Anybody else considering that approach ?.

    Down back is a different story, still got Lower (almost triggered him last week) and Duigan, can't see a trade thats worth doing just yet, and with both having very low BE's this week, they live on !. My defence needs a bit of surgery, Gilbee out this week hurts !.
  19. Nick

    Nick Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    @ BBB

    It is a good trade. One I will perform shortly.

    Boyd in next week for a finished midfield and fwd line.
  20. gogonz

    gogonz New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Think i'm stuck with a dble downgrade. Just don't want to miss Lynch or Jacobs.

    tappy >>> lynch

    have matera but he has a BE of 50 and probably should get it so next upgrade in the fwd line.

    Toy >>> Jacobs

    Eying malceski for upgrade next week.

    Holding out on mzungu until next week and hoping callinan makes it back. Not seeing a whole lot of other options. Perhaps johnstone from Sydney who is debuting this week.

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