Round 4 Review Thread

Discussion in 'Blog' started by TheTassieHawk, Jun 28, 2020.

By TheTassieHawk on Jun 28, 2020 at 7:22 PM
  1. TheTassieHawk

    TheTassieHawk SC fanatic Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    There are several big player scores around the traps and some injuries for the like of Naismith, Howe and Fyfe.

    How is your team going after 4 rounds and how many trades do you have left for the final 13 rounds of season 2020 ?
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Discussion in 'Blog' started by TheTassieHawk, Jun 28, 2020.

    1. Waldo666
      Yeah, the selection table looks to be dictating my moves, Brander to Hill for me now, I reckon.
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    2. stripey
      I haven't seen anything re Brander - it seemed to surprise everyone tbh. That said, I wasn't expecting him to hold his spot. Most possessions resulted in turnovers from what I saw.
    3. choppers
      From eagles website.....
      Waterman has been brought in to the replace the injured Jarrod Brander (hip)
    4. stripey
      yes, but the injury only went up on the Eagles website as the teams were announced.. until then he wasn't even injured as far as anyone knew so who knows if its bad or not... a hip could be a collision injury so not long term?
    5. TheTassieHawk

      In a summary
      • Round 6 - 3 in NSW and 6 in QLD (no QLD teams)
      • Round 7 (only 3 Saturday games) - 3 in QLD (no QLD teams), 3 in NSW, 2 in WA, 1 in SA (Adel vs St Kilda on a Monday)
      Sydney and GWS play in QLD in Round 6 and in NSW in Round 7
      Gold Coast and Brisbane are both away in NSW both weeks
      Port Adelaide stay on the Gold Coast another 2 weeks and Adelaide/Freo/WCE stay in Round 6 then fly back to Adelaide/Perth for Round 7

      Of the Vics
      • Ess, NM, WB, Rich, Carl are all hubbing at Gold Coast
      • Hawthorn and Melb are hubbing in Sydney
      • Geel and Coll play in NSW then WA while St Kilda play in Qld then SA
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    6. ike2112
      I went for Hill and Ridley for Howe and Fyfe. Gives me 886,700 to do almost anything with next week (watch now for 2 premo injuries...).

      In the end I didn't feel hugely confident in any Mid's potential scoring this week - even Neale could be curbed and he seems likely to drop a bit. Simpkin seemed the obvious alternative but I calculated Ridley was likely to rise 20k more than Simpkin.
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    7. ike2112
      Matt Rowell and Bailey Smith... ‍‍:eek:
      Not even double figures combined.
      Last edited: Jul 5, 2020

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