Round 4 underway

Discussion in 'Blog' started by walesy, Apr 24, 2015.

By walesy on Apr 24, 2015 at 10:00 AM
  1. walesy

    walesy Administrator Staff Member

    Nov 30, 2015
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    Fire up the bugles, cause round 4 is here!!


Discussion in 'Blog' started by walesy, Apr 24, 2015.

    1. anthak
      actually, I misread yyour post. I wasnt exactly the same. I was dropping Krakouer for Lonie's score. Krak ended up scoring 82, so 2 less than Lonie. I suppose thats worth it haha, unless Bonts doesnt play and I cop a donut.
    2. anthak
      Im on 1430/14 - Fyfe played as cap.

      seems about par looking around my leagues

      theres been some really high scores this round. Cripps obviously.
      but theres been a heap of low scores too, and they've been hard to avoid them all.

    3. anthak
      I wish I had have swappedd Clark offfield instead of Krakouer, so that I couldve done this if Bont misses.
    4. JPK
      Really Heeney, really???
      I started Cripps on the bench, and after he scores his 172 I was scrambling to find a way to bring him on. Alas, all my mids are playing this week (imagine the chances of that!)
      I could have handled an 80 from Heeney, knowing that he did what I expected of him, even though it would have meant 92 points wasting away on the bench. but 7? SEVEN??? Seriously? 165 points wasting away on the bench you bastard!
    5. DannyG
      Cripps's bubble has well and truly gone pop!!!
    6. BJWNFI
      I take it that this would be a bad time to boast about swapping out Heeney for Cripps about 30mins before the Carlton game? :-0
    7. Senator96
      Same hotpies doesn't seem to matter what I do I have the wrong ones on the field and on the bench in a given week. Damn sub vests killing the scores and money making of our cows! Oxley, Saad and and Heeney to name but a few.

      I was really doubtful about putting heeney on the field this week playing dockers in perth especially after his injury last week when he ran in to the post, but still expected more than 7! Still he had saad covered by a couple of points
    8. Iain
      Yeah surely this has to be a record for most points missed from bench selection between two playing players.

      Glad I didn't trade him out, but gee those 165 points would have been handy
    9. mad dog
      mad dog
      Anthak I think your score would be above par right now with some of the carnage happening personally I'm on 1622/16 captain played, got Nic Nat, goldy, swallow, yolem, laird and walker to come hope I crack 2200!
      Also I'm not sure why people had Cripps on the Pine and not emerg, Cripps vs a saints midfield that leaks a lot of points( and no Judd!)or Heeney who ran into a goal post got subbed and then comes up against one of the best teams in the Comp! When making a desicion on what rookie to play I believe a key factor is what opposition they are playing.
    10. TheTassieHawk
      Final teams #AFLCatsNorth - No changes.

      Subs: Steve Johnson (@GeelongCats) and Trent Dumont (@NMFCOfficial)

    11. warsaken
    12. PHIL
      It was the contest he got the ball in and how clean and effective his handballs were. For me he was BOG. I chatted to him after the Essendon game and he said he ranked 51 a few years ago in Super Coach. He was laughing about being a ripper cash cow. I told him he'd scored 89 and he joked 'you'd take that every day.'
    13. PHIL
      Everything you said. SAME Same Same.
    14. PHIL
      That calls goint to hurt TTH

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