Round 13 Review & Discussions

Discussion in 'Blog' started by stripey, Jun 16, 2019.

By stripey on Jun 16, 2019 at 11:05 PM
  1. stripey

    stripey Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    so week 2 (the round of death) of the byes is done and dusted...

    How did you go... did you have 12 on the field, did your rookies stink it up, at what point did your best laid plans come unstuck...
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Discussion in 'Blog' started by stripey, Jun 16, 2019.

    1. stripey
      Dunno but it seems you need some guys actually playing on your bench.. Gibbons obviously has more cash to realise and has the bye but at least he’s playing
    2. IPOD
      So was that trade Parker or Gibbons....? Parker also playing as well as gibbons
    3. stripey
      Sorry I thought Parker had been dropped.. trade Gibbons then I guess
      • Like Like x 1
    4. IPOD
      Think I’m going to trade Gibbons and Walsh to Dunkley and Walters (moving TKelly into the mids from fwds via dpp Walters to fwd line).
      TU - Good idea
      TD - shelf one of the two boys and get a bont or Treloar type mid
      • Dislike Dislike x 1
    5. IPOD
      went Fyfe vc who to capt?
      Option 1- Kelly
      Option 2 - Danger
      Option 3 - boak
      Option 4 - macrae
      • Option 4 Option 4 x 2
      • Option 1 Option 1 x 1

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