Round 11, 12 and 13 byes

Discussion in 'AFL' started by SuperCoachSuperStar, Dec 23, 2011.

  1. SuperCoachSuperStar

    SuperCoachSuperStar New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    You want really be munching donuts in the ruck position. The best possible scenario is that you will have eight players missing in each of the bye rounds but you will have to have somewhere to put them. As you wrote above 2,1,1 you will have three playing rucks in rounds 12 and 13 so you will only have six bench spots to put seven players, assuming you don't have any clever ruck DPP links.
  2. Not that line PL, but every playing emergency you have means that you have one more player having a bye in the other two bye rounds, and therefore creating a donut
  3. port_leschenault

    port_leschenault Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Ah, ok, thanks for the explanation
  4. Clutties

    Clutties New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Ooh....the bye rounds! Interesting stuff indeed! Didn't give it any thought at all when picking my team. Just picked my team- & then had a look at how it was affected by the bye rounds- accross the lines, and how many premiums will be AWOL each round. I come through relatively unscathed. Have changed my team 3 times, (switching around 6 or 7 players), & it's still always the same.

    Round 12 always seems to be ok for me! Round 11 is manageable with a couple of trades, but round 13 is the one where I seem to be screwed all round.

    But really, there's not much point over-planning for these 3 rounds. More than likely we will cop 1 or 2 LTI's and a suspension leading up to, or during these rounds. Also those cash cows might just 'go missing'- Cam Richardson Style, (for no apparent reason), and force us to hang on to them a little longer than we wanted to. So, regarding the whole schmozzle, I'm thinking "Cross that bridge when you come to it".
  5. bfish

    bfish New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    It is a point that has been raised a few times by other posters, but there is no real way to plan with any confidence for the bye rounds. You can go into the season with ideas, but these can change so quickly with injuries and selections. By the byes we will be starting to look at downgrading maxed out rookies as well.
    Picking a side to get through the byes without zeros may leave you short 10-15 points a week for the first part of the season eg. leaving out Pendles for the first 10 rounds when he may average 125 to put in a player with a different bye round (maybe Swallow for 115 average). This should also be looked at when calculating the actual damage that a 0 may cause.
    As always with this great game luck will play a major part in any success, but we can certainly attempt to put ourselves in a position to have some sort of control.
  6. stephen247

    stephen247 Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I'm totally with you bfish. Too many variables between Rd 1 and Rd 11. I'd prefer concentrate on getting a good start and then focus on the bye rounds from about say rd 5 onward.

    But in saying that I have been developing a spreadsheet that will identify your players and which round their byes are in. Good for a visual guide if nothing else. Happy to share if anyone wants to have a look.
  7. Thunda

    Thunda New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    <blockquote>Quote from stephen247 on February 7, 2012, 18:12
    I'm totally with you bfish. Too many variables between Rd 1 and Rd 11. I'd prefer concentrate on getting a good start and then focus on the bye rounds from about say rd 5 onward.

    But in saying that I have been developing a spreadsheet that will identify your players and which round their byes are in. Good for a visual guide if nothing else. Happy to share if anyone wants to have a look.</blockquote>

    I'm in the same camp, pick best team. Still try and limit the damage from any donuts in starting line up.

    Yeh, wouldn't mind a look at the spreadsheet Stephen.
  8. stephen247

    stephen247 Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Hi Thunda, I'll put up a link tonight - it's sitting on the home PC. I adapted the spreadsheet from an NRL Supercoach site - spent a few hours putting in all the AFL players and changing the formulas, etc.

    Then last night while researching players I came across another SC site and they had something very similar - but a lot prettier/neater but full of promotion for themselves. I hope that it's OK to link to it - if not I'll remove the link as soon as I'm told. Here's the link to that one
  9. Knucklebusters

    Knucklebusters New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    My original team i made up i had 10 out in each bye (planned) but the team looked quite ordinary so i changed it several times (12 lol) and it was just too hard to get it so close for each bye eg: 11 9 10 etc so i just put the team in that i wanted and ended up with 12 10 8 and ill just keep an eye on it from rnd 6-7 and plan for the bye from then.
  10. stephen247

    stephen247 Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Hi Thunda - as promised, here is a link to the spreadsheet. ( After looking at the other sheet I found I thought I had better try and differentiate mine a bit - so it now includes a full list of players from each team with stats like height, weight, age, games and goals 2011/career, etc. All pinched, err I mean sourced, from club websites. I can't guarantee all data to be 100&#37; accurate but I think it's fairly close. Hopefully it can be a tool for revising players as well as bye planning.

    I have left it with my team in there and if you wish feel free to laugh/critique as well.

    Let me know what you think... and that goes for anyone else who downloads it.

    Cheers, S.
  11. Knucklebusters

    Knucklebusters New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Wow downloaded it Stephen and its awesome i have also seen higgo's but i rate this alot higher well done mate looks like you put heaps of work into this.
  12. stephen247

    stephen247 Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Appreciate the feedback Knuckles. But as I said - borrowed the concept and data. I plan to make it a bit easier and more intuitive to pick your team... but that will be for next year.

    Hope you can put it to good use in picking your team and then working out for the bye rounds.
  13. whips

    whips New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Just wanted to chat offline about your brilliant spreadsheet. Have sent a friend request.
  14. Knucklebusters

    Knucklebusters New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    @ Stephen if i could recommend 1 thing to be able to do on these spreadsheets i also said this to Higgo but im not sure if its possible as i have no idea about spreadsheet's is to be able to type the first couple of letters in the space for the players name and it comes up with a selection or obviously if you type the full name in it comes up with that person. I suppose its a bit like supercoach when you are selecting a player.
  15. Xenomorph

    Xenomorph Moderator

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Nice spreadsheet @stephen. Top stuff.
  16. Len

    Len Cockburn Knightrider Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Awesome work, ta!
  17. bigshow

    bigshow Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Hey stephen, would love a look at the spreadsheet if possible mate. Ive sent you a friend request. Ta
  18. drafter

    drafter New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I agree with earlier posts as well, planning for the best team and worry about the bye when it gets closer. With that said it seems that dpp and a balanced side could make the difference this year... Stephen I would love to check the spreadsheet out as well, cheers
  19. stephen247

    stephen247 Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Hi guys, I am just going thru checking the spreadsheet as I have been alerted to a couple of anomalies (that will teach me from just doing a cut and paste...) When its ready I will edit the link on the my last post on page three of the thread and also re-email to those who have PMed.

    Back to the tedious task of checking every name... :eek:(...
  20. stephen247

    stephen247 Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    OK everyone - version 2.1 out!!! This time I have gone thru and checked every player. There shouldn't be any errors - but please tell me if there is. I have updated the link in my original post- but here it is again anyway ( Hope it helps everyone...

    Cheers, S.

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